A Real Dad

  By Cleler  

Chapter 1- Dads Meeting

It was Monday, October 1, and like every first Monday at Dember School, the parents met with the teachers. At the end of those meetings, in the afternoon, the mothers went to a nearby cafe, while the fathers stayed to have a few beers in the gym.

Carlos was a new guy in town, he had gotten divorced, his ex-wife Dara had no problem with him spending time with his little daughter Diana. So Carlos began attending meetings with the teachers. Today, Dara had taken Diana with her and Carlos was about to leave when he saw the rest of the parents.

For a time, the other parents have tried to avoid Carlos, who had intentions to join them on other occasions, they did not like how arrogant Carlos is, with his fit body and tight muscles. However, this time he achieved his goal and without asking he entered the gym.

Uncomfortable looks and silence filled the place but Carlos didn't even notice it.

You see there was a problem, while the rest of the men were over 40 years old and were quite out of shape, not to mention fat. Carlos was the complete opposite, just 29 years old and with a well-built body. He walked around with his tank top, he was the "cool and sexy dad" he had a six pack, biceps, strong back and shoulders, not to mention his incredible pectorals, those muscles stood out under his tight shirts and when he was topless he made them move.

He was arrogant, but he himself didn't even notice it, it was in his nature, he is hot and he knows he has a sexy body. But jokes about bellies and fatness were not something funny for the other men, no one laughed but once again Carlos did not notice the discomfort in the other men, so a sign caught his attention.

"Hey, are you going on a trip to Hawaii? For a fucking month. Why I did not know it? It sounds cool when is it?" some wanted to protest, others regretted not taking down that sign when this idiot walked in, but Frank, who was basically the leader had something different in mind.

The man stood up with difficulty and grunting approached Carlos, his huge belly bouncing along with his mobs, his neck hidden by a large double chin and his limp arms moving at his sides. No wonder, Frank weighed 430 lbs, he was 48 years old and his hair was completely gray.

"It's exactly a month from now, you'll be joining us right? Everyone will come, it'll be great, a break from the kids and the hustle and bustle of the city, just a group of men enjoying the sun and the sea...right guys?"

The rest of the group seemed unsure, but once again, Frank was the leader and must have known what he was doing, so confused they simply nodded.

Everyone seemed bewildered at the end of the meeting, as soon as Carlos left the others turned to Frank.

"What are you doing Frank, I don't want to put up with that guy for a whole month!" Nobody seems happy with having Carlos on the trip.

"He's unbearable, arrogant, he's so much cocky with those muscles..." they continue to complain and Frank only listens to them.

"Come on, I know a lot of guys like him, they used to be elite athletes, jocks in college and with muscles like Carlos, just a couple of years of fatherhood and they already have a dad bod" the men pay attention when Frank speaks.

"He doesn't seem to have been affected by fatherhood then..." says one of the men.

"Maybe what the guy needs is a little-big push" Frank smiles and the others look at him curiously.

"A whole month with that idiot, I don't think so," although Gerad, one of the parents, still complains.

"Let's put it this way, a whole month to make him lose his muscles, a whole month to turn that idiot into a real dad" Frank throws a pamphlet on the table.

"An old friend of mine, a pharmacist has some interesting things, hey, don't look at me like that, I've hated that guy since I saw him for the first time, I wasn't planning on ruining Carlos like this, but circumstances arose, now do you want him to be a real dad or not?"
3 chapters, created 1 year , updated 3 months
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Iiiiiiiiiiiive 1 year
you have to write new chapter
Iiiiiiiiiiiive 12 months
i need chapter 3 i love this story
Binky 1 year
Git great potential this