Bottles of Cream

  By Danny53

chapter 1

When my somewhat estranged wife came over unannounced she seemed angry. Anyway she wanted money. Of course her new super fit boyfriend was with her. I gave her a good amount of money anf gave her plenty and asked her to leave. Instead of leaving she started aggressively smacking me around and calling me fat names in her anger. Then she overpowered me and tied me up firmly up and left. I was scared as to what to do. But she ended up coming back with 3 bottles of pure cream, and 8 whoppers. She forced me to eat all 8 whoppers, then she told me cream would make my fat soft and full of cellulite so I’d be soft like a girl. She then force funnel fed me 2 bottles of cream. Then she took the 3 R.D. bottle of cream out of the refrigerator and had her boyfriend dip his dick into it and repeatedly make me lick it off. After about an hour after the cream was gone they started brutally squeezing my fat really hard leaving scratch marks and making fun of me and taking turns spanking me until my ass was red and sore. And finally her boyfriend stuck his large cock deep in my ass and pounded me for 20 minutes until I began crying. Honestly I could barely move and resist being so full and weak. Then she told me she was going to file for divorce soon if I stopped giving her money and objected to what just happened. I told her I would be devastated if she divorced me and she is welcome to come over as often as she wants too now. I even told her she and her boyfriend could move in if she preferred. At that point she became less angry and said she’d think about it. She also promised me she would keep me restrained most of the time and feed me while she made love to her man. She also said while she finds me repulsive and gross she loves feeding me and watching me become fatter, softer and immobile , and finally she told me she loved having me suck cock and take a fucking as she now considers me her sissy fat pig husband. She also told me she would put a cage on my cock to signify that I’m a cuckold now. I begged her to move back in and continue our marriage. Before she left she untied me and said she’d get back to me in a few days. And finally her boyfriend told me he owned me too and stuck a butt plug in my ass. Then they left. It took 3 hours to get the plug out of my ass since I’m so fat and was worn down from the abuse.
I want more.
1 chapter, created 4 years , updated 4 years
3   1   2953

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BeSoft 4 years
I've several times fantasied about kinda similar things. So I quite loved that story!