
  By CIL  

Chapter 1

 Devon had it all, the looks, the body and the skill, he was everywhere. Walking down a typical street in London would result in seeing him on buses, billboards and sports campaigns. Coming back from a 10k jog, instead of feeling exhausted like others would, Devon simply went to practice with a protein shake in one hand and the latest iPhone in the other, this tedious life proved to be successful. At only 24, Devon was on top of the world playing the main striker on one of the world's biggest football teams and he had the body that went with it. His face mimicked that of a Greek god's: two large cheekbones that gave him a square-cut face which framed his stunning hazel eyes . His strong jawline led down to two large pecs both firm with muscle, that protruded over rock-hard abs, he made sure he was smooth all over with hardly any body hair anywhere - it's what his manager wanted to make sure his football team logo tattooed on his right pec was never covered, he didn’t care, besides it made sure that world see even more of his 76 kg body. He had the arms of a bodybuilder, both filled with hard muscle, and his legs were sturdy and supported his firm bubble butt . All of this came together to what some would say was the perfect male body - and he ate up all the admiration he got. At practice he was always first to finish running lapping his teammates, and still not losing any breath, with barely a sweat drop on him he moved unto his favourite training exercise. Scoring. Up and down he had the mind of a mastermind, with his excellent foot coordination every goal he aimed for, he got. Devon finished off by chugging another protein shake and hitting the gym to maintain his 3% body fat which was hard to maintain but he took to the challenge, every other day was either leg day or arm day and you would never see him complain. However, after a long day of pushing his body to the limits he came home not to one filled with warmth and energy but to one filled with with emptiness. When he told his manager he was gay he was forced to promise to never be seen out in public with anyone except the hottest new fresh social media influencer bird. All of this shallowness led to an empty house and a lonely Devon.
“You want me to do what “
“Just make sure he isn’t appearing on any more sports health covers any time soon”
Ajay was surprised at what he was being told to do, when clubbing in Soho he had been approached by a group of men who needed to talk to him urgently in private.
“ Wait so let me get this straight you want me to fatten up England’s Star footballer “
“It’s more complicated than that, see Devon may be the face of England football now, but we have more lucrative players who just need their moment to shine”,
Taken back on what he was being told to do, Ajay was still processing what was going on
“Look, all we need you to do is to buddy up with Mr All-Star and encourage him to let go for a while, besides we will pay for an all the food you need, this debit card is linked to a bottomless well and its yours to keep as long as you keep up your side of the bargain “
Gulping, Ajay reached for the card, it dawned on him what really was on offer here, all his debts paid in a heartbeat - moving to the Uk was not cheap after all, and all he had to to do was fatten up one cocky headed footballer.
“I’ll do it “
What a game, Devon was coming off a high that he could never have imagined, kicking the season off to a 5-0 win was the boost he needed - the tens thousands of fans shouting his name didn’t help either. Breaking from the field, he was practically carried up by his teammates into the changing rooms , where he was stripped down and they took the pleasure in celebrating him with slaps on the arse and towel whips.Devon loved the attention, with his hot Boyd on display he couldn’t get enough of all the homoerotic celebrations . Getting ready to leave Devon always made sure to wear the most revealing and tight clothes, his tight leather pants and jacket left nothing to the imagination, every tight bump of his body was hugged, form his protruding bubble butt to his perky pecs. However from this epic high he quickly remembered that he was going to have to go home to another cold and lonely night his mood quickly dampened. Chad - who just so happened to be out in Soho the other night, took heed of what he was seeing
“Oi Devon, wipe that pitifully mug off your face and cone to the after party “, the team jeered at this
“ You know I can’t, this body doesn’t take care of itself “
“ Just this once - come one live a little “.
Devon decided there was no need to fight this sure what could one more night of meaningless sex with the fittest broad in the club do
“ alright, alright “
And as they walked out of the changing room, Devon unfortunately dint see the the devious grin that had appeared on Chads face

As the team entered the nightclub, the entire club suddenly turned into a frenzy, rushing up to them with autographs, Devon ate all this up but he wasn’t looking forward to the end of the night. When the clatter of people had finally calmed down and his teammates dispersed, Devon went to the bar, ordering just the correct amount of alcohol to keep him lucid, he had to be careful ,coming from a long line of beer-bellied fathers each one fatter than the next he was well aware the fat gene laid dormant in his genes. As he scanned through the crowd to see which girl would be lucky to go home with him and end up in the tabloids for a good week or two, his eyes ended up on a slender man dancing on the dance-floor, he looked like everything his manager discouraged him from, and yet Devon felt his dick stirring. His brown chocolate skin contrasted with the blonde highlights in his hair, his piercings were numerous and his tattoos were definitely a mistake, his slender frame was on display for the entire club to see in his tight crop top. As Devons kept staring, and wondering why he was so drawn to this man, he made the mistake of making eye contact with this mysterious man, who was now startingto approach him. As Devon soon realised what was about to happen, the thought of running away entered his mind but his legs for some reason couldn’t move.
“ Buy me a drink at least, before you go all eyes on me “, he spoke in an rough cockney accent
“I,I.I… “, he was speechless his charm out the door no man had ever approached him with this confidence
“Why is it always the hot ones, who never have anything to say, the names Ajay, yours ‘
“You don’t know who I am’
“ “cocky much “
“Sorry, Devon, just a bit.. “
Karan smirked as he cut he off, he knew this was going to be easy, no matter what the tabloids could say, this man was gay, all he had to do was put on the charm
“Well Devon, the drink was nice but I am famished, haven’t eaten all day and I am just so broke and Mc Donald’s closes in ten minutes so I have to go “
“ Wait, - what was Devon doing, what would the media say if they saw him leaving a club with someone who looked like the gayest stereotype ever
But before he could finish his sentence, he felt Ajay pull him out from the floor and out onto the streets of London
Lurking in the corner Chad smirked once again, as the rent boy his father had hired was finally the diamond in the rough they had been looking for , that would finally lead him to being the star striker.
What was Devon doing, he had an swimwear campaign shoot tomorrow, and here he was prancing around London with this twink, where did he say again -McDonald’s, wow he hadn’t gone there since he started playing football. Ajay however was firmly in charge , and what was one night of unhealthy food compared to years of exercise? Dodging beer-crawls and drunk uni students, As they ordered, Devon realised that Karan was ordering a shit load of food, 3 large Big Macs each paired with a large fries, damn this dude was hungry -where did he put it all?
“ ahh I’m stuffed “,
Ajay proclaimed with only a couple fries down
‘What????, you just made me order this trash and now you aren’t even going to eat it “,
“Calm down, its not my fault that if I even touch this food I will literally exorcise vomit all over your pretty face, anyways why don’t you have it “
“What you don’t realise is that this pretty face is attached to an even hotter body “, proclaimed Devon as he removed his leather jacket to reveal his gunned arms flexing,
“ Calm down Mr gun show , “ Ajay realised that from the get go that this man was eager to show off all he needed was a little touching up in the correct places to ease him down and get the show on the road
remarked Ajay as he stuffed the cheesy burger into the footballer mouth
“Just try it”.
Devon first rejected this but as Ajay wouldn’t budge, Devon stopped resisting and took a big juicy bite of the burger. The flavours lit up in his mouth, and as the cheese dripped down from his mouth, he felt the burger enter his body on a spiritual level, filling the hole that all the kale salads in could world could not fill.
Ajay however seemed to be moving to down under the table as if he had dropped something, It wasn’t till hill started to tug down Devon's tight leather pants down that Devon realised he was looking fro something else
” Oi, we in public - quit ti “
“Calm down and eat your burger” remarked Ajay showing no signs of slowing down, he removed the expensive underwear, and passed it down Devon’s tight muscular legs, and up popped his meat - this guy was obviously not getting enough action. And as Devon stuffed the 2nd burger into his mouth ( man these things tasted good ), he felt Ajay’s soothing lips make contact his penis, he felt Karan’s tongue swirl around his penis, as it was pushed further into his mouth, somewhat dancing around it.
To stop himself from moaning outlaid he quickly grabbed the third burger followed by the glorious French fries, giving him a food orgasm partnered with a dick spasm that caused his entire body to twitch incoordination, and as Ajay swallowed his pre-cup he scooped up all he fries into his mouth, and as his fingers become numb and he felt on on the verge, Ajay climbed up out for under the table and patted his stomach.
“Stop, what are you doing? finish the job!”
“You don’t tell me what’s to do “
Ajay smirked as he started to spin his web to trap this footballer .
“Now come on, the sun rising and I’m sure you can’t be seen with the likes of me “
Devon followed this logic, and grabbed Ajay by the arm, and dragged him back to hi London townhouse, in an area of London filled with fat bankers and chubby stock markers, hoping that Ajay would finish the job, but as he reached his doorstep, he was met with a kiss on the cheek as Ajay scuttled down the streets, leaving only a phone number on a napkin that smelled like oil drenched freckles fries. Leaving Devon with only the thought that he needed more and maybe another Big Mac
With the smell of Mc Donalds on Devon's breathe as he woke up feeling groggy and already waiting to enter his bed at night , he didn’t have time for his 10k run but he assured himself that an after-noon run would have to suffice, realising the time he had to get breakfast on go as he got ready for his swimwear campaign,-something about getting Uk fatties swimming or something. Throwing on his tightest skinny jeans and his fitted jersey , he left the house knowing that anybody would die for his body and one caret day would be fine
. Arriving at the shoot ten minutes late, with a McDonald’s breakfast double sausage bagel around his mouth (what was he doing he swore off the stuff) He was met with fan girls and assistants swarming around him, undressing him and getting him ready with the rest of the team. And what a team all of the 11 footballs stripped down to their speedos flexing their biceps and leaving their bulges on the world to display looked like. Devon was of course pushed to the middle, with his strapping body covered in oils to make his tight muscles glisten. This would have annoyed Chad a couple of weeks ago ,but he was assured that when Devon's body was destroyed he would be pushed out of the frame leaving only space for Chad to shine and while Devon was called in for his private shots, Chad made himself to keep himself busy by adding metabolism halters to all of Devon's food. This dude was gonna be fattened up the easy way or the hard way.
There was a knock on the door, a couple of days later - Ajay made sure to keep this jock waiting just long enough. The door was opened to the stripped-down footballer only in his tight whites, All evidence of the private McDonald’s visit vanquished by the training he had put his body though, taking in Devon’s spectacular body it dawned on him that he had a long way to go before he developed anything close to the regular Joe fatty body. Allowing himself to be dragged to Devon’s bedroom he decided it was time to escalate things with Devon by going all the way . As his clothes were stripped down, and Devon mounted him from behind he found himself being pushed deeper and deeper into the face of Devon's superkings bed, he felt himself being entered as Devon pushed his meat deeper into him. NO foreplay, or kissing just straight to the point, he had made Devon wait too long and as he heard Devon grunt and push he knew he had had it coming to him. And with a moan and the spazzing of the leg, he felt Devon collapse next to him in the bed.
Now it was time to spin his web so as Ajay found himself being pulled closer to the hunk of muscle by his strong arms, he felt Devon's hands hold him tightly and smother him, he saw what a big softie Devon really was and thought of the perfect plan to put in motion
.So as their laid there in each others arms Ajay broke the silence
“Look, I’m only doing this because this is literally my last option , but I’ve been kicked out -something about actually paying rent or whatever, so I was wondering “
“Ajay , relax do whatever you want, your welcome to stay here as long as you want “, Devon responded finally cutting Ajay off
Wow Ajay thought this jock is going to be putty in his hands. Now all he had to was set the ball rolling
6 chapters, created 1 year , updated 11 months
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Person55555 11 months
Such a good story! Love the growing fattening harem of big boys indulging in unrepentant hedonism.
Fatnick43 11 months
wow chapter 6 was very good your very good wrtier is chad gonna get fat now hehe
Fatnick43 11 months
wow chapter 4 and 5 were amazing this getting better and better i hope u gonna write more , is tom gonna get fat hehe
Fatnick43 12 months
i love stories like this i hope u keep writing more chapters
BS Writer 1 year
I love the commentary. I hope we get lots more of that as he continues to get fatter. This is really great.
BS Writer 1 year
This is so great, and I hope there’s more soon.