The Mind of a Fatboy

Chapter 1 - Moving In

His ass. It was the first thing Reese noticed when he walked through the door. It was large and hefty, straining against the fabric of the man's chinos. In an unfortunate (but so fortunate) agreement of fate, he was bent over the kitchen counter, reaching at something below a cupboard. For that split second, every disgusting thought in Reese's head reflected this relative stranger's biological marvel, those two jiggling, sublime sacks of flesh that moved by practically no unison whatsoever besides the will to wobble endlessly.

God, he was a freak. He hardly knew the guy, having exchanged nothing more than the preliminary courtesies offered by prospective roommates.

And, by some stroke of divine fortune, Reese had been chosen. It felt silly to feel so special, especially over something as mundane as housing arrangements, but there was something to be said for winning against an undoubtedly massive list of other candidates. What, he had to wonder, did he have above the others? Especially when offers on the cushy, two-bedroom apartment were sure to be much higher than Reese's own measly offer.

But even after every inspection, every tenant's trick in the book, there was nothing to be found in the place but an offer too good, yet all too true. And, perhaps, this was just the luck Reese deserved facing his fourth year in college, not discounting the hell the first three had been between class, work, and...

Ugh. He didn't even want to think about romance, past or present. Not in the grand scheme, but not in the moment either. Not with such a hot piece of ass straight at twelve o'clock. No, romance was far from what he would do to—

But, fuck... he's a roommate. That would be egregious.

"Surprise!" Reese exclaimed, though his arrival was nothing if not meticulously planned for today. He bore a wide, charming grin, all but chipper given the pleasant sight of what was (thank God) a roommate way—ahem—hotter than expected. Not that it should matter, but, well...

The other man stopped in his reaching, adjusting his tee to cover the slight dip in his pants that revealed his boxers.

The waistband was, of course, skin tight. Reese would make a note of that... for no reason in particular. And as the aforementioned, sexy roommate whipped around to face him, he sent an equally cheery grin straight back. His features, unlike Reese's, could be described as nothing short of big. And manly.

But he was by no means huge. Though his jawline was sharp and peppered with a day of missed shaving, it lead down into a wide, supple chest that surged forward, so defined and forward in their orientation that it looked like the fabric in the middle would rip at any point. Never had Reese given so much thought to a man's sternum, but here he was. Mesmerized. And bigger guys didn't usually even gain a second glance from a rather particular Reese.

Yet, in his defense, those tits were thick. With an obvious core of hard muscle caked with warm, soft fat, a gay man could be compelled to do only one thing: stare.

"Reese, you made it!" the man greeted warmly, rushing forward for a hug. Though it bordered on suffocating, the sensation of the man's slight paunch pressed against Reese's comparatively flat stomach elicited an odd sense of comfort. And... oh shit.

A certain tenting below the waist.

How could he expect a hug in such maximally close quarters? With the two men's bodies hugging tightly as though bound by an invisible rope, there was nowhere their legs could go but into each others'. This was so weird. The stiffness in Reese's pants had no chance of subsiding, not when those beefy legs were pressed against his own. The man's entire body was strangely hard yet soft, and it was secretly thrilling blindly attempting to locate which body part was flabby and which was hard muscle. The man's thighs definitely had a softness to them and, in that moment, Reese contemplated what it would be like to squeeze them and let his fingers sink into the beefy flesh underneath his tight pants.

The only sure feeling of firmness in the man's body existed in his arms and back, the former of which threatened to squeeze Reese's lungs straight up his throat. And, though suffocating, he never wanted it to end. What was happening?

And when they finally pulled away, Reese's brain felt clouded and foggy, leaving him to question how long the hug had really lasted. The man's intense, green eyes held a boyish glint that almost made Reese, the shorter of the two, lunge forward and lock him into a passionate, ferocious tongue kiss.

Enzo was his name. The man. By this point, Reese barely knew him or his name from the listing he'd responded to and the short tour the landlord had given. And, sneaking a glance up and down, this Enzo fellow was so... the opposite of every guy Reese had ever gone for. He was so tall, wide, and bulky, with a squishy stomach that slightly protruded forward, leaving the bottom of it to feel the breeze of wind from the apartment's open door.

Imagining it jiggling like a waterbed while fucking that round, fat ass should have been a turnoff. It should have been.

Even so, the image of those love handles that met his broad waist was all that could be pictured. His body could only be described as rectangular, with the added bonus of curvature on his lower half. Every bit of toned muscle was layered with the comfort of plush fat. Reese doubted he could wrap his arms all the way around the man, at least not without a struggle. It was sad that, even though a man like Enzo was clearly healthy despite likely being classed as "overweight", he would be crucified on apps like Grindr for being so-called "chubby".

And, shamefully, Reese took part in it, even if he never said such cutting things about men with a little extra to them. He just felt inclined toward skinnier men with less meat and nothing but a tight waist with a tastefully round ass. Maybe it was time for a change...

But not this guy. He was Reese's future roommate. That would just be... awful.

Oh, god.
4 chapters, created 1 year , updated 3 months
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