
  By Dasassy420

Chapter 1

It rained last night. Essen's birthday is just three days away. She rolled over the half-empty bags of chips and cookies that she had eaten last night and hit the snooze button. This was her last day at school and she could not wait to finish it. No more having to wake up at 5 am rushing to the bus stop. It was all over.

This day was bitter sweet for Essen. It was her last day of school, but she couldn't walk the stage with other seniors later that day but who cares! She didn't. Just as long as she didn't have to rush to the fucking bus station at 5 am every morning for school. In her queen size bed, she can simply roll over and sleep until noon. Not wash her hair, hell not wash her body. For sometime she been a funk that she didnt want to bath. She kinda like the smell of her sweat. That was the best part of the summer, along with the Space Popsicle she perfected over the last few weeks. Essen wanted to open her own cannabis lounge. Selling Space Popsicle was her way of starting her business and getting her name out on the streets.

She was ready to start the next chapter of her life and had big plans for the future. She was determined to make the most of this new opportunity and was excited to see what lay ahead.

Every morning, Essen's routine starts off with a familiar pattern. As the alarm blares, she instinctively reaches out to hit the Snooze button not once, not twice, but three times. Those precious extra minutes of sleep are vital to her, even though deep down she knows she should probably just get up.

Finally, with a jolt of energy, Essen jumps out of bed and rushes to the shower, hoping against hope that there is still hot water left. You see, Essen has a younger fraternal twin brother named Zack, who always manages to use up all the hot water in the morning. It's become a running joke in their household that Essen seen to not get.

Essen's parents, Tyrone and Ruth, also share the bathroom with her and Zack. So, there are mornings when Essen has to wait for her turn to use the bathroom. On Mondays, in particular, it can be quite a challenge. She sometimes has to wait for 20 minutes, or even 45 minutes, just to clean up and start her day.

Yes!! No more waiting. I can sit around ALL DAY without bathing if wanted to for the rest of my life! But she would NEVER do that. She loved to dress nice and smell good. She just didn't like getting up so early in the morning. Who did? But her Zack She thought to herself as she waited on the toilet while snacking on a mini bag of candy that she stashed way in the back of her bathroom cabinet. She had to step on the stepping stool and get on her tiptoes to reach for the goodies.

Reaching for the candy was no easy feat. She had to balance herself on a stepping stool, careful not to lose her footing. With her fingers barely grazing the bag, she resorted to using a comb or a hairbrush to nudge it closer. Each gentle push brought her closer to her desired treat.

The bathroom cabinet was filled with various items, but the mini bag of candy was her hidden treasure. It was her guilty pleasure, the sweet treat that she indulged in whenever she needed a little pick-me-up. The bag was tucked away behind bottles of shampoos and conditioners and other hair care products, out of sight from prying eyes.

One more swap of the comb and she was able to grab the prize.

As she sat on the toilet, she relished in the moment of solitude. It was her escape from the chaos of the outside world, a chance to unwind and pamper herself. Snacking on the candy made the experience even more enjoyable. The burst of sugary flavors danced on her tongue, providing a temporary escape from reality.

The bathroom became her sanctuary, where she could lose track of time and indulge in her secret stash of candy. It was a small act of rebellion, a way to break free from the monotony of everyday life. The bathroom cabinet held her little treasures, waiting to be discovered and savored.

But what made these candy so special was that they were edible.

No longer bound by societal expectations or the need to constantly be productive, she could truly enjoy the present moment. The bathroom became her haven, a place where she could be herself without any judgment or obligations.

This ritual of hers usually took place while she patiently waited for the hot water to return. It became her way of passing the time, turning a mundane task into a moment of indulgence. The sweet taste of the candy helped distract her from the frustration of waiting for the water to heat up.

As she sat there, the anticipation of the hot water building, she would carefully unwrap each piece of candy, savoring the last part of the candy off the wrappers. With each bite, the sugary goodness would dissolve on her tongue, momentarily transporting her to a world of pure delight. It was a small act of rebellion, a little secret she kept hidden from her family.

Locking the door became her way of ensuring that her private moment remained undisturbed. She didn't want Zack or any one in the family to witness her indulgence, fearing that they might use it against her in some way. So, each time she entered the bathroom, she would turn the key in the lock, creating a barrier between herself and any potential intrusion.

In this small act of defiance, she found a sense of control. Despite the teasing and humiliation from Zack, she had the power to protect her personal space and indulge in her own little pleasure. It was her way of asserting herself and reclaiming a moment of joy in an otherwise normal task.

So, as she waited for the hot water to return, she would enjoy her secret stash of candy, knowing that she had created a sanctuary where she could be herself without judgment. And as she savored each piece, she couldn't help but smile, relishing in the simple pleasure of her own little rebellion.

She could remember when she started to make it an habit to lock the bathroom while she ate. She was in the bathroom sitting on the toilet eating some old Halloween candy that mysteriously got away from her family's trick or treat bucket last year. Somehow 1/3 of a 5lb bag of mixed candy ended up in the bathroom under the sink. It was in a box with other bathroom nick knacks on top of it. Like bandages, gauze and Q-tips. Things like that.

The candies left were small chocolate bars. Some with nuts, some with nuts and caramel and some with just milk chocolate. There were about 80 pieces left and she was down to the last 50 when Zack busted in and said, " Okay Ms. Piggy MacPhat- Fat" I just knew you took that ginormous bag of Halloween candies. This is why you are always late for the bus? You are sitting here like a Queen sitting on her porcelain throw eating commode candy.

His eyes were colossal and glistening like he had just won a billion dollars. When Zack gets excited his voice cracks like he not done with the changed.

"You are huge and fat. Your stash was found 2 weeks ago, but I swapped a few pieces out for chocolate laxative," he said as he turned around and yelled out to their mom.

In a stern and mature tone, he called out, addressing Essen as "Ms. Piggy MacPhat-Fat." It was evident that he was frustrated by her actions yet again. This time, his voice held a deeper, more authoritative quality, reminiscent of our father's.

"I knew it," he exclaimed with a hint of disappointment. "I specifically told you she took that last bag of candy. That should have been mine. I had a feeling that we hadn't given it all away!"

His words resonated with a sense of injustice, as if he had been deprived of something that rightfully belonged to him. The frustration in his voice was palpable, and it was clear that he had been looking forward to enjoying that bag of candy.

It seemed that this incident had struck a nerve, causing him to express his discontent in a more mature and serious manner. The playful banter of their previous interactions had been replaced with a tone of seriousness and authority.

"Miss Mac Phat-Fat is known for her insatiable appetite. She has a knack for devouring everything in sight, leaving no food untouched. Last night, she left no pizza slice behind as she consumed the last six slices with gusto. It's ironic because she consistently claims to dislike Hawaiian pizza, yet when it's ordered, she shamelessly indulges in it, stuffing her face with every bite".

He was somewhat right. While Essen did not eat the last 6 slices, she actually left behind 1 1/2 slices. Pizza isn't really her go-to food, and she doesn't often indulge in it. However, when her family does decide to have pizza, they usually buy 2 large pizzas. One of the pizzas is specifically for her parents, and it is topped with just cheese, as they prefer it that way. On the other hand, Essen and her twin Zack usually share one large pizza. Their preferred choice is a pizza that is half pepperoni and half Hawaiian. They enjoy the combination of flavors that these two toppings offer. However, take it for what it is worth, rarely does the idea of having pineapple on pizza sound appetizing to Essen. She tends to prefer more traditional pizza toppings without any fruit involved. When the steaming pie, topped with juicy pineapples and savory ham, is brought out of the box, a strange sensation stirs inside Essen. The pull and elasticity of the melted mozzarella cheese entices her. Despite knowing that she usually doesn't enjoy pineapples on her pizza, Essen finds herself unable to resist. Curiously, she ends up indulging in her brother's pizza slices after he has gone to bed.

Essen, intrigued by the alluring aroma, couldn't resist the temptation emanating from the refrigerator. It was as if the scent had cast a spell on her, drawing her closer to its source. However, her brother's behavior often left her exasperated. This time, he had gone too far.

In an act of sheer annoyance, he had deliberately pushed the zip-lock bowl, containing his precious pizza, to the deepest recesses of the refrigerator's bottom drawer. It was as if he believed that no one in the family, especially Essen, could be trusted not to devour his beloved slice of heaven. Such behavior seemed ludicrous and uncalled for.

Essen couldn't help but wonder how her brother's mind worked. Was it a lack of trust in the family's respect for personal property, or was it simply his way of asserting dominance? Whatever the reason, it was clear that his actions were a source of frustration for Essen.

She pondered the absurdity of the situation. After all, they were a family, bound by blood and kinship. Shouldn't there be a level of trust and understanding among them? Essen couldn't comprehend why her brother felt the need to safeguard his pizza in such an extreme manner.

As she stood in front of the refrigerator, staring at the zip-lock bowl tucked away in the depths of the bottom drawer, Essen felt a mix of annoyance and amusement. It was a reminder of the peculiar dynamics that existed within their family. While her brother could be a jerk at times, Essen knew that deep down, there was love and care between them.
1 chapter, created 3 weeks , updated 3 weeks
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Dasassy420 2 weeks
Readers please lave feedback
Carlos Franc... 3 weeks
Nice story
Dasassy420 3 weeks
did you read it fr fr?
Carlos Franc... 3 weeks
Yes i liked your story