The Feasting Room

  By Fal607  

Chapter 1 - The feasting room

I woke up in some kind of room devoid of anything, except for me, a bathroom without a shower but a toilet with a bidet, and a table full of food and drink, with six chairs around it, i had no idea what i was doing there or who put me in there, i screamed for help, terrified of what would happen to me, but no one answered to my pleas for help, I started screaming louder for help and trying frantically to find an exit, only to find out that there wasn't one that i could find.

After a few hours i woke up, still in the position i fell asleep in, my stomach growled, begging for food, how much time had passed since i last ate?, but i was doubtful, what if the food was poisoned?, what if my captor wanted me to eat it to watch me suffer in agony?, so i hesitated. i tried thinking about other things for a while, but my senses were always pulled back by the fresh smell of food in the table, before long i was ravenous, the smell was only making me even hungrier, so i approached the food in the table, and expecting the worst,
I took a bite of a hamburger in front of me, the taste was divine, a few bites more and i was hooked, i kept eating until i was really full and then a bit more after that, when i finally could stop, the food was gone, i leaned back in my chair and started rubbing my stuffed midsection, it was packed with the delicious meal i just had, eventually, i dozed off in that chair, dreaming of the delicious meal I just had...

I woke up in the same chair, and to my surprise, the table was full of food again!, i was shocked, and started to search for a secret entrance in the floor, but i couldn't find any, so i searched in the ceiling using a chair, but i got the same result, disheartened, i was about to get down from the chair when i looked down, and saw that i had a potbelly protuding from my shirt!, i touched it to see if it was real, and i felt my new soft paunch in my hand, i was surprised... how could i have gained so much weight in so little time?, i knew i had eaten a lot, but i also knew that a person couldn't gain that much weight from a single meal!, and then i realized that i was hungry again, i knew by then that the food was spiked with something, something that made me hungry even after the meal i had just a few hours ago, or was it a few hours ago?, maybe the food had something in it after all... i had to ignore the food and keep looking for a way out, but the smell was so tempting!, i couldn't resist for long, before i knew it i was sitting at the table, fighting the urge to eat the food, but i just couldn't resist anymore, and i started to binge again, before long i was stuffed to the gills again, moaning over the tightness of my stuffed belly, rubbing it made it feel better, so i rubbed it until i dozed off again.

When i woke up, the sight was already becoming familiar, the table was full of food again, and i was bigger all over.

My clothing hugged my softer body tightly, and my belly jiggled when i got up from the chair to "survey the damage", i felt bloated and unconfortable, and i tried rubbing my belly to relieve the sensation, after a few seconds
of rubbing it, i burped really loudly, i exclaimed an apology, but then a thought went thru my mind, who was i apologizing to?, i was alone in that room, so i let loose, i kept burping and farting to relieve the pressure inside of my belly, and after i was done, i was hungry again,
i tried to keep looking for some kind of trapdoor, some way out of the room i was trapped in, but i found nothing, no matter where i looked, defeated, i sat back in the chair, and took another bite off the tempting food, and inmediately, i was hooked again.

When i came to, i was completely stuffed again, my belly looked like a flesh-coloured soccer ball, so bloated that i could barely see the table from the position i was in, i tried getting up, but i sat back down due to not being used to my new, heavy body, i burped and farted to relieve the pressure again, and, feeling tired from so much eating, i fell asleep once again.

Upon waking up, i noticed that i was no longer fully clothed, the only thing keeping me from nudity was a pair of boxers i didn't have on when i first woke up there, who had undressed me?, who was replenishing the food in the table?, where exactly was i?, although i was curious about all those things, my willpower had been long broken, so instead i checked how much i had gained after my last binge, the first thing i noticed was that my belly now went slightly over the elastic band of my boxers, and that i was growing a pair of moobs, soon to be resting atop my large belly, the second thing i noticed was how my ass and hips where the biggest part of my body now, making me kind of femenine shaped from what i could see, i started making myself questions again, how long had i been there?, how much had i gained?, then i noticed something that wasn't there before, a scale, right next to the bathroom door, i approached it with caution, and upon closer inspection, i found a note in a post-it, i picked it up, feeling my belly divide itself into rolls when i bent down, and read the note.


That was it, nothing else, looking back at the scale, i put the pieces together.

Whoever put me in here, wanted me to weigh that much.

I was confused as to why would someone put me here and fatten me up with no explanation, but, seeing a ray of hope in the fact that i would be free, i stepped into the scale, noticing how i couldn't see the readout due to my large belly blocking the way, then i heard something.

"207 POUNDS"

Scared of the only voice apart from mine i had heard in a long time, i tripped and fell on my ass, jiggling all over from the impact and letting out a loud fart, but then i comprehended that it was the scale, telling me how much i currently weighed, after a long effort, i got up and made my way to the table, prepared to gain as fast as i could so i could finally get out of there, so i started a routine of binging, then sleeping the huge meal off, waking up, and starting again.

in between binges, i took time to check how much my body had grown, my belly was now hanging over the waistband of my boxers, my moobs were even larger, and i needed two chairs to sit comfortably now, then there was the problem with my gas, i burped and farted constantly to relieve the pressure in my belly, and since i hadn't bathed in god knows how long, i smelled really bad, and had stains of food from my long feasts all over my chest and belly.

After a long while of repeating that routine, i got up from the table and waddled to the scale, burping or farting with every laboured step i took, i felt myself jiggle all over, but after so long i had grown used to my fat body, i had even grown to like it, seeing it as my ticket to freedom.

I got to the scale, and with two final steps, i got on it, waiting for it to tell me how much i weighed.

"520 POUNDS"

I was overjoyed of hearing i had not only reached the goal weight, but surpassed it, I tried jumping out of joy but once again i fell on my ass, jiggling all over and letting out gas loudly from both ends, and after finally getting up with a lot of effort, i saw a seamless hidden door sliding open in front of the table, i started waddling towards it, excited to finally get out of there, i had go through sideways due to my hips being too large to fit, when i went through, i finally saw where i was, it was some kind of barn, and outside, a grassy field extending beyond my sight, overjoyed to be finally free, i started to walk to the exit, and i noticed a crate near the entrance, i waddled to check inside it, and found a bundle of clothing, tailored to my new size, with a note attached to the crate, i read the note with the clothes in my hand.

"Enjoy your new life and body ;)"

i laughed, my laugh now showing how much deeper and huskier my voice was now, i had realized during my binges inside that room i wouldn't be able to lose the weight i had gained without extreme effort, i stuffed myself so much i was sure my stomach had stretched to accomodate larger amounts of food, i had grown used to eating until i was stuffed, and i had lost the willpower to stick to a diet, i casually burped and farted without restraint due to my constant gas, my belly completely covered my crotch now and almost reached my knees, my moobs were really big now and were starting to hang to the sides
of my overfed belly, but out of all the changes, my ass was the biggest of them all, i could feel it jiggle and wobble when i waddled, and i was sure i would get stuck on many, many doors form now on, but i didn't care, i was finally free.

With much difficulty, i put on the clothes left for me, and waddled out to freedom, hoping to find somewhere to eat soon...
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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