Her body was art

chapter 1

*huff huff*
Mary greedily sucked air, perpetually feeling as if her lungs just couldn't pull in oxygen as fast as her body was burning it.

"Come on... Just a bit more!" Her friend Emily said, jogging alongside her.

"This... Is torture." Mary responded, sweat running down her face, stinging her eyes.

Emily was worried about her friend. Ever since her last breakup, Mary had quit working out. It'd probably been a year since she'd stepped foot in the gym and the way her sweat soaked, too small workout gear clung to her swollen, drenched body it was obvious the gym neglect had been accompanied by some dangerous eating habits.

Emily looked at her friend. She remembers they used to share tops when they were roommates, in fact, the clothes she was wearing now were borrowed considering the bigger woman had been unable to find her own workout gear. Emily honestly wondered how Mary had been able to squeeze into the shorts and the sports bra they were jogging in, as with every step, her friend's engorged breasts threatened to pop out of the straining fabric of the borrowed top. She estimated her friend had at least out one whole cupsize between them now. She hated to have to tell her friend she was borderline indecent. Emily figured surely Mary must realize this, but wasn't prepared to confront that particular reality yet.

"C'mon Mary! This used to be are warmup! Just a bit more." She said, trying to motivate Mary to keep pushing.

"I... Wanna puke!" She said, groaning with discomfort. Every step she took sent a shockwave cascading through her newly plus sized body, she could feel every jiggle whenever her foot struck the pavement and felt a sense of revulsion. She had been too scared to step on a scale following her year of self pity. She looked down at the bouncing, stretch mark riddled mass of fat sticking out before her and remembered she used to be able to see her feet past it without bending over.

A drop of sweat rolled down and clung to the inside of her naval. It was so deep now, and she shuddered as the surface tension caused the fluid to pool and fill her belly button.

She was glad she was so completely soaked with sweat, that way Emily couldn't tell she was starting to cry.

So distracted by her own shortness of breath and self loathing, she didn't notice the man crossing the road in front of her. He was easily a whole foot taller than her, but when 200lbs is being propelled forward at jogging speed, height difference mattered shockingly little.

The wet sound of sweaty fat colliding with lean muscle was sickening to Mary as she and the man went tumbling.

She felt wetness seep into her clothes as something else landed on top of her.

Horrified, she looked down and realized her whole front was now covered in blue paint, something the man must have been carrying.

"Are you alright?!", she asked with alarm, just as a mixture of sweat ad paint slid down the slope of her belly button and dropped onto the man's chest. To her horror, he was just as paint covered as she was.

The man looked up, initially furious. But when he got a better look at the state of Mary, the visage of fury slowly formed into a beaming grin.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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