"a Huge Punishment for a Huge Athlete"

  By Cleler

Chapter 1 - The growing hatred

It was the second year of college and for Ethan things couldn't be going better. His body was a marvel to behold, his shoulders were big, but not too big, and he kept his triceps well defined. Ethan's biceps were the best part of his arms, he worked them a lot and the training showed, they were bulky, but not exaggerated, always maintaining the perfect proportion, the veins bulged along his arms and his triceps stood out without even flexing them .

His neck was thick under his sharp chin, this led to a prominent collarbone and a strong and protruding chest due to the toned pair of pectorals, which was on top of a well-defined six pack that glistened with sweat as the beautiful guy finished jogging. Every muscle showed years of hard work, Ethan didn't even have to pose or try to flex his abs for them to show, they were always there and he knew it. The cocky and arrogant Adonis knew that he had a beautiful body and did not hesitate to take off his shirt at every opportunity he had.

His father was a great businessman and his mother a beautiful model, he had inherited the best of both. He was rich and too handsome, his face was chiseled, his features were soft but masculine, his nose was straight, his eyes, although brown, seemed to shine more than normal since his long eyelashes and thick eyebrows made them stand out naturally. A cleft chin, a well-defined jaw and a wonderful, white smile framing his face. His skin looked too soft and radiant, his shiny and soft dark brown hair making his well-groomed skin stand out. The rest of his muscles were not far behind, his wide back ended in a framed waist and a well-defined lower back, it was impossible not to admire those incredible obliques that joined lower down with his magnificent deltoids.

His legs were simply lovely, his round firm butt and a pair of muscular thighs. His legs were long and his calves were thick making him a perfect specimen with great condition and excellent build for competing, as if Ethan had been made to be a champion.

It was winter break and the university was almost empty, everyone had left for the holidays, Ethan had booked a trip to the mountains, but that wouldn't be for two weeks. For Ethan it didn't make sense to go home yet, there wouldn't be anyone home anyway, his father was working abroad and his mother wouldn't stop doing catwalks until after the new year, so Ethan decided to stay and exercise that his beautiful body taking advantage of the court and the campus gym.

Ethan wanted to continue exercising, but his literature teacher, Hawk, had summoned him since apparently his final report had not reached his hands, so he had to do it again or he would fail. Ethan re-wrote his report, but this time he changed the topic.
Hawk was a fat man, one could say obese, the professor was jealous of the jock, always looking with envy at the adonis' sculpted body.

The fat man believed that his jealousy was not obvious, but our cocky sports champion delighted in provoking that envy in the obese and short man. Ethan decided it was time to confront his literature teacher. Ethan always teases Hawk by making jokes and making fun of the man's overweight, boasting about having better physical condition, causing the already jealous man to detest him even more. This time he would be no exception and being his last chance this semester he had prepared something special to annoy Hawk.

The athlete strutted proudly through the empty hallways, knowing full well what he was about to do. He was wearing a lycra tank top so that it would show off his muscles well. His freshly worked and sweaty body was embraced by the tank top, his torso seemed beautifully sculpted under the fabric, those pecs stood out through the shirt he was wearing, and the bulging muscles of his arms were visible.

His gym bag was hanging on one side, and Hawk's office was just ahead. Before entering, he made sure to bring a couple of bottles of water in his bag. One contained ice water and the other was at room temperature. He finally made sure. that the shirt showed his muscles.

Ethan walked into the office without even knocking, too sure of himself. There behind a desk was his teacher, he was wearing a collared shirt, the fabric a little translucent for an obese body like his, which was perfect for his plan

—Have you done the work? —Hawk didn't even look up, he didn't want to look at the jock walking towards him. "Sure," he said simply handing Hawk a folder with the title "Morbid Obesity Cases." Ethan was more than satisfied with the red face of his Professor Hawk, who trembled furiously as they held up the report from his student.

—Why have you chosen this topic? —Hawk said, trying to sound calm, he didn't want to give this jock the pleasure of seeing him affected because of his outburst, so he decided to counterattack in an attempt to hurt the athlete's ego. —Are you afraid of becoming fat, Ethan? —Hawk was satisfied with the look of confusion that his comment caused, but Ethan would not stop, on the contrary, he continued with his game.

—Oh no, actually it wasn't hard to decide looking at his disgusting body every day. Let's say that your belly gave me some inspiration. Without thinking further, he took one of the bottles, precisely the one with ice water, and poured it over his teacher, completely emptying the cold liquid, making sure to wet his enormous belly.

The shirt falling off the man's obese body, meanwhile Ethan took out his cell phone and made sure to take some photos then he put his phone away. Finally, he proceeded to pour the other bottle of water over his own body causing each of his muscles to become beautifully marked. So Ethan approached the desk of the humiliated man, who did not know how to react and did not realize that Ethan had taken photos and even a video in which his huge navel could clearly be seen, Ethan began to flex his muscles in front of Hawk who finally raised his face red with anger and shame.

—I think there is a big difference between a fat guy like you and an athlete like me—with that the jock left happy and ready to continue with his training.

Ethan walked across campus to the track, barely warming up when he saw a well-known trio of nerds approaching. Almost everyone at the university adored the handsome jock, except for three nerds filthy in Ethan's eyes. The trio had been Ethan's tease for the past two years. The constant mockery of the nerds' physique affected them and increased their contempt for the jock, but something that Ethan did not notice in them was the growing envy that, due to the abuse, had turned into resentment and a desire for revenge towards the athlete. Stiwie in particular was jealous of Ethan, he hated seeing Ethan strut around the university shirtless showing off his perfect physique showing off his incredible abs and flexing his arms just to make fun of Stiwie and his friends causing everyone to jeer while the athlete even mocked and grabbed his rolls of fat so everyone around could see them.

First there was Warren, the shortest of the nerds, who had horrible acne, which is why he was constantly bullied by the jock. In addition to being overweight, he must have weighed 210 lbs or more. The next was Arthur, who was a little fatter than Warren, but also taller. , not that there was a big difference, he wore glasses that were too big and his eyes seemed tiny, his fat butt wobbled just from walking. And finally there was Stewie, the grossest and fattest of the three nerds. Stiwie was practically obese, he must have weighed over 270 lbs, it was surprising that he could walk. His face was a greasy jelly, and he was sweating buckets just from a casual walk, even seeming to suffer from baldness due to excess sebum and fat.

The nerds turned around as soon as they saw who was waiting on the other side of the field. Smiling sadistically and with a clear idea in mind he grabbed a rope from the exercise area on the field and completely removed his shirt to reveal his toned athlete's body.

"Hey pigs, where do you think you're going, I'm here," he shouted as he ran nimbly, catching up with the trio of nerds who didn't dare look and just wanted to escape, but it was too late Ethan, their tormentor was right behind waving the rope. Stiwie wanted to give him a good beating, but he knew he didn't have the strength to make him pay.

—Damn, I thought at least you guys were smart. You know you can't go very far with those fat asses, right? —Ethan said then he took the rope that he had picked up and slammed it hard on the butts of the nerds who screamed in pain and begged for it to stop, but the athlete continued whipping the rope all over their fatty bodies. The trio fell to the ground and only then did Ethan stop spanking them.

It took Hawk a few minutes to recover then he looked out the window that looked out onto the field, there was Ethan happy to have humiliated him. Hawk watched the whole scene with Ethan and the nerds. He was about to go change his clothes when he picked up the empty bottle and suddenly had a great idea to get revenge. In the university warehouse they had whole boxes of the same brand of water that the stud drank.

Hawk remembered that there was a sedative in the laboratory that could put an elephant to sleep. Also, from what he had heard, many of the students there were not happy with the cocky stud who, like the trio of nerds, had suffered some kind of abuse from the stud.

He took a box of water bottles, went to the parking lot and left it in the trunk of his car, and then headed to the field, where the nerds were lying. "

—Alright, gentlemen, get up now that he's gone, it's time to start revenge— Hawk spoke as the trio of nerds struggled to stand up. It was already very difficult due to their overweight and the injuries made it even worse.

When they finally managed to get up, they approached Hawk, who was waiting for them with a smile on his face, ready to make them part of his plan.

—You want to make him pay, don't you? —Hawk suggested, causing determined looks from the three nerds.

—I want to beat him up," Stiwie said with pure resentment in his tone of voice.

—Oh we will do more than that, we will attack his ego, specifically, we will turn his strong physique into what he despises the most—Hawk said, touching his enormous belly, his shirt still wet.
1 chapter, created 3 weeks , updated 3 weeks
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Jis1999 2 weeks
keep story or make prelude where Ethan and his friends torment the three fatties all year
Justfatgirl 3 weeks
You should write more often, your stories are my favorites.
Fanedfox 3 weeks
Very well written, good character development, I can barely weight for your next chapters.