The baker's master

chapter 1

There he was in his parlor. As he sat in his what would normally be an over-sized chair, he was smoking a cigar, having a strong glass of bourbon, and reading the paper. The fireplace crackling every now and then with his window open just a tad to let the cool fresh air come in on the foggy October night. He was a large man. At least 6-foot-tall with broad shoulders and well over 350 pounds, he really didn’t know his weight he might have even been close to 400, but he didn’t care to know. He was a man of sophistication, highly educated and came from a well renowned family with old money. He was an extremely charming man nearing 30, with thick dark hair and blue eyes. He kept his facial hair neatly trimmed, but no amount of facial hair could hide his rounded cheeks or his dimples when he smiled.
He was feeling particularly hungry this time of night, which wasn’t necessarily peculiar for him. He was a lonely man, never married. Even though he had his eyes on a few of the ladies around town, but they didn’t reciprocate his affections. He summed it up to his portliness and had accepted it. He was so wealthy that he could afford his own chauffeur, caretaker, baker, butler, and two housemaids. So, while he was never alone in his home, he was alone emotionally. So, here he was, another late night alone. His stomach gave a growl and here was another night he would spend summoning his baker for a late-night treat. His staff was used to his late nights, and more particularly his late night what he called “treats” but in reality they were actually feasts.
His decided to give his bell a ring. A moment later his maid came into his parlor. “Yes master?” his maid asked ever so sweetly. He always thought to himself she was always so timid, maybe he frightened her?
“Please arrange my night clothes and kindly ask the baker to make me something, I’m feeling particularly ravenous tonight.”
“Yes master, do you require anything else?” She said while standing in the doorway, she looked rather frail this evening. Maybe the cool weather is affecting her?
“No, thank you, but maybe you should also get something to eat. You’re looking rather willowy this evening and I can’t have you looking like I starve you.” He said with a wink and that charming smile he always gave.
“Yes master, of course. Good night sir.” The maid left his parlor and walked down the corridor that led into his bedchambers. She laid out his large and extremely luxurious night clothes on his oversized bed. Looking around she tidied up what little needed done and admired the grandiose room. It was much more elegant than most people’s homes and it was just one room! After she finished her nightly chores she walked further down the corridor and into the hallway that led to the servant’s staircase.
Meanwhile in the kitchen, his baker was already preparing his feast. She knew he would be sending the maid in any minute. After all, it was half past ten already. Even though he had his evening meal merely a few hours ago, which would have been enough to feed her and the two housemaids for the entire day, he would be hungry again. She heard the kitchen door open. She didn’t even have to turn around to know it was one of his maids.
“Mast...” the maid started to say.
“I know, I will have his meal ready soon, I promise.” But the baker’s voice wasn’t annoyed, she sounded more curious and not wanting to disappoint. When she turned around to see the maid, she handed her a bowl of leftover roast and vegetables.
“You my dear must have this. Winter months are coming.” She said with a smile.
“You’re no bigger than I, but master never says anything about you. Why?”
“That is because master practically never sees me. I am in here most of the time, I’m sure he would say something if he saw me as often as he sees you.”
“He’s getting quite large you know.” The maid said as she took small bites of her meal.
“Oh?” said the baker, her voice betraying her, sounding more interested than she should have.
“I don’t understand how he can let himself get that way. He would be so much more handsome if he took care of himself more.”
“Dear, he comes from old money. That is how they all are.” The baker said as she carefully iced the pumpkin cake. “Now lovey why don’t you finish up and get some rest. I will take him his meal since it has been so long since I have seen him. Maybe he will compliment my dish?”
“If I didn’t know any better I would say you fancy him!” the maid said with a laugh.
“Hush girl that’s how rumors get started!” the baker said with a smile.
Meanwhile back in the parlor, he finished his final glass of bourbon and headed up the stairs to change into his comfortable bed clothes and velvet robe. Hmmm these are more snug than I remember. I must have the tailor adjust these he thought to himself. He headed back down to his parlor and saw his evening feast had been laid out for him. There was bread, stew, potatoes smothered in gravy, and even a cake! It smelled heavenly. He saw a woman in his parlor, one he almost didn’t recognize at first. She was tall and slender with short red curly hair and green eyes, which he could have sworn they pierced through to his soul striking something he wasn’t quite sure what, yet. He stammered for a moment.
“Here is your... evening meal master. I hope you find it to your satisfaction.” She stumbled over her words. She wasn’t prepared to see him at his size. She knew she had been asked to prepare larger portions and more often, but she didn’t realize the effect on his waistline! He flashed her that smile. Oh that smile she remembered, it is why she applied for the position in the first place.
“I see you have outdone yourself again.” He said as he took a seat at the table. “Ask her to sit with you!” His brain screamed at him. “I can’t she is my servant there are rules!” “Damn the rules! Look at her, she is absolutely stunning, far more gorgeous than any other servant.” His thoughts went back and forth for what felt like eternity but it was really only a matter of seconds. It didn’t help that she was looking at him smiling, her lips perfectly curled in the corners. She looked different to him. What was it?
“Well I only try my best for you master. I want to leave a good impression.”
“Oh, you most certainly have left an impression.” He said as he gently patted his overflowing mid-section. She swore she could see it jiggle to the touch as it rested on his extremely thick thighs.
“Well I am glad you enjoy my meals. I know I certainly enjoy making them for you sir.” He always felt so awkward when his servants called him master, or sir. He actually hated it, but those were the societal rules...
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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VintageRose1920 3 years
Thank you!
BeSoft 3 years
A story for my taste finally. That was the best by far for a long time! Hope you'll continue writing. Thanks!
Stevita 3 years
Love it! Very sweet and hot!
Built4com4t 3 years
Well done, most excellent. Very very arousing