Deal with the enemy

  By Cali

chapter 28

As soon as Melissa waddled outside she could feel the stares everyone was giving her. She slowly made her way to the food stand, her whole body jiggling while laughter and snickering was follwing her every step. Once she reached the food stand she ordered enough food to feed a family. They had to look for a big bag to put the food into, since it was way too much to carry in her hands. The girl at the food stand finally gave her the bag with a disugsted look on her face and Melissa turned around, feeling the nervousness rise inside of her. She had gotten used to being the fat girl in school and being made fun of, but there were so many other people here that hadn't seen her for a year and she was anxious about how the whole crowd would react to her gain.

She took out a donut and started eating it as she began waddling over to the bleachers. Everywhere she looked she could see people giving her disgusted looks as they watched her exposed jiggling body. However Melissa was surprised that she didn't see many shocked faces in the audience, it was mostly disgust that she could make out in their looks. She found a free place and sat down, feeling a jiggle go through her body. Immediately her focus shifted away from the people around her and to the big bag of food in her hands. She tore it open and began to stuff her face with anything that she got her hands on.

As time went on and the beginng of the meet and thus the receiving of her award came closer Melissa finally had her belly filled up enough to start noticing the people around her again. She looked down at herself and realized that she had grease and chocolate smeard all over her top and belly. But she didn't care because she knew that today would be embarassing even if she didn't have stains all over her. So instead of worrying about getting herself cleaned up she took out another burger and took a big bite.

While she enjoyed the taste of her burger Melissa overheard the conversation of the couple next to her. "Do you know what happened to that Melissa girl?" the woman asked as she looked at her husband. "I remember how good she performed here last year. She was such an athletic girl and so good looking, too!" "She must be injured", her husband replied. "At least I haven't seen her around either." That's when it hit Melissa and an incredible wave of pleasure surged through her body. She had gotten so fat over the last year that the people who hadn't seen her since then simply didn't recognize her. That was why she didn't see many shocked faces in the crowd as she waddled by. Nobody belived that the school's most impressive athlete could have turned into such a fat pig in just one year. Melissa had to quickly take another big bite out of her burger to muffle the loud moan that was escaping her lips.

She began to eat faster again in order to somehow repress the realization she had just made and not to start moaning around everyone. Her timing was perfect as it turned out. Just as she had only two donuts left in her bag she heard a voice announcing the beginning of the meet. Her heart began to race, knowing that her moment was about to come and every passing second made it worse. Finally the announcer said that before they would start with the competition there was one special prize to hand out. He began talking about all of Melissa's achievements over the years and about her fantastic performance last year. Listening to it Melissa didn't feel like it was her that he was talking about. She didn't have any vivid memories of her athletic years anymore, they were all replaced by memories of gluttony and laziness. It felt more like he was talking about a movie that she had seen a long time ago.

After what felt like an eternity Melissa heard the announcer say her name and the crowd began to clap. She opened her bag and grabbed one donut with each hand, then she slowly got up, her fat legs shaking from nervousness. As she waddled down the stairs she could see the people looking around, searching for the athlete that was about to receive the award. Nobody took much notice of her as they probably thought she was just a fat girl getting up to get more food. It was when Melissa stepped onto the racing track when the people began realizing that the fat cow in front of them was actually the once so talented runner. With every jiggling step Melissa could feal her face becoming red as the calapping got quieter, being replaced with shocked silence.

By the time Melissa had reached the field where her former coach was standing, holding a medal in his hand and having a look of disappointment and disgust on his face, the whole stadium was quiet. She turned around and took a look at the crowd. All she could see were shocked faces and people taking videos of the bizarre spectacle in front of them. The coach walked over to her. It was obvious that he was really uncomfortable with the whole situation as he quickly put the medal around her neck without saying a word and extended his hand. Melissa was about to shake it when she remembered that she still had a donut in each hand. So she quickly stuffed one of them into her mouth and whiped off her hand on her belly, causing it to jiggle.

After the handshake both of them had to pose for an awkwardly long time so some photographers could take a picture for the papers. As the cameras where flashing in front of them Melissa grew increasingly turned on trying to imagine what the pictures must look like. Instead of a fit girl there was now this fat pig standing there in too tight sport clothes, her fat pale belly exposed and covered in food stains just like her face and a donut in her hand while she was still chewing on the one she had just stuffed into her mouth.

When the pictures where finally taken the announcer asked for one more round of applause. This time almost nobody clapped as Melissa began waddling back. She looked up one more time to get anouther look at the audience. Most people had started to talk by now and it was obvious that they were laughing at her. Next to the bleachers Melissa spotted Alisson who was standing there with a devious and satisfied smile on her face. Seeing how pleased Alisson seemed to be filled Melissa with joy. She smiled at her and stuffed the remaining donut into her mouth. Instead of disappearing from the sight of the audience she then made sure to stay on the racing track so that everyone could see her heading for the food stand to get more snacks.
36 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Supercode 7 years
Another awesome chapter! And great to see Melissa taking so much joy in humiliating herself for Allison's obvious pleasure. Still think those two should become an actual couple soon. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Champ 7 years
Cali 7 years
I'm glad you guys like it smiley and don't worry, there is still a lot more to come
Champ 7 years
Can't wait to see what happens next. I check for updates almost every day lol
Supercode 7 years
Great chapter! Please continue this soon!
Mickmac 7 years
Excellent Story looking forward to more chapters.
Blaireau 7 years
Great chapter ! But I would have liked that Melissa takes part in the meeting smiley
Champ 7 years
Thank you for adding more chapters! Cheers!
Honking Ante... 7 years
Waiting for more! Melissa and Alisson are my new favourite pairing now
Supercode 7 years
Very nice! I hope that Allison and Melissa keep the humilation bit and Melissa's weight gain going. But perhaps, in time, their relationship can become a more loving one in private. The opposite of love isn't hate, after all, but indifference.
Growingsofter 7 years
Growingsofter 7 years
Jazzman 7 years
Great story. I hope eventually Allison can just let go and feed her and be her lover. The end result of fatness would be the same.
Supercode 7 years
Still a grear story! Nice update! By now, it has become apparent that Allison wants Melissa around for more than just humiliation purposes.. although they both obviously enjoy that aspect of their...relationship? It will be interesting to see what comes o
Perenolde 7 years
Great update!
Fondyfa 7 years
This is my favorite story of all time. Thank you
Champ 7 years
Such a great chapter!
Growingsofter 7 years
Mooooooooooore, please. What's Melissa's weight now?
Perenolde 7 years
You know all the right buttons to press with humiliation fiction! This is absolutely one of my favorite stories I've read on this site.
Perenolde 7 years
Thanks for sharing! Loved the latest chapter!
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