Fattytales : Broken Wings

Chapter 1 - Prologue || Gainer choice

It'd been at least a year since Mars and Kai had begun dating. They met at prom, both got stood up on their dates, but they made the most of the night together.

Kai was openly queer. At the time he was 18 and the star of the school's drama club. He was a shoe-in for any main lead, male or female. He had no issues wearing feminine clothes, in fact he often did. He was a winged folk, his wings were similar to a golden falcon. His hair was golden brown, always worn back with intricate braiding. His skin was pale and his face always had at least some level of beautiful makeup. His feet were taloned, he was forced to wrap his feet as most shoes couldn't handle his claws. He was in every way a ‘pretty boy’. It was fitting for a winged folk, really. He was always approached and was always approaching, Even without his date showing up to prom, he still managed to find groups that he would float between hanging out with. What most people didn't know was that he was a stoner and spent half his time outside school either practicing his lines or getting high and melting into his bed. That night at prom, he'd planned to share some bud with his date, but he ended up getting more for himself later after the dance cleared out. A small fraction shared with the surprisingly inexperienced Mars.

Mars was much more of a teenage dirtbag guy. For one, being a fairy who wasn't really committed to the standard customs of the culture basically set him up to fail. For a culture so focused on being beautiful, there was a very strict standard of what beauty was to them. But it all never mattered to him. He had auburn red skin and white hair, both of which were usually dirty in some way. He was a very dedicated artist, which included not being upset or even really avoiding getting paint on himself. Stick thin, real tall for his age. He was at least a foot taller than everyone else, even other races known for their height. Most people called him a Walking Stick, which was hardly creative to begin with, let alone with his insectoid features. His antenna always twitched more than they should, and the exoplating down his back, chest and limbs was so strange to other students that he had taken up the habit of wearing a shirt during any swimming related activities during gym. His glassy mosaic-like wings that he always fussed over trying to put clothes on. He had an extra pair of arms at his waist that had buggy little digits and were hardly useful besides holding things and ruining tops with how their ridges caught on everything. He often hid them within the torso of baggy clothes, like during prom. He wore a bomber jacket over his wrinkled dress shirt, the black of the jacket complimented his gray jeans. His eyes always seemed to glow, lacking any sort of visible pupil or iris and just being a flat yellow.

His eyes were what captivated Kai. Seeing him staring from the back side of the bleachers. It made him think, ‘he must think I can't see him, but he forgot about his eyes!’. But in hindsight, that was probably exactly what Mars wanted. To be seen.
Naturally, they ended up spending the rest of the night together talking about their shared disappointment and ending up hitting it off pretty well given the circumstances. From there it progressed to a quick fling, at least that's what they both thought.

Kai took a lot of pity on Mars. Mars talked about how he was disappointed with his date, how he thought they were about to get serious, how annoyed he was watching her still hanging out at the dance but actively pushing him away when he tried to meet up. The sting of still having her message in his recents, ‘sorry Mars, I can't make it tonight’. He didn't know what hurt more, the possibility she thought him stupid enough to not notice her there, or that she was confident that he wouldn't do anything about it, and she was right.

Kai frowned some and took his hand. “I know you really wanted something special tonight,it's prom after all." He said, reaching up to brace his shoulder. “The night’s still young. I could be your special something tonight." His words were like honey, and they captivated Mars to no end. He was never one to really care about popularity or how others saw him, but in that moment it was unbelievable to him that someone like Kai wanted to even associate with him.

From then on out, they had fling after fling. They were very sexually active even as Mars began working and Kai began college for a musical theater degree. They progressively got more and more daring with their quickies. Just a few months after highschool graduation, Kai and Mars had already began fucking during Mars’ lunch breaks. They always got enough food to share a free meal, but most times ended up sneaking off to the bathroom or Mars’ beat up black sedan.
In the car on one occasion, one man was hurriedly eating their food to save time as the other gave them a blowjob. He moaned and came faster and harder than he had the entire time they'd been dating. He held one hand against his belly and the other the second burger he'd been stuffing down as he leaned his head back in euphoric delight. What was supposed to be an 8 minute quickie turned into a habit that he indulged in frequently, and it wasn't long before his partner noticed. They began to lean into it, all the lunch break food went to one man while the other stroked or sucked him off. If only they knew the edge they walked near, and how steep the fall down would be.

##Audience deicion time, who will be the gainer in this story? Kai, the social pretty boy, the wings of a falcon. Or Mars, the attentive stick-thin introvert with wings of a dragonfly. Or maybe even both?##
1 chapter, created 3 weeks , updated 3 weeks
4   1   231


Austin4618 3 weeks
You should make mars the gainer first and then make Kai unintentionally gain weight by being a feeder
Smokedpork 3 weeks
Tysm for your suggestion!! I will be continuing soon
Miam14 2 weeks
That's a really good idea