Chapter 1
‘Of course I’ve won” exclaimed the beefy jock, opening up his chocolate Gordo bar, this was just the normal type of luck star quarterback Alexandro had, after a gruelling workout he had decided to indulge his sweet tooth by snaking on his favourite chocolate bar, and had of course gone and won the Gordo gold ticket. The rest of his football crew crowed around him, exclaiming how lucky he was and how jealous they all were, “Wow you get to stay at the Gordo chocolate factory for 6 whole months”, “Imagine all the free food you are gonna get”, “damn Alexandro you better bring us some scraps’Alexandro chuckled as he walked over the gym mirror to check out his hot bod , his ripped muscular 6ft2 frame, his massive guns - which were of course the biggest out of anyone of the team. As he turned in the mirror he saw his tight inch waist and he pumped his large firm pecs, and how could he forget his meaty thighs and perky bubble but, not only was he the star of the uni’s football team but also the one whose body alone sent shivers the spines of anyone he looked at. Not to mention his killer good looks that had landed him numerous exs. The timing was perfect summer was coming up and after a year of winning games and barely scraping by academically this was just what he needed an all inclusive holiday.
It was finally the day, Alexandro was somehow the only one who found the lucky ticket, this barely troubled all it meant was more attention on him by the national press and the smoking hot interviewers ,stepping out of his limo he was met with crowds upon crowds of people cheering at him, for no-one had entered the Gordo factory in years and were dying for any information about what actually went on inside the worlds biggest chocolate factory. He was met with the flashing lights of the paparazzi as he strode done the red carpet towards the gates of the factory, he made sure to wear his tightest gym equipment to reveal every tight inch of his smoking hot body, as he met up with the news staff, he made sure to be as charming as ever, flashing of his pearly whites while throwing his curly black hair back. This is how he would become a celebrity, he was simply playing the long-game he couldn’t wait until he strode out of those gates at Christmas time and be met with book deals and probably his own tv show.
The questions he was asked were just feeding his already inflated ego , “How lucky you are to be so handsome and now this” etc etc was all he heard . However one question hit him on the spot, “How do you plan to stay in such good shape while being surrounded by so much chocolate”, He hadn’t really thought about that but he quickly threw out on the answer, “Easy, you don’t get this good looking without having a strict diet and large will power , and I am sure Mr Gordo’s got a few weights in there to pass the time, so don’t you worry by the time I get out I still gonna be hot enough to take you out on a date”. The interviewer slightly blushed while Alexandro moved on to the gates , it was time.
Suddenly the crowd fell silent as the factory doors opened, Alexandro quickly turned to see who his mystery lodger was gonna be, one foot after another came out until one of the beefiest muscular man he had ever seen was standing before him , he was a giant among men. Mr Gordo stood nearly 6ft10 tall he had one of the largest upper builds that Alexandro had ever seen, as he kept walking his second biggest feature came into view, his large gut - “what a fatty thought” Alexandro, his gut alone must have weighed the same as a normal American male , it had nothing on Alexandro’s tight 6 pac. Soon the started to gates close and only Alexandro was allowed to enter guided in by Mr Grodo, they walked in silence to the factory doors and just like that they entered and Alex said goodbye to the outside world the door shut sealing him in .
Mr Gordo firmly introduced himself, to Alex as he led him round the factory, an automated robot appeared out of no way and took Alex’s things - cool he thought but his mind was distracted by everything else before him , while the tour started he was shown how the chocolate was made, where the flavours were added and even how it was packaged it was all done entirely the automated machines with there long metal arms moving and passing stuff along as if there were alive themselves, the tour was quite boring in itself aside from the robots flying past them on convery belts moving at impressive coordinated speeds, Mr Gordo must have been a genius, but aside form that the factory seemed to operate just like any other factory, Mr Gordo now dropped Alex of at to his suite, and had told that he would be back for dinner for a surprise, he hadn’t utter much of anything on the tour, it made sense now why he had chosen to seal himself of from the outside world. The suite, of course was massive its curtains were closed and were clasped locked possible holding back the aforementioned surprise, Alex decided to focus on multiple roomed living suite , this was the life Alex could get used to designer sofas with the largest flat-screen he had ever seen of course paired with the latest games console and decked out kitchen, stepping into it, the kitchen seemed to come alive, the lights shone and a seemingly normal kitchen cupboard open automatically
“Ahhh, exclaimed Alex
As a 6ft robot somehow woke it self up and headed towards him, it was wearing a chef outfits allowing Alex to quickly come to the conclusion that this was just another one of those automated robot he had seen racing about the factory
“What can I get for you Master Alexandro”, let out the robot in a mechanical cold voice widening its Led eyes and moving its arms
“Wow, this is on a next level “
The robot stayed they waiting for its orders, waiting to be for service, Alex was still in shock and how impressive it all
‘What can I ask for’
“Master, there is nothing you can ask for that cannot be made in this question’
Pondering for a moment, Alex wanted to see how much this robot lived up his world and after seeing all that chocolate- his sweet tooth was begging for some chocolate
‘Well in that case,.. I think a chocolate, vanilla infused milkshake is just what I need right now’
And just like that, the robot read to life, whizzing sound the kitchen would seemed to connected to the robot inner workings as it folded itself up and brought out tubes of choloacte and milk forms its cabinets
‘Here master, I hope this is to your liking’
As the robot handed Alex one of the most delicious looking milkshakes he had ever seen
‘Ymmmm, this is delicious - what did you do this’
“Well a robot never shared its secrets’ and with that it could tell its job was done and shut done
As Alex continued to look around while drinking his milkshakes, he realised that the entire suite was packed with robots of all sizes, ones to clean the floor and make the Californian kings size bed and ones to seemingly pick out his clothes in the morning, and as he walked passed the fully equipped gym with all the things he could ever need plus some, a fully packed desert bar drew him away, of course coming with a robot sever that swirled alive the moment Alex got near, it had chocolate fountains paired with a rotating ice cream dispenser and a giant churro maker built in . The inner sweet tooth Alex had came to alive once more but he pulled himself away to check out the rest of suite. There were even robots in the bathroom ones that came up the wall whose hand were filled with toothbrushes and sponges, damnnnn Alex thought to himself this is the life.
Realising he had time to kill until dinner, Alexandro of course hit the gym, he wasn’t going to be distracted by all the snacks he was an athlete and needed to get his gains in, the robots in the gym timed him and calculated his body fat levels at a neat 10% body fat and a whopping 90% muscle. While he was lifting weights, - sported by a robot , how cool, another robot came up and introduced itself.
“Hello Master Alexandro, we robots are here to follow your every command, I am the master robot Unit in charge of all operations ”
“Now, we are all coded to one master mind to increase our efficiency in filling your wishes”
“Damn that’s sick”
“Is there anything we can help with you right now”
“Nothing that you can do”, Alex let out while struggling to lift a really heavy weight”Not unless your can make me big enough to life these weights” he chuckled
The robot stood still for a minute ,as if he was calculating something to say Alex could even hear its metal thoughts whizzing about in there , until he broke his silence by saying
“We can do our best”
After a couple of minutes he promptly returned with what seemed like a protein shake in his hand.
“Damn , who guys are good”, Alex thought assuming it was just another protein shake, unknown to him that the robot had already started on his requested to be bigger.
“Just give us a call, after all we are at your service”
Finishing his workout , Alexandro chilled in his very own spa until planting himself down on the most comfortable sofa in his life, it was like the sofa was alive moving and adjusting itself to fit Alex’s body perfectly, damn, Mr Gordo really had gone all out, as he felt the sofa cup around his meaty thighs and tight bubble but. It even had a massage option, which he of course turned on and every part for him vibrated even to his ball sac.
Tuning on the flatscreen, with his voice somehow, he simply said he needed controllers and they appeared, the tv of course came with every single game to ever come out, Alexandro simply sat back into sofa and played the lastest resident evil, until he heard a knock on the door.
Quickly checking himself out in the mirror, a thought quickly came to his mind.,
“Unit open the door would you”
And just like that Unit woke it self up from the shadows and buzzed other to the door
“Ahh, I see you are quickly adjusted to life inside the factory”, Mr Gordo announced as he made his way into the suite
“Yh, its well wicked - you got things in here that haven’t even been thought about yet what do you pay the other staff to keep them quiet ’
“Correction, for the next 6 months you and myself will be the only “humans’ in this factory trust I have had my runs in with staff members who lets say couldn’t behave themselves ”
And with that Alex simply nodded his head, quickly seeing how imposing the 6ft 10 that towered over him really was
After a couple minutes of small talk, Alexandro was led by Mr Gordo into the grand dining room, he had explained along the way the way to the jock that he was free to spend his time however he wanted but he would have to dine with Mr Gordo every day to provide feedback on the ai, see Mr Gordo explained that Alex’s real purpose here was to simply provide feedback on the ai before he expended the company form a simple chocolate company to the world renowned ai power house it could really be.
Or something like that, Alex hadn’t really been paying attention, he caught himself in a mirror was they were walking and had got lost in thought admiring his own hot ripped body.
“Now I see Alex, that you take very good care about your body- I myself can’t say the same to many late nights at the desk table, so I would be happy to alert Unit on any dietary stuff I don’t want any of my gluttony to rub on you and ruin you body”
“Nah don’t sweat it, I’m gym-rat to the core, anything I gain I simply going to shred into pure muscle”, Alex body said flexing his guns to Mr Gordo
“I see, well maybe I should learn a thing or two from you, huh’ Mr Gordo said as he patted his huge stomach.
The conversation continued as some robots whirled around them placing plates and pallets of food between the two, full breasted roast chicken and steaming hams as well as gravy boast filled to the top. It all looked so good, damn with all this extra protein in my diet I’m bound to get huge thought Alex, as the two dove straight into the food once it was all laid out.
Mr Gordo ate as if he was famished, desperately pushing turkey leg and chicken breast into his mouth, no wonder he was so fat Alex continued to think the man has no control , however after one bite of the rich ham, he too ate as if he hadn’t seen, food in days, it was all so good every bite was rich and creamy, he just couldn’t stop. The two didn’t talk the duration of the meal all their thought went straight to the food until not a scarp was left between the two of them.
“I see how you are in such shape my boy, for someone so small you sure to cramp a lot of meat down ya’ Mr Gordo chuckled as he slapped Alex bloated 6 -pac
“Yh, I treat my body like a temple, 24/7, all this is just fuel for the body”, Alex mummer back not likely being referred to as small
“Well I hope you left room for desert, I still have my surprise to show you’
Alex was stuffed beyond words, it was like something came over him all really he needed was a good belly , his belly was bloated and was curving out of his tight tank-top - maybe Unit gives good belly rubs, but not wanting to show himself up as a bad guest, he of course followed Mr Gordo out of the dining room, as they walked Mr Gordo inquired more about Alex, Alex simply told him that he wanted to be a big time celebrity after all this he even joked saying how he wanted to be the biggest star the world has ever seen.Soon the two came across a large locked door,
“Now here Alex is where I have had a little bit of fun with the ai, all of course vital to the wellbeing to the company”
The anticipation was killing Alex, somehow the idea of desert had somehow woken up his inner sweet-tooth and the dinner he had stuffed down him was long forgotten about, and then finally moment he had been waiting for Mr Gordo opened the door.
9 chapters, created 11 months
, updated 7 months