
  By Vernon  

Chapter 1 - Prologue

I draw my ear closer to the door, careful to be quiet. Fortunately, the various laughs and shouts coming from the locker room cover every movement I make.
"Come on, not even a kiss?" asks Devon, "wow, you gays are very picky."
"Louis isn't really my type," Matt replies. My heart breaks like that.
"Too bad, he even paid me to ask you if you'd like to go out with him."
DEVON. A fool I am to have trusted such a loudmouth, but I didn't expect him to take my fifty dollars and then backstab me so hard.
"He should pay you to be his personal trainer. He has a pretty face, those love handles don't lie though. The skinny-fat body is just ugly to look at, isn't it?"
My heart rate increases. He's calling me fat. I didn't know I was too fat for Matt Crawford, the MVP of our high school basketball team.
I wish Devon would ask him if, in case I lose weight, he would give me a chance. But no, they keep talking.
"Let's face it, he's a major loser," Matt continues, "he's always in the back of the class with that little black notebook of his. Who knows what the fuck he writes on it?"
"Yeah, that kid's a little nuts, you're right."
"I smiled at him once in the halls because he was stalking me, I didn't think he was delusional enough to think I was interested in him."
I reach into my backpack while I feel my face wrinkle with anger. They are taunting me in front of the whole team. As I pull out my little black notebook, I hear the footsteps of someone from inside the locker room approaching the door. I leap backwards and hide behind a vending machine. I don't breathe as the athletes begin to come out, one by one. They are all sweaty, muscular, confident. Almost cocky.
Matt and Devon are the last to exit, their foreheads are sweaty, their muscular arms are on display. They keep talking.
"Also I hung out with Billy during spring break."
"Oh yeah? Billy from the debating team?"
"I swear, he's driving me nuts. Toned but skinny, nice ass. To bang everywhere."
"Okay, too graphic for my taste," Devon retorts. They walk past me, I'm invisible.
As soon as they pass the vending machine, I go back to breathing. I open the little notebook, filled with hearts and words of adoration for Matt. I tear them out.
I'm entering my revenge mod.
12 chapters, created 1 year , updated 11 months
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