It awakened something in me

Chapter 1. It started at a buffet

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As I waddle down the sidewalk towards the doors of the buffet entrance, I'm hyper-aware of how large I've gotten. I'm still not used to my double-D breasts, a far cry from the meager B I was just a year ago. They rest comfortably on my protruding potbelly, which hangs down a bit over my comfy joggers. With each step I feel my belly shift and my widened hips sway from side to side. I know that behind me, my enormous ass is quaking with every step. I feel voluptuous and powerful. As I reach for the door, my mind can't help but wander to the last time I was here.

I was a skinny little thing back then. I came here for the first time wanting to celebrate with large quantities of good food after getting a big promotion at work I had spent a year chasing. I usually didn't allow myself to indulge, but I figured I deserved it on this occasion. I wanted to eat myself into a food coma today eating all the treats I typically withheld from myself. Tomorrow I'd go back to my healthy, carefully portioned diet.

I chose a booth at random to drop off my bag and then made a beeline for the food. I loaded my first plate with a little bit of as much as I could fit on it: mini sushi rolls, cheesy lasagna bites, fried chicken, stir-fried noodles, spring rolls, three different flavours of pizza squares, mashed potatoes, and popcorn shrimp. I took my time on the way back to my table, extra careful not to spill a crumb. I dug in with gusto at first, but was quickly distracted by a couple at the booth across from mine.

There were two women sitting in a booth together, on the same side of the table. One of them was larger than the other: her double chin wobbled as she chowed down. Her shirt strained against her enormous breasts, and her large belly almost touched the table. There were five plates lined up in front of her filled to the brim with mountains of steaming food, and she was plowing through it all at an impressive pace. The slim woman next to her was not eating. I noted that she had a cool tattoo on the upper left part of her arm; it looked like a kingfisher from where I was sitting, and I wondered at its meaning. This woman was watching the larger woman eat, completely enraptured. She seemed to be encouraging her to eat more. Sometimes she would feed her partner directly, other times she would chat to her animatedly while rubbing her sizeable belly. When a plate was emptied, it was placed on the stack of cleared plates and the smaller woman would go load up a new plate to replace it on the table.

There was something about the way the fat woman's voracious appetite, something about the way she inhaled all that food without stopping to rest, that fascinated me. Her chewing and swallowing was almost hypnotic: I couldn't tear my eyes away. The spell was broken when I heard the click of my fork hitting an empty plate.

I looked down to see my plate completely depleted. When did I consume all that food? And why did I feel so ready for more? Not wanting to miss the spectacle that was the fat woman dining, I brought back three full plates with me from the buffet area.
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Jazzman 1 month
You're on my Mount Rushmore. One of the best ever. I Loved this one. You avoid the tropes. Denial. Sabotage with mass gainer on lasagna. It starts right away and gets Hotter and Hotter. Bravo
Passing For ... 1 month
Wow, that is a monumental compliment! Thank you so much! 🙏🏻
Allister 61 10 months
This Story is unbelievabel
Passing For ... 1 month
Thank you!
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you so much! I look forward to delivering 😌
Letters And ... 1 year
This story is fun as heck and the craft is just really polished and professional. Good stuff
Passing For ... 1 year
I love that you described it as fun, and thank you for the compliments on the technique! 🥰
Jaydon 1 year
I really like her more dominate nature. Despite being an exhibitionist, it's more like she gets off on having control of other people weather or not it's a good or bad reaction. Dominate women are hot
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you, I'm glad you think so! You're spot on with what I was going for, she absolutely is getting off on that feeling of power and control.
ThePatchwork... 1 year
Yes! This was wonderful, more please!
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you, a woman like me does love her compliments. I will definitely keep writing, hope you enjoy! 🥰
ThePatchwork... 1 year
Thank you ma’am! I can’t wait to read more 🤩