Broadening Horizons

  By Chickenshack

chapter 1: fresh arrival

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Jennifer sighed as her train pulled pulled in to the station at Port Plaza, one of the cutely named commercial hubs littered throughout the shoreside city of Newton’s Port. Her sigh was quickly followed by a deep inhale.

"Ahh," she breathed, contentedly, her head leaning toward the partially opened cabin window. "I can already smell that fresh seaside air."

Of course, there was another smell permeating the air as she clumsily squeezed her way off the train, turning sideways with her luggage in tow. The plaza's many restaurants, snack shacks, funnel cake booths and other eateries beckoned lovingly to her, the smells they emitted like siren songs to her stomach tempting her with reprieve after an arduous voyage. Her thick belly let out a low rumble.

'No no,' she thought, gently squeezing her sizeable muffin top with the hand that wasn't gripping her bags. 'I came here to avoid such things. No need to contribute any more to this,' she continued internally as she gazed longingly, almost helplessly at all of the numerous, overwhelmingly tempting options. At the word 'this' her free hand subconsciously moved to by far her most afflicted area: her enormous ass.

The only reason Jennifer didn't drop everything she was doing and run, er, waddle straight for the nearest ice cream stand and start ordering all of her favorites was that, well, she had plenty of times in the past. And she certainly had the butt to show for it. Jennifer was so enormously, spectacularly bottom heavy that even back at her old job as a math teacher she still turned the heads of students and even other teachers. Hell, Jennifer noted with a bit of anger, some of the women who gawked were even heavier than she was! Maybe they weren't as.. uniquely proportioned, but that was just genetics, right?

Her hand still stroking one soft, jutting giant hip, as she tended to do when deep in thought, Jennifer thought back to those drab, demeaning days. The bottom-heavy auburn ex-teacher knew that being surrounded by children wasn't for her after finally growing sick of the rudeness, insolence and disrespect of her students. And the constant teasing and jabs taken (sometimes literally) at her quaking derrière had finally gotten to be too much! Or, in her years enjoying the "perks" of being school faculty, she might have gotten to be too much for some of the furniture... Either way, the straw that broke the camel's back was when, much to both her confusion and anger, the student yearbook committee simultaneously awarded her with "Biggest Hardass" and "Biggest ***". And that was the final straw for the bell-shaped belle. She had handed in her resignation at the end of that very semester, vowing to relocate somewhere fresh and maybe get somewhere back under 400 pounds.

So far, her plan was going well! The relocation half had obviously succeeded even if the young Miss Ackerman was nowhere near being settled, having only seen her new apartment in a virtual tour provided by Sarada Tech after she had nailed her online interviews for one of their partner companies, a food distributor called "Fuji". ‘Heh,’ Adeline had thought, ‘like the mountain.’ This "Fuji", much to Jennifer's delight, not only provided near-site housing for its supervisors but the apartment itself looked amazing. Originally, Jennifer had tried her best to get a job with Sarada Tech, a cutting-edge technology development firm, hoping that her firm mathematics background would be seen as an asset for the company. She did think it a little out of the ordinary that part of her pre-interview resume submission mandated a recent physical and a full-body profile shot, but for what the starting salary offered, she begrudgingly accepted, using the best lighting she could (and wearing black, of course) and slightly fudging the number in the column that asked "WT:". But only slightly.

At any rate, the interviewers at Sarada Tech seemed to be tripping over themselves to give Jennifer a pretty decent starting position in the hierarchy, albeit at their sister company. Jennifer remembered fondly what a breeze her interview was, her proctor being a thin, refined looking Asian woman named Ms Fujiyama who calmly exclaimed that she had sensed Jennifer would be a "perfect fit" for the position based on her submitted resume alone.

'Of course she would,' the titanic twenty-something reminisced smugly. "With my credentials, I was way too qualified to be working at some prissy little academy.'

And the fact that Fuji had set her up with an apartment, a company car (already waiting for her upon arrival, it's keys having been mailed to her along with house keys weeks prior) and even compensation for the trip to Newton's Port wasn't even enough! Jennifer, as a supervisor in the company, was given early access to a new something or other called the “Masataka Integrated Kitchen", a sample product from their third affiliated sister company, or a subdivision of Sarada, or something. Jennifer hardly cared at this point, though. Her plans couldn't be going better!

Well, at least the "relocate" half of the plan.
13 chapters, created 4 years , updated 3 years
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