A New Shade of Leaf

Chapter 1

The day was like no other for Fotoi, and life was going good. She had finally come out as a lesbian to her mom (Has no dad), and was now officially dating the girl of her dreams.
Fotoi was an average girl beside the fact that her face was a little cuter than others and that she had a D-cup. She stood at 5’5 and weighed approximately 57 kg(125lbs), and her face was clad with a pair of dark blue eyes, and adorned on her head was some long, yet kinda messy black hair. She was one of those kind of people who never really worried about their weight, she would never go out of her way to be healthy but she was never particularly unhealthy either. And because of this the most she had ever weighed in her life was a little over 63 kg (140lbs).
When she got up she put on her uniform, did a little make up, made breakfast and was on her way to school before her mom was even up. It was october and the leaves were beginning to change from their normal green to shades of yellow, orange, and red.

After a few minutes of walking she finally made it to her girl friends house. It was a normal looking house with literally nothing special about it, but she loved it because she knew her lover waited inside.
When she knocked on the door it immediately opened and she was greeted by the sight of the most beautiful thing in Japan.
“Fotoi!!!” The girl cried out before hugging Fotoi around the waist.
“Woah! Relax Ageha!”
Ageha was the girl of Fotoi’s dreams, she was absolutely stunning. She had shoulder length scruffy brown hair and a pair of equally brown eyes. But her looks were incredible, she could easily become a professional model or actor with her looks and was known around town as the prettiest face in japan. She stood at 6’0 and weighed approximately 50 kg(110lbs), making her both taller and lighter than Futoi, but she only had a B-cup and was skinny so it was understandable. She too was wearing the same sailor uniform as Fotoi and held a light black book back in her hand.
“Oh! Can’t a girl just be happy to see such a cute face!” Ageha said, bringing a blush to Fotoi’s face.
“Hmph, okay. Wanna get going?”
“Sure thing!”

A few minutes later they finally reached their school. It was your stereotypical japanese school, it has a large field out in the back for physical activities, a pool which was empty for the time being, and the main building was a large boxy structure with nothing too special about it.
The 2 girls had decided to get there early as they always did so they could hangout in their classroom alone for a while. However, when they arrived they found a teacher waiting outside of their classroom.
“Uh… Hello.” The man said.
“... Hi there? Ya’ need anything?” Futoi asked.
“Are Futoi Kujira by chance?”
“Um, yes. Why do you ask?”
“Well the principle needs to see you about something urgent. So i'll need you to come with me.” The man said.
“What for?” Futoi asked.
“I'm not sure, I'm just the messenger, ya’ know. I just need you to come with me.”
“Oh… okay.” Futoi said before turning to look at Ageha.
“Hey don’t worry Futoi, I'm sure it's nothing. I'll be waiting inside for you to come back.”
“Oh, okay. See ya’ in a bit.” Futoi said before following the man.

After a few minutes they reached the principal's office. The man she followed opened the door for her and left immediately, when she walked in she was greeted by the principal and a man she had never seen before.
“Ah, Miss Kujira, please take a seat.” The Principle said.
“Um… okay. What did you need to talk to me about?” Futoi asked
“This is mister Manmosu, he will be the one explaining everything.” Principle said gesturing toward the man sat in the corner of the room.
“Hello Fotoi, as you heard my name is Mr. Manmosu. Im with a government funded organization called Rezubian. We focus on the health of the Japanese citizens, mainly concerning their weight.” Mr. Manmosu explained.
“Okay… but that doesn’t explain why you needed to talk to me?” Futoi said.
“Well we’ve picked you to be our latest test subject.”
“Your… your latest what?” Futoi asked, confused.
“Right now we’re researching the effect of weight gain on teenagers and you’ve been chosen to be the test subject.” Mr. Manmosu explained.
“Wha-... I-... I don't understand.”
“I know this may be… shocking but i assure you it will prove vital in the cure of the ever growing epidemic of obesity. And you will be compensated, greatly. As long as we get results every year you’ll be paid a total of 15 million yen (150k USD), until you graduate.”
“...I… I need time to think…” was all Futoi could say.
“Of course. But i need your answer by the end of the week, here's my card when you come to a decision call me.” Mr. Manmosu said, handing her a white card.
“Oh… okay. I'll be going now.” Futoi said as she got up.
“Okay… Thank you for seeing us. But before you go do you have any questions?” Mr. Manmosu asked.
“... Yeah… If… if i were to accept… just how much would i have to gain?” Futoi asked.
“No less than 270 kg (600Lbs)” Mr. Manmosu said.
“... I see… and only till I graduate?”
“... How exactly do you expect me to gain so much weight in so little time?”
“We have drugs and food supplements to aid you. All of which will be paid for by the government.”
“... Okay… I think that's all. Goodbye.” Futoi said before leaving, closing the door behind her.
272 kg... Futoi thought to herself. I’d be a f@cking whale… but for a few years, 15 million yen, I’d be rich. I could buy an apartment after school and get a good education and have money to spare for a car and other things… I… I should talk this over with Mom… and Ageha. She thought to herself before she headed back to her class room.

By the time she got back it was only 7:35 a.m. which meant students wouldn’t start arriving for another 30-40 minutes. When she opened the door she saw Ageha sitting on a counter by the window cill doing homework before she jerked her head up at the sound of the door opening.
“Oh! Futoi your back! Come on, i wanna know what happened!” Ageha said as she signaled to a spot for Futoi to sit.
When Futoi sat down she didn’t say anything, she just rested her head against her love's arm.
“Hey… what's wrong?..” Ageha asked.
“I… I… I don't know what to do!!!” Futoi cried out, with light tears forming in her eyes.
“Shh… shhh it's okay. It's gonna be okay. I just need you to talk to me, okay?” Ageha asked, bringing her girlfriend's head to her chest.

Futoi then explained everything to Ageha, about Rezubian, about Mr. Manmosu, about the money, and about the weight she would have to gain.
“... I think you should do it.” was all Ageha said.
“... wha… what?” Futoi asked.
“I think if it's for the betterment of mankind you should do it. I mean think about it, it's your body for the life of millions of people. Think about how many people you could save. Not to mention what they're paying you.” Ageha explained.
“... you really think so?..” Futoi asked.
“Yes I do, but I think you should discuss it with your mom. And in the end it's your decision to make” Ageha explained.
“... If i did it… and i became fat… would you still… would you still love me?” Futoi asked.
“... I would. I promise.” Ageha answered.
“... Okay…” Was all Futoi responded with.

At the end of the day Futoi said goodbye to Ageha and walked home by herself, locked deep in thought. If… if Ageha’s okay with it… then i guess i'm okay with it. She’s right, i may become fat but… but the positives outweigh the negatives. By the end I'll be fat but I’ll also be a good person and rich! And if Ageha doesn’t like it, i can always stop! She thought to herself. But the real problem would be convincing her mom.
When she got home she found her mom in the kitchen tending to some stew she was making.
“Oh, hey honey! How was school today.” Mom asked.
“... It was… interesting.”
“Oh! Is that so? C’mon i want all the details!”
“I… I don't know if i can… hear.” Futoi said, handing her the business card Mr. Manmosu gave her.
“Huh? What's this?”
“I got an offer from a man who works for the government. They selected me to be a part of an experiment. But… I'm not sure if I can explain it. S-so could you call the number and have Mr. Manmosu explain it to you… if you need me, i'll be in my room…” Futoi explained before rushing up the stairs to her room.

About an hour later Futoi heard a knock come from her door.
“... Come in…”
“Hey sweety… I just got off the phone with Mr. Manmosu…”
“... so?...”
“I… I think it's an interesting proposal. But the decision’s up to you.”
“... I know, but would you be okay with it?” Futoi asked as she hugged a pillow, sitting against the wall next to her bed.
“Of course honey, i'll always love you. You know that.”
“I know but. You're already a single mother. I don't want you to have to stress over taking care of me…”
“Honey it's okay. You're doing it for the betterment of humanity, and your own future. And Mr. Manmosu said anything involved with your health, living, food, and mobility issues will be paid for by Rezubian. But i want you to know you don't have to do this, it's your choice.” Her mother explained to her.
“... Okay…”
“Hmph, okay I'm gonna go finish up on dinner. It should be ready in about a half an hour.” her mother said before she got up and walked to the door.
“And honey, i love you, okay?”
“I love you to mom. Thanks.”

After her mom left Futoi was left alone with nothing but her thoughts. The 2 people she loves most in the world told her it’d be okay for her to acc
8 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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Rickeb 3 years
Please continue. It will be great to take this journey all through the four years, for both girls.
TheDualWielder 3 years
Sorry it was taken down, im new to the site and didn't read the rules. I made some edit's so hopefully its compliant. Any way hope you enjoyed.
(P.S. Futoi Kujira in google translate (Japanese) Means Fat/Thick Whale)