Chapter 1 - Prologue
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I do, but I’m not giving anything away. What I will tell you is that our somewhat naïve little Paul stumbled upon an ad online while, let’s call it perusing, a porn site two weeks ago, one that stirred a curiosity within his belly that had been subconsciously repressed for far too long. That’s all about to change, but I’m getting ahead of myself, aren’t I?
The ad featured a dark haired, curvy woman, with the most captivating and dangerous green eyes any man will ever see. Throughout it, she simply sat on the edge of a desk, dressed somehow both professionally and provocatively at the same time. Paul barely noticed any of these things, except her eyes of course, he couldn’t take his off of them as her lips parted and said the following words …
“Hello boys. Does the idea of eating for or being fed by someone excite you and turn you on? How about gaining weight and growing for them? You are awfully quiet. Are you afraid to admit it or, more importantly, unsure how to engage in or attain that type of lifestyle? If so, then join me for a six week boot camp in which you will be pushed to grow, not only physically, but mentally and sexually as well, when it comes to your relationship with food and your body. This isn’t your childhood summer camp boys, so only seek me out if you truly want to be feed.”
As the woman and those green eyes slowly faded out, only to be replaced with another ad, Paul snapped out of his trance and tried to understand both why the ad called to him the first place and how on Earth he was supposed to figure that out if the woman hadn’t provided a name or a website for him to “seek” her out with.
Turning his attention back to his computer, he typed the only word he was sure of into the search bar … camp. He then spent far longer than I want to relate to you tapping his fingers on his desk and combining that word with others from the ad. Don’t worry, eventually he got it. After reaching the end of the ad and letting out a sigh of frustration, his mind settled on the last word … fed.
Typing into the search bar, Paul once again came up empty. As he stared at the blank results screen, it occurred to him that wasn’t what she had said at all. Playing her words over and over in his head, he knew he was right. She hadn’t said fed, she’d said feed. “So was it bad grammar or intentional,” Paul asked himself out loud.
Eager to find out, he backspaced and replaced fed with feed. After hitting enter he found himself looking at nothing but a frustratingly blank black screen. Then, just when he was about to close the tab and give up, a box popped up. Within it were the words …
“It would appear you have found not only me, but the balls to admit your wants, needs, and desires. Congratulations. Before you are allowed to proceed and learn more, you must download the Nondisclosure Agreement below, sign, and return it to I look forward to receiving it and to helping you explore your relationship with food and your body further. – Mistress Jade”
“What kind of camp is this,” Paul skeptically asked himself out loud, and rightfully so. I mean, what kind of camp makes you sign an NDA before providing any actual information. Unfortunately for Paul, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, his curiosity won over and he did as he was told like a good little boy.
What he received in response was a link to another page on the Camp Feed website. After clicking it, he was greeted with a now familiar blank black screen. Before he could question why he was wasting his time with all of this cloak and dagger stuff, a box popped up. Within it were the words …
“Our next boot camp begins on April 25th. Below you will find our contract. You are to download it, engage in the required research, and read it in its entirety. If, after you have done so, you still wish to join us, sign and return in to Doing so will result in a car arriving to pick you up at 10:00AM sharp in front of your residence on that day. It will then escort you, blindfolded, to our camp. Be sure, be ready, and, more importantly, be hungry. – Mistress Jade”
“Holy shit!” The words were out of Paul’s mouth before even realized he was saying them. He wasn’t sure why he had. Maybe it was the increasing level of mystery and curiosity, or maybe it was the way Mistress Jade spoke to him. Well not to him directly, but it sure felt that way. Either way, he wanted to know more. He needed to know more.
Opening the contract, his eyes landed on the list of terms he was required to research before continuing further …
Feeederism generally, and then along with the following terms:
Role Play
After reaching the end of the list, a part of him wanted to skip the research and jump ahead to the contract itself. Paul was about to do just that when his eyes returned to the last word on the list and he realized that he was already failing to get the point of all of this, whatever it may be, before he even got started … submissive.
Proving himself to have the makings of a very good boy indeed, Paul began entering the terms, browsing the results, and falling down a rabbit hole he hadn’t even known existed. As he did so he found himself practically wiggling and vibrating in his seat with excitement. He could feel his body responding.
It responded to the idea of a woman feeding him, forcing him to eat, making his body grow larger. Just like a certain part of his anatomy was doing the same at that very moment. Resisting the urge to wrap his fingers around it, he turned to the contract and began reading its terms, its demands that he travel somewhere unknown and put himself at the mercy of Mistress Jade for six weeks.
When he reached the end, he found himself unsure of how to proceed, straddling a line between nervousness and curiosity. Deciding to sleep on it, Paul shut his computer down and tucked himself into bed. Sleep didn’t come easy though. His head spun in an endless loop of the words, images, and videos he had seen during his research and his now painfully hard cock refused to be ignored.
Giving in, he threw the covers back and wrapped his fingers around it, feeling it throb and jump underneath them. Focusing harder on the images and videos of dominant women forcefully stuffing submissive and helpless men, he began to stroke, slow and gentle at first, then faster and harder until he found himself cumming with a force he had never experienced before.
Pour naïve little Paul let out quite the scream when he did. It was certainly something to behold and hear, let me tell you. Realizing what he had done, his other hand flew to his mouth and he squeezed his eyes shut, praying that his neighbors hadn’t heard that. When the panic died down the euphoria and exhaustion set in and he fell asleep covered in mess of his newfound desires.
Waking up to the memory and the sheer enormity of it, and yes it was that much, was more than enough to tip the scales in favor of curiosity. So much so that Paul didn’t even bother cleaning up or getting dressed before making his way over to his computer, printing out the contract, and signing away six weeks of his life.
That single squiggly line is how Paul came to find himself standing on this very curb at 10:00AM sharp on the 25th of April as a black sedan with tinted windows pulls up in front of him. Once again straddling the line between nervousness and curiosity, he just stands there frozen, watching as a well dressed and slightly portly gentleman exits and approaches him.
Instead of opening the door as Paul expects, the driver comes to a stop in front of him and holds up a blindfold. A moment of panic hits him, but it is quickly replaced by the memory of the contract and the, let’s call it, extensive research and messes that followed his signing it. “It’s okay,” he lets out with a shaky breath.
Closing his eyes, he stands as still as the driver carefully slides the blindfold on, covering his eyes. Paul then feels him taking his hand and guiding him to the car and down into the backseat. What follows is probably far shorter of a drive that it felt like and when the car finally comes to a stop, he listens intently to the opening of the driver’s door and approaching steps.
When the door beside him opens, Paul finds himself desperately hoping the driver can’t see that his body has begun to shake from nervousness, but no such luck. “You have nothing to worry about, Mistress Jade is good people, she will take excellent care of you, and I will return to take you home in six weeks,” he says as he helps Paul out of the car and removes the blindfold.
With his suitcase at his feet and the diver pulling away, Paul takes in his surroundings. There are numerous rustic cabins. A campfire, picnic tables, and games scattered amongst them. “Not my childhood summer camp huh, kind of looks like it,” he mumbles out loud. As soon as the words are out of his mouth, a small but firm hand gives him a hard, stinging, swat to the ass.
Paul stands in shock, his mouth hanging open as Mistress Jade brushes past him, her more than ample curves on full display in a tight and revealing black swimsuit. Before he can regain his composure, she looks back over her shoulder without breaking stride, winking one of those captivating and dangerous green eyes at him as she says …
“We’ll see about that little piggie, we’ll see …”
Thriller & Suspense
Sexual acts/Love making
Weight gain
First person
14 chapters, created 4 years
, updated 3 years