Audria's Feeder

  By Kanari  

Chapter 1

Audria's Feeder
By: Kanari Writes
CW: Weight gain, domination, force-feeding, sex
Chapter 1

The day started like most days for Audria Sinclair with her alarm blaring at six o'clock in the morning. Sinclair was never really a morning person, but this morning she felt a nagging sensation keeping her awake instead of pressing the snooze button and rolling over to go back to sleep. As she stretched you could hear her joints popping from the deep slumber they previously had been. Sunlight peeks around the full-length black-out curtains that kept the room dark and all unwanted light out. Sinclair took a moment to appreciate the room's darkness before pulling back the curtains with her eyes closed to not blind herself with the bright sunlight on the other side.
It didn't take long before her stomach began to rumble in a vain attempt to tell her she needed to eat. Oh alright, alright I will feed you. She thought to herself placing a hand upon her stomach. Her fingers sank slightly into the bulk of her belly, giving it a gentle bounce in her hands. Scooting across her queen-sized mattress she places her feet on the shockingly cold floor. Which causes her to reel back into the comfort and warmth of her bed. Brr, that's cold! She thought to herself as she slipped her feet into comically large purple fuzzy slippers. Sinclair walked across the room to her closet, but her attention was snagged halfway across the room by her reflection in her floor-length mirror. My, my, my I look ravishing. She thought to herself as she did quarter turns to look at her two hundred and thirty-pound frame. Her once toned and muscular body has now given way to the quaking ball of flesh that she has now become.
Not like this truly bothered her anyway, she didn't like to exercise or diet in the first place. Her boyfriend doesn't seem to mind the extra poundage, as he can barely keep his hands off her when they are together. She gives herself a quick soft slap on her ass and watches the ripples of her body spread across her body. Ding! Her phone goes off, taking a look at it she notices a message from Danny her boyfriend. Opening the message she is greeted with the sight of his seven-inch member hard and ready for action with the text following saying "I'm so ready for our date at the Golden Corral tonight babe." Sinclair chuckles and puts the phone leaning against her dresser and facing her. Turning on the camera she sets the timer to ten seconds and poses for the camera of her touching herself and holding her left breast.
After the photo is taken she sends it to her boyfriend and continues to her closet to look for a set of clothes for today. Going through her closet she takes some time to decide on a set of clothes. A blue dress with purple panties and black shorts. After a nice hot shower, Sinclair gets dressed in her blue dress with lacy frills along the bottom. She gives a spin in the dress to watch the skirt of the dress swirl in the air. The dress barely fits over her plumper frame now. It once was very sleek, but now you can see her navel through the dress, and the seams on the side pop and stretch with every movement. Threatening to burst at any time. As she steps out of the bathroom she makes her way towards her kitchen, which has leftover dishes in the sink from the night before. I guess I better clean those sometime soon. She thinks to herself stepping over to her fridge and opening it looking for something to eat.
Just then she realizes she has leftover poke cake from the night before. She grabs the pan that is covered with tinfoil to keep the cake nice and moist from the fridge and sets it on her table. "Yum." She mumbles out pulling back the tinfoil from the pan. Reaching into the pan she grabs a slice of cake with her bare hands not caring if she gets messy or not by eating. Time for a sweet treat. She thinks to herself as she begins to devour what is left of the cake with her bare hands even holding the cake in both hands to increase the speed at which she eats the cake. It doesn't take her long to finish the last of the cake the dress creaking and groaning from the extra stress of holding back her gluttony.
Ding! Her phone goes off, taking a look at the phone she sees it's from her boyfriend Danny. "I'm outside your apartment!" Quickly, or as quickly as a glutted tight dress-wearing woman can get up she makes her way to the door with a more pronounced waddle than before. Opening the door stands a tall man of six foot seven inches with four days worth of stubble on his chin.
"Hello my love I know I am several hours early, but I couldn't wait to be with you." He said as he planted a singular kiss upon her cheek.
"Hey Danny, it's so good to see you. Did you get out of work early today?" She asks reciprocating the kiss on her cheek for a kiss on his lips.
"Yeah, I did and I thought I would stop by and make sure my princess is getting enough to eat." He says as he places both of his hands on her taught round belly. "My, my looks like you been a little piggy while I was at work." He teases which only makes Audria giggle softly.
"I just finished the rest of the cake that you had me make." She explained through muffled moans as Danny rubbed her belly and gave it several reassuring squeezes. "Do you want to come in?" She asked giggling at her boyfriend's antics.
"I would love to my queen." He says as Audria steps to the side to let her boyfriend in. "That dress doesn't look like it can last much longer dear." He teases poking at her belly, "But, I am sure you can fit a little more in that black hole of a belly cant you?"
"I – I don't know, I am already pretty full and my dress is already popping at the seams." She says with a blush creeping across her chubby face.
"Awe come on, I know you can eat a lot more than a cake. Maybe you just feel full from the tight dress pressing down on that amazing tummy of yours." He states as he lifts her dress up and over her belly. As he did this she couldn't help but let out a massive burp right in his face.
"E – excuse me!" She said with a horrified look on her face.
"Don't worry about it dear, just making more room for food. Nothing wrong with that." He says giving her belly a gentle pat and sitting her down in the chair at the dinner table. He promptly walks his way to the fridge to look at what she has in stock. "Aha! That's it!" He exclaims grabbing a container of heavy cream. "Do you by chance have any more cake mix dear?" He asked.
"Yeah, it's in the cabinet to your left top shelf . . . why?"
"Well, my dear I'm going to make you another cake." He says as he opens the cabinet door in search of the cake mix. "Now dear, since I am here why don't you take off that dress before it gets ruined. I am gonna make sure you're well fed." He says with honey in his voice. She mumbles something to the effect of but I wanted to rip it. Danny smirks hearing her little bratty outburst. "Oh, so you want to rip the dress with your fat? My, my what a glorious piggy you have become. Almost unrecognizable from the thin track star you used to be." He mocks which only sends waves of heat between Audria's legs.
"Oink oink!" She retorts her face as red as a tomato unable to make herself do anything but what her boyfriend says.
"Good girl!" He praises as he is busy mixing the cake mix into a cake batter. "Now say ahh." He demands as he brings a bowl over to Audria. Who only looks up at him confused. "My dear you're gonna eat the cake batter, I used heavy cream so it's even more calorie-dense than a regular cake. Without another word, she opens her mouth and waits for Danny. "Good girl." He praises again beginning to pour down the mix of cake batter into her mouth slowly enough to where she won't choke but fast enough to where she struggles to keep up. At this rate, it didn't take long for the entirety of a cake to be inside Audria's stomach.
"Oh, I feel so bloated!" She whined holding her belly.
"Well, that would be the cake batter rising inside your little oven of a belly." He taunts as he pokes her belly which has grown solid from the cake rising inside.
"Oh! Make it stop. it's too much!" She groaned as she leaned back in her chair her dress audibly creaking and snapping as her belly expanded. "I feel like I'm gonna burst!" She pleads to deaf ears as he rubs her belly and whispers in her ear.
"This is how all pigs should feel. Like they're ready to burst. Don't worry my dear you have a long way to go before I am ready to pop you!" He whispered with a smirk on his face. "Now get up. We are heading to your bedroom." He demanded, to which Audria really tried but couldn't make it to her feet her belly weighing her down and pinning her to the chair. "Aww, poor piglet can't even stand on her own she's so full." He teases which sends waves of heat again to her loins. He grabbed her by the hands and with a mighty pull, pulled her up to her feet which she staggered to catch herself from falling. And with the mighty pull came a loud and ominous RIIIIP. Audria stands there frozen in place for a second as she evaluates what just happened.
"My, my looks like you were fit to burst that dress." He mocks as he pokes at the exposed fat sticking out of the freshly torn fabric.
"I – it's not my fault!" She stammered, to which Danny only snickered.
"Then who's fault is it tubby? Because you're the one who's been greedily gobbling down all the food she sees. Leaving nothing behind." He smirks knowing that turns his princess on more than anything. Pointing out how greedy she has become and what it is doing to her body.
"Y – yes sir." She stammers again feeling all the warmth and eagerness in her loins. "Please Danny, take me." She begs holding onto Danny for support still not adjusted to her new center of gravity.
"I don't know, I was gonna save that for tonight." He teases helping her waddle down the hallway to her room.
Setting her down on the bed another loud RIIIP was heard as the dress split right down the side of her. Her belly poking out still swelling from the cake that is inside baking. Danny grabs the sides of the dress and pulls ripping it the rest of the way off Audria's body. "I guess you leave me with no choice." He taunts as he slips his fingers between her meaty thighs and rubs her second set of lips through her panties. Which is moist to the touch. "My, my you really did get excited, didn't you? Could it be that you are enjoying your descent into gluttony and hedonism? Audria whimpers and only nods blushing at being teased by her fit boyfriend. "Now, now princess what do good piggies say?" He teases.
"Oink Oink!"
"That's a good girl now spread your legs so I can remove your panties." She obediently opens her legs quickly her thighs giving a little jiggle as she does. Danny smirks and slowly and methodically goes up her thighs giving gentle squeezes to her thigh fat before inserting his fingers on either side of her panties and slowly pulling them down over her legs and off her. "Now, what does the princess want me to do?" He chimes.
"I want Daddy to penetrate me." She whines. Danny smirks and slides his fingers down her second set of lips and smirks.
"Oh want me inside you do you? You're asking a lot from your daddy." He says sliding one finger between her lips to which she lets a moan escape her lips. "Oh? Does that feel good princess?" Audria nods and looks up at him with lust behind her pale blue eyes. "You know you're so beautiful when you are wanting daddy." He says with a smile spread across his face. This melts Audria's heart and she smiles big with a prominent blush across her face, nearly forgetting that her boyfriend's finger is inside her until he slowly adds another finger. This causes another moan to escape her precious plump lips.
"Mmmm. Yes Daddy, more please!" She begs Danny who only smirks and slowly moves his fingers in and out of her lips eliciting many more moans to escape Audria. Then suddenly he pulls his fingers out of her lips and puts them in her mouth. She sucks on his fingers blushing at her own taste and how commanding her boyfriend is.
"That's a good girl. I guess you deserve a reward for eating two entire cakes today even though one is still baking inside you." He smirks as he pulls his fingers out of her mouth to his belt undoing it in one swift motion. He let his pants drop to the ground to reveal that he indeed was not wearing any underwear that day. His member is erect and throbbing at the sight of his beautiful girlfriend. "As you wish my princess." He says as he pulls out a condom and slides it down his shaft.
"I – I'm ready." She blurts out. Which causes Danny to snicker at her for being so impatient.
"I know you ready my dear." He says as he kisses her lips and slides his member into her lower lips. Audria gasps and kisses Danny with her tongue playing war with his for domination of the mouth. Much like the rest of Audria the tongue has gotten lazy and weaker as it finally succumbs to the strength and endurance of Danny's tongue. Danny's hand grasps Audria's right breast and gives it a gentle squeeze. His other hand grabbed her large rear and gave it a harsher squeeze. This causes Audria to yelp in shock.
"N – not so rough." She moaned out feeling Danny slowly grinding away on her. Only to be met with a smirk on Danny's smug face.
"Oh, you want me to be more gentle?" He asks to which Audria only nods and shuts her mouth. "Okay then." He said as he loosened his grip on her rear and then gave it a quick yet gentle spank causing her thighs to jiggle, but not her stomach since it is so packed with food it looks ready to burst like an over-filled balloon. Audria whimpers in pleasure as Danny rocks his hips roughly into her.
"O – Oh! I am gonna!" She shouts out with pleasure, but just before she can Danny removes himself from her putting Audria on edge. "N – not fair!" She whined.
"Oh, but I do love to tease you." He said with the wickedest grin he could muster. Audria whined saying.
"You're supposed to let me come not tease me!" Which causes Danny to chuckle.
"If that were so, then you would be on top, wouldn't you? But you got too lazy and fat to top didn't you?" He teases. Which makes Audria all the more flustered. "Okay – okay, I will let you come just this once." He says inserting himself back into her womanhood and beginning to plow her again at a nice slow methodical pace. Audria moaned in pleasure feeling his warm member back into her.
"Yes! Yes!" She shouted as she climaxed all over Danny's member. She now lays there panting eyes rolled back into her head thoroughly pleased with herself, forgetting about the ache from her stomach from how bloated she has become. As she regained her composure Danny climaxed as well into the condom. Looking down at her boyfriend she realizes just how domed her belly has become from the cake. It looks like she swallowed a beach ball. "B – babe I am so tired now." She mumbled her eyes fluttering from exhaustion.
"I know princess, you can rest now." He said as he pulled out of her and discarded the used condom. He then lays next to his glorious mound of flesh he calls a girlfriend and rubs her belly gently eliciting several deep and lengthy burps to escape from her lips."See you when you wake up my princess." He coos softly as she drifts off to sleep.
1 chapter, created 1 week , updated 1 week
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