Bizzare Weight Gain Story - Chapter 3

  By ChubbyChaser28

chapter 3

After what seemed like an entire day, I woke still huge and fatter than ever. I looked down at my giant body; still at awe at his new physique and almost marveling at its round form. Though I felt so much bigger (my body looking to be more than 300 pounds), I was less worried than expected. “Why is that?” he wandered. Was it because of finally having food in my system or having a good sleep? I maneuvered my huge body, bit by bit, minute after minute, until I finally got up on my feet. Gravity wasn’t the kindest intruder. Everything in me felt heavier than it ever did. He looked down on himself and couldn’t see anything else besides my man breasts and huge gut.

“I can’t even see my feet,” I whispered on to my already forming double chin. My hand tried to push all the flab inside to get a better view of the ground, but there was little success. With my hands still clinging on to this growing mass, I began to squeeze this huge belly attached to me, curious how it felt. The layers of fat was a strange sensation that I wasn’t use to. But the feeling was not a bad. It almost felt like being a kid playing with plado or holding a water balloon. Suddenly my feeling of curiosity was quickly switched to a state or arousal, until . . .

‘Someone looks they are having a good time.”

I snapped out of my mind and looked at the direction of the random voice, almost like an animal spooked by a human. There in my view was a mysterious woman standing at the end of the hallway. She was a brunette with glowing black hair and eyes smiling right back at me. She was wearing a one piece of clothing that seemed to be made out bed sheets. Though it looked like it was only covering her front, she seemed to be almost naked, and her huge body was bulging out, which can only be described as MUSCULAR. Everything from her broad shoulders to the two wide legs was injected with pure muscle. I was in a trance looking at her body until she started to walk in front of me.

“Hi there. My name is Cindy.”

She raised her hand up for a handshake, close enough to hit my gut. I was taken back from all this and her presence that just left me standing in front of her with a couple seconds of awkward silence. I finally returned the gesture and shook her hand DAMN. It was strong and firm.

“Want to make you something to eat?” My stomach heard those words and gurgled and rumbled out of instinct. “I guess that is a yes,” she said with a laugh and smile. She turned to walk to the kitchen; her gaze slowly hanging on me. With her back facing me now, Cindy was completely naked. I had a clear head to toe view of her muscular back, everything from her broad shoulders to a two toned butt cheeks were on full display. He felt tired just looking at her and fell right back on the chair (thankfully not breaking it). Every once in a while she looked back over her shoulder to get a peek at me. I didn’t know what to say or respond with. I didn’t even know there was someone else inside this place, and she was already a foot away, basically naked, making food.

She turned around holding a tray of bread, smiling like a dog happy to see its owner, not at all taken back by my appearance. Cindy’s pretty face was glowing; her dark, black eyes and raven-colored hair stood out giving her a magical look all around. Her smile widened showing her perfect white teeth. The awkward vibe was dialed to 100 in this room.

“Did you walk here all by yourself?” Cindy sounded a little concerned. “Well thankfully I made something that I am hoping you’d enjoy.”I was too tired to think or say anything in return. I still felt a little winded from being surprised. My butt cheeks were literally spilling out from the sides and the legs of the chair were crying from the amount of weight crushing them. I frowned a little out of embarrassment.

“I hope you are hungry,” Cindy said while standing a few inches away, her size intimidating me. She leaned on the table and guided a loaf of warm bread to my mouth. “May I?” Being hand fed bothered me, and before I could protest or say anything, Cindy maneuvered the food just in time into my open mouth. She must have been a gourmand because she knew exactly the perfect food to shut me up because the taste was melting his heart away. All worried thoughts seemed to vanish with the magic of food. I began to grasp my belly feeling it slowly expand, and Cindy joined in. “I hope you don’t mind me helping; this could help ease the pressure you may have.” She suddenly starts pushing her palms into the flab and kneading it slowly like dough. Thankfully my mouth was full of food because I felt like moaning easily. This belly rub was feeling so amazing. Whether it was her strong-yet-feminine hands or because of how sensitive my belly was, I had never felt anything like this before. I slowly began to regain my conscious and realize that I was the only one completely naked. Feeling embarrassed I tried to get up, but his boulder-like belly was sprawled on all sides slowly pushing the table to the side. Cindy was playing with my fat, something that did unease me. I still didn’t know anything about this woman.

“I just realized I forgot to wear something. Let me go back to my room and get something.” I tried to get up, which led to some awkward thrusts and noises. Cindy began to apologize for her strange behavior and tried to help him up. Once on his two feet, something odd happened between us. I noticed and felt a strange object hitting the bottom of my gut. Whatever the thing was, it began to move up. I looked up and saw a shocked expression sprayed across Cindy’s face.

Startled and confused, he stated to make my way for the exit out. “Uh- I got this. Please let me go,” I said as politely as possible. I turned around, very slowly, and began waddling my way back to the room while trying not to feel embarrassed about this whole situation (kind of seemed impossible with my enormous ass cheeks shaking for Cindy to see). After what felt like an entire day, I finally made it back safely to his room. He closed the door behind him (thankfully there was a lock) and spent the rest of the time processing everything that has been happening. What I didn’t know was Cindy was left alone in the kitchen not only fully embarrassed, but tearful of the one huge feature she has yet to reveal.
1 chapter, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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