Asm(urrp): a Youtuber Weight Gain Story

  By Zedgreene

Chapter 1 - asm(urrp): a youtuber weight gain story

“Hi there, everyone. It’s your favorite channel, ASMR Sweetie,” the adorable brunette onscreen whispers into her microphone. Her tone is calming, never breaking from the lilting, dreamy dulcets she’s so clearly perfected. It’s no wonder she has such an audience on here. “Today I’ll be trying some of everyone’s favorite comfort foods and keeping you company as you drift off to sleep. My lovely subscribers and patrons will be letting me know what I should be eating. I’ve never done a video like this before, but you wonderful people suggested it and I think it sounds like a lot of fun! Now let’s see what’s first up on the list…” She nimbly searches through a crinkly shopping bag sitting on the table next to her chair, pulling out two boxes of instant macaroni and cheese. “Oh, wow, I haven’t had this in years. I used to eat this all the time after school as a kid.” She smiles sweetly and taps her lengthy fingernails on the boxes, the soothing sounds registering loudly and crisply in the mic. Suddenly she seems apprehensive, looking at the amount of unprepared food awaiting her. “I… I might have overestimated my appetite by getting two of these. Do you guys think I should just save one for later?" The live chat explodes with comments encouraging her that she’s got this. Her hazel eyes scan the dozens of rolling messages and she, slightly surprised, nods in understanding. “Okay then, it seems like you guys are pretty convinced that I can do it, and I guess it would help the video be long enough for everyone to relax to.”
She keeps the livestream going as the camera moves to her kitchen, cute pots and pans stacked neatly next to the stovetop. Water comes to a boil and she pours the uncooked noodles in, making a palpable tinkling sound as they fall into the pot. After several minutes, she crinkles the cheese packet into the mic and mixes it into the pot, along with a fairly sizable amount of butter from her fridge. With dinner done, she returns to her table. “Okay guys, guess it’s time to enjoy this mountain of mac ‘n’ cheese. I hate wasting food, so I’m gonna do my best to finish all of it.” She takes her first bite, and a visible wash of happiness comes over her. “Omf, it’f juft af good af I remembuh,” she says elated, mouth quite full. With little hesitation she goes back for more, proceeding to slowly chip away at the daunting dinner. About halfway through, she starts to slow down, resting a dainty hand on her stomach. “I don’t know, guys, I’m not sure if I can eat the rest of this… I hope it’s okay if I end the stream here for the night,” she whispers with a noticeably defeated sound to her soothing voice. The live chat once again comes alive, cheering her on and telling her that she can keep going. The enthusiasm seems to give her a second wind and she goes back in.
By the time she’s eaten the last spoonful, the cute pink top she’s wearing no longer completely covers her macaroni-laden belly, the underside of it spilling out from it noticeably. She places the same dainty hand on her now exposed gut, letting out a contented but strained sigh of relief. “Okay, everyone, I *hicc* think that’s about all I can do for tonight. This was a pretty different video for me, so I’d be so happy if you let me know what you thought of -- *AARrp.*" She quickly covers her mouth and looks at the camera, shocked by the belch that just rocketed out of her throat. “Excuse me! I guess my stomach isn’t quite used to this. Um, well, anyway… I hope you all have a good night, and thank you all so much for the video suggestion. I - I think I want to try this again on my stream later this week. I hope you’ll all watch and enjoy it. Until then, this is ASMR Sweetie saying so long and sl-*HIC* sleep tight.”
Five nights later, as promised, her livestream is back online, and it’s immediately quite clear that she’s been eating well in the meantime. Her (presumably) empty stomach now sticks out more than earlier in the week, and it even growls hungrily as she addresses her audience. “Hi there, everyone. It’s your favorite channel, ASMR Sweetie,” she coos into everyone’s ears. “You guys seemed to really enjoy my stream from the other night, so this time I’ll be eating for y’all again. Now according to my patrons… hmm… ohh yum, you guys wanted me to get something from my favorite pizza place tonight." She starts her order on her phone, narrating everything that catches her eye to the eager audience as she practically drools over the options. She decides on an extra large stuffed crust with extra pepperoni and cheese. Garlic knots? "Might as well," she muses out loud to the screen.
She keeps her adoring fans company for the next twenty minutes as everyone involved eagerly awaits her delivery. At long last, there's a knock at the door. Her face lights up as she rushes to meet the delivery person. When she returns, pie and sides in tow, it seems to be difficult for her to run through her typical ASMR routine with such tasty temptation in her lap. Nevertheless, she lulls her fans with her patented brand of relaxing sounds, tapping her nails on the pizza box and the container brimming with garlicky goodness. After daintily opening the pizza box, what follows is... far less dainty. The slices disappear into her gullet one after another, the only sounds other than her chewing being those of pure delight. "Sho hungry," she mutters with a mouth stuffed full of cheese-covered bliss. The hostess reaches back for one more slice, simultaneously realizing that she has conquered the entire pie and letting out a belch that yet again catches her off guard. She quietly excuses herself, her soothing demeanor suddenly returning as if it never left. Without missing a beat, she reaches down and undoes the constricting button on her jeans, her bloated belly spilling out in front of her on full display. A sound of great relief escapes her lips, which is more than can be said for the remaining garlic knots not long thereafter. After the side order is finished, her freed gut becomes even more prominent. "Okay guys, I h*uUUuurp* - oh god, I hope you've enjoyed this as much as I have. I'm logging off for the evening, but this is ASMR Sweetie saying so long and… so hungry…"
Two months later, an astoundingly portlier brunette lurches herself and her bulging stomach into frame, once again greeting her livestream audience who are eager for a show. "Hi guys, it's your favorite channel, ASMR Foodie, here again with another night of food and fun for all of my wonderful watchers." A hand now sits comfortably perched on her distended gut, growling hungrily and awaiting the night's gluttony. As the months went on, her fanbase grew and grew, as did her stomach and her ravenous appetite.
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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