Chloe's Weight Gain

  By Miteuf

Chapter 1 - story

Chloe and I had been in a relationship for 2 months. And everything go very well.
She was very thin and athletic, she weighed 120 lbs for 1M70 and she had 19 years. But one day we decided to go eat at fast food, and we liked it. So we started again, and this several times a day.
The first week we liked it a lot. But after two weeks of eating fat, she started to get slightly fat.
She had taken at the level of the ass, and I liked it. But one morning she said “What !!! Why is my ass so big, I hardly fit in my pants anymore »
It excited me the most, she had gained 8 lbs. So I decided to make her fat even more, by slipping a lot of sugar into her coffee, I made her do the least amount of movement and I ordered her bad food 5 times a day.
And after a week, she had gained about 14 lbs.
And it was worth to him not to return any more in his pants, leggings as well as all his dresses. Even his t-shirt had a puddle. Her ass had grown huge with huge stretch marks and cellulite. His stomach protrudes slightly from his new size 12 pants. His abs were a thing of the past as were his slender arms. In fact, in university most of her friends discussing and making fun of her weight gain behind her back. Then Christmas and New Years came, and I must say she had developed a taste for eating a lot and fat.
So during these feasts she did not hold back. And ended up exploding the button of his pants during a meal. And the next day she cracked her pants in front of me. She had gained 24 lbs. She had officially become overweight. She had gained a double chin as well as several unsightly bulges. And then she was now wearing size 16 pants and size E cups. Her friends openly laughed at her in front of her. Which made her cry. So she decided to challenge them to a race, as usual she won all the time.
But this time, she had to beat it. And yes all those extra lbs made her breathless after just 2 meters.
So in the sadness, she decided to stuff herself more and more.
And after a month, she gained 60 lbs.
She became Obese. She couldn't even move from her couch. She didn't even bother to dress anymore.
Plus she roasted and farted all day long.
She was initially a beautiful lean and muscular high school student, the most popular in university . And she's become a huge ball of thawed fat, obese with no friends, unable to move or dress or bathe. She now weighs 300 lbs. She's a big slut today.
She is now 22 years old.
And she weighs 350 lbs and doesn't look like she once was
(But it's for the best)
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
5   1   2450

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Austin Micha... 3 years
In Chapter 2 I think you should go back to where it all started and when you get to the chapter where she weighs 300 pounds expand the story from there and keep her getting from 300 to 400 and let her keep getting fatter and fatter and when she hits 500 s