Miteuf's Weight Gain

  By Miteuf

Chapter 1 - story

I was a slim 25 year old athletic adult with a lot of friends. I weighed 120 lbs for 1m170.

It all started on the day, or when I was doing my 5 mile jog before eating, I spotted a new restaurant.
I decided to go there for a taste. The welcome and the dishes were charming. The only little problem, which I discovered much later, was that the boss was a fist of honor to me in making his clients fat. I ordered, to please myself, a little chicken with some fries. But the boss served me a double plate of chickens and fries. Seeing this I protested and told myself that it was very rude to criticize a restaurant that has just opened. So I ate the chicken as well as the fries, it took me 2 hours.
To leave, I intended to run, but with my round and tense stomach I took a taxi. When I got home, I lay down on the sofa and slept.

The next morning I decided to go for a run before eating as usual. And as I passed the new restaurant, I decided to check it out again. The boss greeted me and served me a double plate of chicken and fries. After that I left in a taxi too full to run.
This routine lasted almost 2 weeks. Until the day when I was too lazy to run to get there. So I would go by taxi and come back by taxi.
And it lasted for a very long time.
But after a week of not running and eating very large amounts of fatty foods, I started to see the effects.
My body started to get fat. And my abs gradually hid behind a thin layer of fat. I pretended nothing had happened and I continued my routine by replacing my morning and evening salada with handburger fries in the morning, chicken fries at lunchtime and pizza and a plate of fries in the evening. I even began to smoke and only move to eat.
until that day, I went out with my friends and they organized a race. I put registered, as I win all the time.
But this time though I had a belly and a round face, the rest of my body just got flabby.
The race started and I finished last. So I comforted myself on the cakes present until my pants finally cracked in front of everyone. They all laughed and laughed at me, calling me a big glutton.

3 weeks passed and I had become almost obese.
My stomach was huge, a double chin appeared, my arms and thighs were huge. I weighed 190 lbs. I didn't go out anymore.
Not long after, my girlfriend Chloe came to visit me.
And I was very ashamed to see her, because she was very beautiful and athletic, she was 21 years old. And I hardly fit into my clothes anymore, and I was turned into a pig.
But when she did arrive, I was shocked.
She was huge, even maybe bigger than me.
So she explained to me what was going on and me too, and we decided to stay in that two-seater dining sofa.
Within 3 weeks, we had reached 250 lbs, 5 weeks later it was 400 lbs.
And at 500 lbs we were totally different.
We were always quite naked for our huge body.
She and I were unable to move due to our body mass.
We don't wash anymore, we fart and burp all the time.
In short, we are a huge insocial pig worthy of a fair.
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
3   1   1566

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Fanedfox 3 years
Short and to the point, I appreciate your brevity.