Chapter 1 - How could it hurt
"How could it hurt?" I asked myself and hit enter, posting the ad which had been writing itself in my mind for years now."Cute, single Floridian female seeks attractive male. Must be a genuinely nice man who knows what he wants and have a huge appetite!" Was now posted in Fantasy Feeder for anyone to see.
Within minutes replies started pouring in "hey baby, nice ass. Wanna video chat?" Hmmm pass. "Umm hi I might be into that. I'd need your help convincing me, I'm not sure." Well another pass. As I scanned my messages one in particular grabbed my interest in a positive manner.
His screen name proved he was also a Floridian which was a huge plus, I opened his message with the subject "fate". He introduced himself as an alma mater of UF who had studied environmental science and chemistry, he was very passionate about protecting our earth (here me made a joke about the devastating loss of cheeseburgers with the loss of our ecosystem). He inquired about what lit me from within like his environmental love. He also told me he didn't want to be too forward but the thought of such a lovely intelligent woman (he read my education bio I guess) making him gain weight was his ultimate dream. At the end of his message he signed his name, Sawyer, and his email address, along with his current city. Which happened to be the same as mine!
I smiled to myself, feeling strangely confident about this Sawyer. I sent him an email inquiring more about his post academic life. I told him about my passion: story-telling. I was a children's author and would often do free readings at local book stores and children's hospitals; seeing their sweet bright eyes grow big at peak of the story made my heart feel all warm and fuzzy. I asked him what his favorite food was and where he wanted to take me on our first date. So I may be a little forward.
Five minutes later the reply was in: "meet me tonight at 7:30, you know the local southern buffet, I'm sure.". Did I ever!! I stripped down and hopped in the shower to get ready for this very exciting date. While I let my conditioner set my mind wandered to this seemingly perfect man. He lived close, seemed very kind and interesting, all of his pictures showed he was handsome with a sweet smile and bright blue eyes. And how could I forget he wanted to give up his running for me so the pounds would pile on! Even though he is currently way to thin for my taste I'm quite turned on imagining feeding him up into my ideal man, and being able to look back to when he was such a tall slim thing would make his curves (coming soon) even hotter if that was possible.
After my mind began functioning again I finished getting ready and gave myself a final check over before setting out to meet him. I approved of my long curly red hair and the way my little dress hugged me so I texted my best friend to tell her I had a blind date and if I didn't text her again by 11 call the police, hey a girl can't be too safe. I put on a sexy Rick Ross song to get me in the mood on my drive over.
3 chapters, created 11 years
really i liked it where can i order that girl please ^^?