
  By Snp  

Chapter 1

Lindsay pulled her lips away from her boyfriend Nick’s, interrupting the passionate make-out session the two had been enjoying on the couch.

“You know…” teased Lindsay, “you’re getting me kind of hot.”

“I bet I can get you more than just kind of hot” Nick replied.

“Oh yeah? How?” she asked, playing dumb.

“By fucking you like the slut you are” said Nick. He knew Lindsay loved dirty talk, and as expected she melted the moment it hit her ears.

“I want you bad, baby.”

Nick gave a sly smile as he moved back in close to Lindsay.

Just then, their was a knock at their apartment door.

“Let me see who that is” said Nick. When Lindsay responded with a mock pout, he laughed and kissed her on the forehead, then made his way to the door.

Lindsay laid restfully on the couch with her eyes closed while Nick dealt with the visitor at the door. It was a delivery man; she listened in as Nick signed for a package then shut the door. She only opened her eyes when he read who the delivery was from.

“It’s from Kim” he said, his voice sounding simultaneously excited and confused. Hearing that, Lindsay rushed over to see what the package could possibly be.

What was all the excitement? Well, you see, Nick’s 30th birthday was nearing. And, as a present for this very special occasion, Lindsay had agreed to fulfill one of his fantasies: having a threesome with a fat girl. He had never been with a heavy woman before; he‘d always dated thin girls like Lindsay. But somewhere along the way, he had become intrigued by chubby chicks. Of course, he loved Lindsay and wasn’t about to cheat on her with some fat girl. However, he rationalized that it wasn’t cheating if she agreed to a threesome. So, for the last few months he had begged Lindsay to join him in a threesome with a fat girl. He finally convinced her to do it by pointing out that, since she gets so turned on by dirty talk and being shamed and embarrassed, having lesbian sex with a stranger would be a huge thrill for her. Lindsay couldn’t really argue that point. She finally relented, agreeing to participate in the threesome as a 30th birthday present. Soon after, Nick met a girl named Kim in a chat room who told him she would be happy to, as she put it, “fulfill his fat girl fantasies.” They agreed that Kim would come over on Saturday night. It was now Friday evening and Nick was opening an unexpected box from the mysterious Kim. Needless to say, the couple was excited to see what was inside.

When he finally opened the box, Nick grinned as he fumbled around with the items inside it.

“Well?” asked Lindsay. “What is it?”

Nick tossed the contents of the box towards Lindsay, who managed to catch them awkwardly. It was the top and bottom of a very large two-piece bikini. She held up the giant orange and pink swim suit, stretching it out in front of her. It was massive.

“Wow” she finally said. “You could fit two of me in this thing.”

“Kim must be a pretty big girl” replied Nick happily. Then he got an idea. “Why don’t you try it on, Linds? We can compare you to the girl who will be joining us tomorrow. And hey, at the very least it’ll be funny to see you wearing something so ridiculous.”

“Hmm… all right, I guess” said Lindsay with a laugh. She quickly stripped down and began putting on the plus size suit. They both knew there was zero chance of the suit fitting her. Lindsay was an attractive 27-year-old; a real girl-next-door type. She was never one to hit the gym, but luckily for her she was naturally thin, with a fairly toned stomach. She had perky breasts, a bit on the larger side, which she had always been kind of self conscious about since they didn‘t quite fit in on her thin frame. Her wavy light brown hair shined in contrast to her glowing green eyes. Her lips were full and pouty, and her jaw line was sharply drawn. She was beautiful. Nick knew it and treated her like a princess.

She finished putting on the suit and turned towards Nick. She looked absolutely ridiculous in the oversized getup. The cups hung loosely well below her breasts, and the band was far too wide around. The shoulder straps looked more like suspenders. The bottom was much too wide as well, and Lindsay had to hold the sides up so it wouldn’t fall to the floor. Nick just laughed at how ridiculous she looked. Lindsay blushed at the ridiculousness of the situation.

“This ‘Kim’ girl seems pretty wild” said Lindsay as she took off the oversized bikini and began to get dressed in her own clothes. “I’d say sending us one of her giant bathing suits is kind of kinky.”

“I can’t wait for her to get here tomorrow night” said Nick.

While Lindsay pulled up her jeans, she asked “Out of curiosity… why do you want to be with a fat girl so badly?”

“I’ve never been with a fat girl before, and I’m curious to see what it’s like.”

“What about them has you so curious?”

“I want to feel what it’s like to rub a big belly and squeeze some fat tits” he said. “I want to feel that softness in my hands. I want to feel her jiggle around when I fuck her.” He was getting worked up just talking about it. As Lindsay finished getting dressed, she watched him talking and could see he was very into this. It made her feel great that she could give him this gift for his birthday, even if she didn’t entirely understand the attraction.

Whatever intimate moment the couple was sharing was interrupted by another knock at their apartment door.

“Who is it?” asked Nick.

“It’s Kim” said the stranger in the hall. “I’m a day early, I know.”

The couple looked at each other. Lindsay started to get really nervous. Nick looked positively giddy by the sudden change of plans. He made a beeline for the door.

“Well, Linds” he said as he reached for the knob, “here we go…”
9 chapters, created 14 years , updated 55 years
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Balloon 14 years
I'd love to see Kim work her magic on others.
Snp 14 years
thanks for the feedback everyone.
Balloon 14 years
This story is as hot as the thumbnail youposted with it! I loved it!
Daj462 14 years
Gary1627 14 years
This has the makings of a great story, continue.