Gamedevs Get Big

Chapter 1: Instant Success

Authors note: This will be a slowburn story where all of the main characters end up gaining weight, some at different points/speeds than others. There will also be an element of romance in it. This is my first story here, so I don't really know what I'm doing and any feedback is appreciated! Also, I don't know how regular updates will be with this story, or even if I will finish it (though I do intend to keep it going for a while!)

Dean was coming into my office today to report the results of the final playtest of the game I was leading development on, Infiltration Age. I was pacing around my desk, knowing there was nothing I could do at this point; This playtest was the final hurdle before the game is released. A knock at the door put an end to my thoughts, and I strolled over to let Dean in. He was wearing a tight button-up and tailored chinos that left little to the imagination (though it only seemed to stimulate my imagination).

“Just managed to finish off the game after my stream this morning, even though I know I was given a month to test this game.”

I had been shocked when Dean emailed me saying he wanted a meeting this evening to discuss the results of his playtest; We had only given him the game last Monday, and didn’t expect him to report back in less than two weeks.

“So was there something wrong? Not enough content in the game? Some glitch that completely breaks it so you needed to report back early? Or was it too tedious you couldn’t get thro—”

Dean put an end to my nervous ramblings by resting a firm grip on my shoulder. He was laughing, leaving me puzzled but still apprehensive.

“Tyler, you worry too much. I was just having so much fun with the game I spent almost all my free time off streaming playing it. I can’t wait to share it with my viewers! You really outdid yourself for your first game.”

At that moment, a weight left my shoulders, both literally and figuratively, as he removed his hand. “That’s a relief, any possible improvements or issues you noticed?”

“I have some feedback, but all of it is positive! I loved the randomised character interactions, I have never played a game where you felt like you had to navigate social atmospheres well to complete a quest. I’m used to just having some shitty diplomacy minigame instead.”

I felt very proud at hearing that; I had been the developer responsible for sorting out the character interactions. Thank fuck AI had progressed a lot, it meant the interactions could be less forced. Unbeknownst to many people you could get the characters to do whatever you wanted them to do by interacting correctly. I had removed the content filters on the AI, and so far no tester had managed to get them to say or do anything not-safe-for-work, but I knew what it was capable of. “Glad to hear it. Was the strategy and combat working well enough?”

“More than well enough. I didn’t get to play any PvP, but I’m sure that it would work great too. Honestly, I just want to play more. My kingdom is relying on me to tamper with opposition strategy some more to win the war!”

I chuckle, hearing how nerdy he sounds. For a streamer, he looks more like a college jock than anything else, but he is doing one of the geekiest jobs I could think of. “So, I take it you will be happy to play the game on stream for your viewers?”

“Tyler, of course I will! In fact, if the viewers like the game as much as I do, I might need to get you on stream to talk about the development. I’m asking you in advance, because with a game this good I have a feeling that you might end up with too much success to come to little old Deanie.”

“That’s so nice of you to say, but I really don’t think that it will take off that much. Medieval strategy games are not trendy right now, and only appeal to a certain kind of nerd.”

“Well, we’ll see how things go. No matter what, you look like you need a relax. I see all the coffee mugs around your desk, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with facial hair before. Not that it looks bad! I think you look great, but I don’t think it’s an intentional choice.”

I blush at the compliment. I had been too busy to shave over the last two weeks while preparing for launch, and I had a coating of fur on my jawline. Feeling his attention on me, I start brushing at my beard nervously while blushing.

“Anyway, I’ll send through the formal report later. For now, I want to go to the gym and then play some more Infiltration Age. I have not been working out as much as I should the last week, the game has just been so engrossing! I’ve forgotten to eat at times too, which kind of balances it out I guess.” Dean chuckled.

Dean’s prediction would turn out to be true; The game was a viral sensation, taking the world by storm, and within a week I had earned more money than I had earned in the period before I released the game. I was getting interviews with many big game companies, many wanting to buy the title, or at least build a relationship with my team. However, I was determined to stay independent. I love my game and my team and the last thing I want to happen is for some corporate bastards to come along and compromise the game I poured years into just to get more money.

However, I wasn’t the only one feeling the success. Dean’s stream had blown up, being the first streamer to get on board with the game. While he was successful enough beforehand, with a dedicated 100 viewer audience, his stream today peaked at 1500 viewers, and the numbers only seem to be going up.

To celebrate the success, Dean and the other developers booked an evening at a fancy restaurant. Going through my wardrobe, I quickly realised that there would be nothing suitable in the sea of dark coloured hoodies. Not knowing who to ask for advice, I end up texting Todd. Todd deals with a lot of the boring data storage coding for the team, and is the only person in the team who doesn’t rock up in street-wear every day.

“Hey Todd, I have a really stupid question to ask you.”

I heard a chuckle on the other end of the line “out with it then!”

“What should I wear to a nice restaurant? I’ve never really had to dress up before…”

“I’ll just ask Michael, he’s good with these kinds of things. He only wears formal clothing for work and meets with rich clients all the time, so he’ll know what to do. Hold up a moment.”

Todd’s response relaxes me. When game-developing, I can always trust him to talk reason into me and quell my anxieties.

After a pause, Todd returns to the phone. “What size are you? Michael said he has some old mediums and 30-inch pants that you can borrow if you swing by.”

“Todd, that sounds perfect, I’ll be there in no time. Thank you so much!”

“Anytime, Tyler.”

Heading into the city centre where Todd and Michael live, I enter the sleek apartment complex, feeling distinctly out of place. I’ve still not gotten used to these upscale buildings I’ve been visiting the past week since the game blew up. This isn’t the nicest one, but the embarrassment of needing to borrow dress clothes more than compensates to make me feel sufficiently uncomfortable. Ringing the doorbell, a large man opens the door and greets me.

After a second, I realise that it is Michael, but he looked different to what I remember. When I saw him at the last social our office had, he had been fit, not overly muscly but clearly looked after himself. Nowadays he had let himself go, sporting a gut that protruded out from the rest of his body, held in place by a tight checkered button up. The pattern of the shirt accentuated his pot belly, and the fact that the shirt was tucked in only made his midsection stand out more. His face also looked very different; gone was the sharp jawline. It was now replaced by a substantial but well-maintained thick brown beard. Furthermore, his cheeks look a bit rounder, highlighted by the grin he was giving me.

What shocked me more is that he still looked really good. It’s not like he was massive, and he carried himself with confidence: his chin was up, he thrust out his hand assertively and gave me a well-practiced handshake. If anything, he only seemed more confident and gave of more friendly vibes than when I first met him. I was reminded of why he was so successful in his job and why he and Todd owned this place. He was built for the corporate ladder. He took me over to some shirts and pants he had laid out for me and told me I could have them if I wanted, as he doesn’t have a use for them anymore.

“That’s very kind of you, but what if you want to wear them again at some point?” I respond, trying to be delicate about the clear weight gain that had occurred.

Micheal smiled. “I don’t think that is too likely for me, I’ve been really busy since my job took off and my job keeps me sat at my desk for most of the day, and when I’m not at my desk, I’m at some fancy restaurant where my client wants to win me over with food. Besides, I was never too attached to my fit body anyways.”

I cocked my head. “What about Todd?”

As if on cue, Todd stepped into the room, and Michael started to chuckle. “Todd doesn’t mind, do you babe?”

Todd grinned. “Tyler, you have nothing to worry about. Take the clothes you want. I don’t think Mikey will be fitting those again if I have any say in the matter.”

Pausing, I cock my head at Todd. “What do you mean by that?”

Todd just laughed. “Without getting into too much detail, let’s just say I enjoy his extra padding. Besides, it was a bit weird being the bigger one in the relationship. Now we both just eat what we want, and I don’t have to feel guilty about enjoying another helping or an ice-cream after dinner.”

I feel my face heating up as Todd talked about his husband, and want to make a speedy escape before things get too uncomfortable. I grab the shirts and make my excuses to leave. Todd seemed to relish in the atmosphere he created, while Michael seemed a little embarrassed by his partner’s comments. Michael closed the door, putting on his best business smile to send me off, even as he noticed that I was clearly flustered by the conversation.

Walking back home, the image of Michael’s shirt straining as he opened the door was seared into my mind. I had never thought much of bigger guys, used to the unrealistic jockish instagays that saturated my feed, but something about Michael captivated me. That isn’t to say I haven’t been around thicker men, I saw Todd nearly every day of the week. However, the tightness of his business-attire, his beard, and the shock of seeing him at the new size was sparking thoughts in my mind I had never thought about before.

Back in my studio, I tried on Michael’s clothes. Walking over to the bathroom to check how they looked in the mirror, I realised I wasn’t trying to manoeuvre around any rogue piles of laundry on the floor. God, I have changed so much since the game came out. I don’t think I had tidied my space since the start of university. I was constantly busy, spending all of my time either working on assignments or coding the game. As I looked at myself wearing Michael’s clothes in the mirror, I finally saw a new me. Gone was the post-teenager nerd awkwardness and uncertainty I used to carry. I now looked like a young entrepreneur in a light blue shirt and tight black pants. And what was even more frightening is that wearing them felt right. I never used to like dress clothes, but now I feel confident in them.

I started reflecting about everything that I sacrificed to get that game out. Everyone around me seemed to have so much more life experience. Todd was settled down, in a nice apartment, with a nice husband, and had this professional aura to him that came with experience of working with many tech startups. Kenji and Sarah, who did the animation and graphics for the game respectively, were dating and had travelled around the world. Dean had played college football and was now doing his dream as his job yet was still earning enough to go out and enjoy life. I was also doing my dream as a job, but I had never explored any other parts of myself. I never had a partner, had never left the city, let-alone the state or the country, and really had no hobbies, skills or friends that didn’t revolve around my coding.

That being said, I don’t regret anything I’ve done. My game is doing amazingly and I am so proud of it. Still, I made a pact to myself to lay off the work. While I would be developing expansions and updates to the game eventually, I need to get my life together first. I need to take care of myself; can’t live off flavourless microwave meals and the limp sandwiches I buy on the way to work, and I have to take more pride in my appearance. I need to talk to people beyond when I go to work. Most of all, I need to explore my love life; self-pleasure is great but starts getting old after a while. I’ve never told anyone I’m gay, not that anyone would care the way that I looked. However, looking at my new haircut, clean shirt and good posture I feel like I can do this. I can move to a new stage of my life, no matter what it has in store for me. I leave the apartment with my new-found confidence and call a cab to take me over to the restaurant; No more busses for me!
3 chapters, created 5 days , updated 1 day
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