Chocolate Milk

  By Yindy  

Chapter 1 - Chocolate milk

A short vignette erotica originally posted on my tumblr


You've always been a good girl. You kept his side of yourself covered, hidden, but you still crave the soft expanse of belly touching your thighs. This slender body knows it was meant to be bigger.

Soon thoughts of growing consume your mind and a plan begins to formulate. You prepare, you gather a gallon of chocolate milk, a funnel with tubing, and think you can stop there. You know you'll be alone tonight and just this once, you're gonna let loose. After a modest dinner you'll try out the plan but it's doesn't go quite as you planned.

He comes home unexpectedly. He knows your secret and an evil grin appears on his face. Your lover ties you to your chair and sits on your lap. He starts rubbing you belly and love handles, as petite as they are. Chuckling, he comments " my girl you're skinny. What have you been eating? It's clearly not enough" he kisses you.
" you're gonna grow for me tonight. No holding back, your pants will stretch tomorrow. Tonight I'm gonna make you a stuffed little ***." He tells you as he slaps the body part in question. You can feel it jiggle a little but it doesn't feel like enough. He can see the paltry dinner you had and then pulls out a surprise. " I found the funnel yesterday and figured what you were planning, so I thought I might as well help. Open wide"

You obey as he puts a big mouthful of Mac and cheese into your mouth. It has bacon and chives in it. It overloads your senses. Bite after bite he encourages you. After a point, he can see you're getting thirsty. A funnel goes into your mouth and a couple cups of chocolate milk are poured in, making your groin jerk. You are a real *** now aren't you. Being funnel fed as your lover stuffs you. You don't want it to stop. Your eyes tell him to pour more in the funnel, anything to make that wonderful forced full feeling come to your mind. The chocolate milk in your funnel dominates your thoughts as your focus turns to simply consuming more and more and more
Soon another half gallon is resting in your bloated gut. It's sticking out more, but your lover rubs it to make more room. You can feel yourself growing wetter as his hands push and massage and please your orb-like belly. Then he begins again with the rest of the Mac and cheese, which is much more erotic on a full stomach as this is where the real fattening and force feeding take place.
He stuffs you with care as you eat through the stuffed feeling, anything to get fatter. He helps you, reminding you that you need to eat to fit into your new fatkini. This will be a chubby summer for you if your not careful. But you don't want to be careful. You want to be fat. You want to be his big girl, his chubby princess. You want an overhanging belly for him to nibble at. Your whole body being all soft and fleshy, especially your delicious belly. Maybe this is just the beginning.

You're beyond stuffed by the time he's finished feeding you the Mac and cheese, but you both know he can't be finished yet. You still have a third of the gallon of chocolate milk to finish. You are more stuffed than you have ever been before. It's euphoric and erotic and a little bit painful all at the same time. Just think how many thousands of calories will be fattening your belly tonight. The funnel goes back in your mouth and you fight to swallow against your overflowing belly. But you stuff more into it anyways and he rewards you with a good belly rub.

Again you wonder if this is just the beginning. You promised yourself it was just this once, but as your lover untied you and guides your bloated body to bed, you wonder what might come. How might you grow? Where would the stretch marks show? As you drift off, his hand is caressing your orb and you dream of more
1 chapter, created 8 years , updated 8 years
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Nok 7 years
beautiful and delicious. Love your word choice and writing style
GrowingLoveH... 8 years
"...and you dream of more."

And I dream of more -- more stories by Yindy!

You sure know how to pack a lot of heat into just a few words. Nicely done.