Caitlin's Demise

Chapter 1

You suddenly awake from your deep, almost coma-like slumber with a loud snort. You were having that dream again, or was it a nightmare? The one on the farm, you couldn't really tell anymore but it was a constant reoccurring theme. Your vision is blurred slightly as you come round, feeling horrendously groggy and practically hungover even though you hadnt been drinking. Your terribly unhealthy diet and habits tend to have the same disastrous effect as getting black out drunk the night before. Naked and groaning, you turn your flabby neck to look at the clock. It's 5pm.... for normal members of society that's a ridiculous time to wake up, with jobs and other responsibilities to think about. Nowadays your sleeping pattern is all over the place, you tend to stay up as late as you can and binge yourself stupid then pass out just before I get up to go to work; it suits us both rather well with you sleeping whilst I'm away as you need my help to do pretty much everything. You know I'll be back in about half an hour to tend to your every need... but you're absolutely starving (even though you ate enough food for a family of 6 last night) and 30 minutes is a long long time to wait to satisfy your impossible hunger. Your head is pounding and your heart is going at a rate of knots as you attempt to sit up slightly. Even when you're shut down asleep all of your organs have to work overtime processing the tens of thousands of calories you've forced in just before passing out. They never get a rest meaning you essentially have the body of a 70 year old with a 20 year old's mind. As your eyes focus you start to brush off all of the wrappers and containers littering yourself and the bed. You've been sweating so much that some of them are stuck to you like a fatty glue as you peel them off. Even the 2 fans you have on by your side 24/7 can't keep you cool; it's not so much you struggle to handle the summer heat, haha no you have them on even in winter. You're constantly too hot from all the excess blubber which acts as insulation around your over-encumbered joints and useless muscles. Finding it insanely difficult to even roll to the edge if the bed, on the bed-side table you notice a bottle of water I'd left behind for myself and a half eaten snickers bar. Being so dehydrated any normal person would instantly reach for the water to help remedy their headache and scoff at the chocolate bar as that would only add to the problem. Not Caitlin though. Nearly out of breath from just wobbling about the mattress you eagerly reach for the snickers bar, knocking over the bottle of water. You cant even remember the last time you drank a glass of water. What does water taste like? Sugary soft drinks and rich calorific shakes are the only liquids you've ingested for what feels like an age now, just think what that's doing to your insides... In a fit of gluttony you scarf down the chocolate in seconds, almost eating the wrapper too. To you that seemed like a crumb of food, it didnt satisfy your endless hunger, it only spurred it on further. Deciding that you simply cannot wait until I return home you start your 'journey' to the fridge... We moved into a single floored house to ensure you never had to encounter stairs, the kitchen was only next door to our bedroom too so it should take about 15 seconds to get there... that is if you're not an obese pile of jiggling lard... which you most certainly are. Reaching your pudgy hand out to the railing I had installed on the wall next to our bed you clutch it with all your strength, which is about that of a toddlers. It's no use, you can't go from sitting to standing in one movement. You need some momentum. With sweat pouring down your face and your breathes coming in quicker than ever you try to rock your immense body backwards and forwards. What a sight.... it's almost hypnotic watching the sea of greasy rolls and stretched out pale flesh move around in such a motion. This seems like the most exercise you've done in months, the bed is your entire life these days. With one great push you rock forward again... Success! As all your bones crack and pop from not a lack of regular use you find yourself in a standing position. It took so much out of you that part of your brain is screaming at you flop back down for some relief.... But your greed overpowers it, as always. Turning to face the door you nod to yourself in reassurance that you can do this. Your mind swims with the mystery of what the fridge holds, you're unsure what I've left in there and so unbelievably desparate to find out. Licking your lips you take the first step. Shuffling your 600lb weight onto one foot you take a pathetic step forward only a couple of inches. Your belly slaps against your knees as every morsel of fat on your overfed body shakes. You use this momentum to waddle, so very slowly, side to side barely even moving forwards but gradually making progress. As you get to the bedroom door you clutch the door frame, your heart feels like it might explode... But there might be cake around the corner... Pushing back off the wall you continue towards the kitchen, and there it is. The huge American-style double fridge is in sight... this motivates your efforts as you start picking up a bit more pace, still much slower than an average human bare in mind. A few minutes and a whole lot of panting later and you make it to the holy grail. Ripping open the doors you reach for the first thing you can see without thought. A huge jar of mayonnaise, you practically tear the lid off and plunge your fatty hand in. Grasping a handful of the fattening white mixture you stuff pound after pound of it into your gaping maw. What a downright disgusting sight, eating fucking mayonnaise out of the jar with your hands... I would say you've hit a new low, but there's nowhere lower you go with the things you've done. As you get as much as you can out of that, you drop the jar to the floor. You've spilled it all over your flabby tits and hulking belly, but you dont care one bit. Only food matters. Next you pull out a large block of cheese. Ripping off the opening you take a massive bite out, grunting and oinking in delight. This is it. This is what you've been craving. The sweet release of CALORIES. Munching away until there's nothing left your greedy eyes turn to something sweet... Mmmm whipped cream. You notice there's 2 full cans, and accordingly you pull one out with each hand. Plucking both lids off and chucking them behind you tilt your head back and proceed to squirt them both into your filthy mouth. Suckling as much dense cream down your strained gullet as you can your brain becomes lost in pure gluttonous ecstasy.... Until you hear the door open as I arrive back from work...
4 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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