Meet the Fords

  By Chickenshack  Premium

Chapter 1: a match made in heaven... sort of

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It was true love, plain and simple. Andrew loved Hannah, and Hannah loved Andrew. The two had met their freshman year of college at their dormitory’s game night and, as they often said, the rest was history. The two had hit it off instantly and dated throughout the entirety of their undergrad. Hannah, arguably the more ambitious of the two, had gone on to earn her Master’s degree in business management and Andrew? Well, after landing a decent job at an engineering firm, he had only had one goal on his mind: wife up the uncontested cutie that he had been so lucky to have shared his life with over the past five or six years.

The two had been each other’s “first”, in fact, Hannah had grown up in a far more conservative environment than Andy, meaning that he was not only her first time but her first kiss as well; she had only had him and had never once considered anyone else, much to the chagrin of quite a few ambitious bachelors over the years. Hannah was quite the catch, as far as aesthetics were concerned. She was beautiful, she was blonde, she was healthy and athletic, she was slim…

Unfortunately for Andrew, the final descriptor had always been a bit of a problem. It had come out a few years into their relationship; Andy had an undeniable kink when it came to fat girls.

It wasn’t just mildly or moderately overweight women that caught his eye. Andy couldn’t help but be aroused by women who were certifiably morbidly obese. It wasn’t that he couldn’t find the same stimulation in thin women, especially when it came to his one true love, but Andrew had an undeniable lust for the large and lovely, one that had always niggled on Hannah’s mind once she had become cognizant of it.

So, of course, once Andrew had placed the very expensive ring on his now-fiance’s finger, she couldn’t help but submit to his requests, anything to please her loving husband. And so, a pact was made. Once the two were officially hitched, Hannah would gain weight, fatten herself up and become the woman of Andrew’s dreams, even more so than she already was.

That was a promise Hannah had made to Andrew five years ago. In that time, Andrew had gotten a solid promotion, had inherited a bit of money from an unfortunate family passing, and had, with his wife as a co-signer, of course, just recently bought a house in a brand new neighborhood.

And Hannah? Well, Hannah hadn’t gained a single pound. Not that she hadn’t tried; with every ounce of her love, she had given in to her husband’s ambitions and had tried her hardest to try to fatten up her figure, truly. But Hannah had never had much of an appetite and on top of that, she was naturally far too active to hold on to any of the potential pounds that she tried to pack on to her frame. After their marriage, Hannah had gained a whopping eleven pounds, only to lose eight of them within the following year. She was just as lithe as she had always been and while their sex life still existed, it obviously wasn’t as prosperous as it could have been.

But, Andrew refused to let that come in between him and his spouse. He loved her mind and her soul as well as her personality and disposition, and wouldn’t dare dream of spending his life with anyone else he had met in his thirty years on Earth. That being said, Hannah was fully aware of his desires, and with him being her one and only, she knew that she wouldn’t be above a sudden spout of jealousy were he ever to find himself in a different frame of mind. Any time the two were together and happened to pass by a particularly attractive or particularly large fat lady on the street, her eyes darted to his to see if he had noticed the other woman, to see if he was examining her with any lust in his gaze. Hell, Hannah even often thought back to the couple’s first and only fight, when she had slipped into his bachelor pad with her spare key to surprise him and had found him watching The Biggest Loser with his hand down his pajama pants. She’d nearly shouted at him through tears, asking him if she was what he really wanted in a woman, before storming back out the door and slamming it in his face. Sure, they had made amends the following morning, but what Hannah had never told her then-boyfriend and now-husband was that she had stopped by Creampuff’s Confectionary on her way home that night, bought an entire chocolate cake, and had attempted to eat almost half of it in one sitting, only to rush to the bathroom about twenty minutes later to vomit into her toilet.

Hannah simply wasn’t meant to be a fat girl, like it or not. She knew it was an odd thing to be upset about; most women would have killed for body and her metabolism, and just about every other hotblooded straight man she had ever met had lusted after her, even trying to bed her despite knowing that she was in a happily committed relationship. Still, being a conventionally very attractive woman had just never satisfied her, knowing, deep down, that she was not, in fact, the ideal woman in the eyes of her ideal man, and envy was an emotion that she just couldn’t shake, no matter how much Andrew reinforced to her that there would never be any other girl, no matter how much girth she carried, who would incite the fire in his loins the way that she did. Namely because Hannah had snooped into Andrew’s computer history behind his back on many an occasion. And, through this, knew that Andrew, bless his tender, hard-working soul, was a fucking liar.
9 chapters, created 4 years , updated 3 years
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Chickenshack 4 years
More on the way! smiley
Chickenshack 4 years
Thanks for saying so smiley I have quite a few stories that I need to continue and wrap up first, but I'll make sure to keep this one going on the side.
Karenjenk 4 years
Alwasy love your stuff.
I hope you keelp this one going