A Parellel Universe of Humiliation

Chapter 1 - The society

In a Universe that is not our own, on a planet we do not call home, their was a place called The Society. This was a Metropolitan paradise exactly like ours, just with one difference. Fat people. Instead of racism and sexism, fatphobia existed. Everyday humiliation ensued for the obese. Once you hit 250 you were considered fat and required to wear not only a bra but a diaper. No other clothes were permitted on the obese. Once the 400 pound mark was reached you were sent off to the farm where you would never return. This story follows twins Luke and Jessica who were both around 300 pounds and their journey to the farm. Also men in this society start to lose their masculinity as they put on the pounds. By the time they are 250 pounds the only part of them that resembles a man is their face. Their genitals have reduced so much that you can’t even see them. The balls hang very tight and the penis is measured in negatives. Their asses and breasts group immensely. Females on the other hand begin to lose their femininity. The begin to smell terrible and pass gas through the ass and mouth. However they still retain the big ass and boobs. This is how the human anatomy works. There are more rules as well. All fatties (which is their legal name) must have eat all food given to them. If not finished it is punishable by death. Any person on the street has consent to sexual assault them in anyway. Murder is the only thing off limits. If they decided to tell you to get on their knees and become their animal for life, you must do as they say and if not murder is allowed. When your diaper needs to be changed you have to find a changing station, one on every block, and wait for someone to change you. If you change the diaper, do not wear the diaper, or hide the diaper you can be killed. Same goes for the bra. Speaking of tits all people in the society have breast milk. Though it is illegal to milk and healthy male or female and all breast milk used for babies is free and come from the farm. You can also be milked at will by the citizens. Any restaurant or establishment can tell you to do whatever they want and you must listen. The day you become fat is the day your life is over.
2 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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Aquarius64 4 years
Interesting, but too short
Tikon 4 years