The Kard"ass"ians

Chapter 1 - Belly blowup

Each of our sister rivalled the next, they wanted to know who is the best? Kim lead the group,khole and kourtney were just part of the loop. Khole had let herself go, eating so much, one day she might blow. So Kim and kourtney out up with a plan, feeding her food pan after pan. Khole expanded, her clothes started to rip, they shoveled more in chip, after chip. She couldnt handle much more, by now I even doubt she could fit through the door. She called for her husband to stop her from being as big as a zepllin, he merely replied I like big fat white women. So she grew and grew at an alarming rate, scared of her new looming fate. They put a hose in her mouth, and turned the icecream machine on without a doubt. Her belly it blew up so round and big, her belt began to dig, so finally it blew off her mass, and everyone stared at her new huge ass. They laughed at her and new she would pop, soon her belly the room, it was the top. Eventually the machine ran out of icecream, she let out a scream as her sisters approahed her with an apple pie, she was thinking I cant take much more, I may just die. As they finishe feeding their huge fat sister, her eyes bulged(Aswell as her body!) and she tried to let out a scream, but it was too late she burst at the seams. Our first sister had ate too much and exploded, for fame was her other sisters motives.

Our next chapter will follow the demise of kourtney, leaving kim alone with her vanity, she may even become a victime of insanity. This chapter is titled 81 months pregnant, and kim devises a plan to make kourtney pregnant, instantly at 9 months pregnant with 9 children.

Kourtney wanted a baby more then anything, and she was crazy and willing to do anything. So kim offered her a new program, a pill that makes her pregnant like "bam!". She said it was quick and safe, she just needed to trust kim and have some faith. So kourtney took the pill with water, kim thought to herself, "yes I finally got her". Kourtney waited a little while, and notice kims wicked smile.(Continued in next chapter.)
3 chapters, created 12 years , updated 12 years
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