The dame's gangster

chapter 1

It was a chilly October night when a knock on her door around 9 p.m. caught her by surprise. She was lost in the flames flickering her ornate fireplace. She hadn’t expected the job to be done this soon. She looked out her large bay window and saw the 1932 Cadillac slip away into the foggy night. She knew it was him who sent one of his men to leave a bottle of blood red wine on her doorstep. She knew what it meant. Another low life was off the streets. Another notch to be carved in her mantle. “Money well spent” she thought to herself as she picked up the bottle and carried it inside.
“Is everything alright madame?” the younger lady asks peaking her head around the doorway.
“Yes dear, everything is fine. Now go on and make sure you treat the gentlemen well tonight – but if you have any issues don’t be afraid to let me know.”
“Yes ma’am. I will.” The young lady replies. She looks at the girl and gives her a smile and a wink as she slides the French doors closed behind her.
She can hear the laughter and the fast jazz is playing in the background and sees the cigar smoke starting to fill the air. Tonight will be busy. And she knows exactly who will be attending later. Her hire.
She was a small framed and thin woman with short curly bobbed hair that was jet black. She wore her signature painted red lips and dark eyes. But she was the wealthiest woman in the area. She owned a brothel in a large Victorian style home. She worked extremely hard to keep her business running and to make sure she was not a force to be reckoned with. She hired the best gals for her business and even some men who were in a particular demand as well. She served the best liquor in her underground parlor, even if it was bootlegged. Live fast jazz bands had to wait in line to play at her place of business. And the feds were always trying to catch her for something, even though a few of them were regular patrons themselves.
“I guess I better get out there and check on my establishment.” She thought to herself as she was touching up her makeup and making sure her garters were just visible enough. Sliding open the French doors and walking into the room everyone turned to look at her. She smiled at everyone and told them to “get a move on havin’ some fun!” She turned and that’s when she saw him. He must have made it here before her delivery of wine was made. Why didn’t someone tell her he was here? He was a large hefty framed man, and tall! He was at least 6’3” in her estimation. Completely towered over her 5’4” small body. She always swallowed hard before she smiled at him, eyeing him up and down in his 3-piece suit and Italian leather shoes. The man was intimidating to say the least. But not in a scary way, even though he most certainly should have been. He was her hired hit man after all, or at least he was in the business. He was intimidating because he was the only man who could make her feel the way she felt every time she saw him.
“Say mister, I was wonderin’ when you’d show up” she said looking down at him smiling while he was sitting in what would normally be an oversized chair. She couldn’t help but notice how thick his arms and legs were in his clothes. Had he put on more weight?
“I was thinking the same thing about you Madame.” He stated as he removed his hat and she could see his thick dark hair was finely styled.
“Would you like somethin’ to eat honey? I know we have some things to discuss so let’s discuss over dinner, hmmm?” She looked at him smiling and giving her best doll eyes as he stood up.
“Miss, you know I can’t resist your fine meals, even though I probably should.” He patted his round stomach and gave her a wink.
“Nonsense mister, you look absolutely delightful.” She was desperately trying to keep herself together but the more they “worked” together the more her infatuation grew for him and it was getting harder to hide it.
“It is I who should be paying the compliments doll. You look gorgeous. In all my years I have never had a business partner so easy on the eyes.” He said looking down at her and she swore she could see a slight hue of pink on those rounded, smiling cheeks.
“Hey porcelain! I’ll be in the study with Mr. Edwards. Having dinner, absolutely no interruptions, got it?” She said to one of her workers.
“Sure thing Madame Ruby. I understand.”
She held her thin arm out and he wrapped his thick forearm through and they walked together into her study elbows locked. She looked up at him and smiled. “Now honey, lets get you some proper dinner and a drink.” My goodness he is a hunk of man she thought to herself, I need to get this under control before I scare him away.
**************************************** ********
A little while later, after dinner was ready she saw him sitting at her table clearly enjoying her bootlegged bourbon and waiting patiently. She loaded his plate with all the fixin’s. She even brought out a large chocolate cake – with the help of her kitchen staff of course. His eyes widened at the sight of the meal she brought and smiled so gratefully. You would have thought he hadn’t eaten anything the entire day. “Enjoy dinner mister. It’s one of my specialties.” She turned to walk to her seat and he gently grabbed her small hand in his large one, being careful not to squeeze too hard. “Miss Ruby, I... I, well... I don’t quite know how to say this, but I have grown fond of you and I never thought I would want to be with a woman with the kind of work I do...” She looked down at him his round cheeks visibly blushing and a look in his eye that made her think he did have a soft side after all. “Mr. Edwards... I was wondering when you were going to tell me. Now sugar, how about you eat up before your dinner gets cold and then I can show you how I feel about you.” She said with a wink and a little peck on his cheek. He smiled and slightly shook his head like he couldn’t believe his ears. Here was this gorgeous creature of the night, who could see him and his body and didn’t judge him for it? In fact, she seemed to like his size? Why did she bring an entire cake for him to enjoy after such a large meal? Did she say “show him how she felt?” He took his first bite and it was heavenly, just like all the other meals she had made for him. He would need new clothes soon if he ate like this on a regular basis. Which it was becoming more regular...
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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VintageRose1920 3 years
Thank you!
Built4com4t 3 years
another good one! Ladies turned on by fat men ALWAYS makes for a arousing read.