Dinner Rewards

Chapter 1

He woke to some magnificent scent wafting from the kitchen, making his stomach growl longingly, from the moment his eyes snapped open. Both hungry protests from his belly and the evening light filtering in through his windows told him that it must already be dinnertime. He rose from bed as quickly as he could- which had been getting more difficult recently, as he’d already put on nearly 40 lbs since meeting his girlfriend. He quickly threw some pants on, which had been getting a little tight for him recently too. He felt that gentle soothing jiggle about his belly and love handles , as he walked faster than usual from his excitement. He’d really come to enjoy feeling the changes he felt in his body since he dropped going to the gym to spend more time with her.

When he could see into the kitchen, his heart stopped from both momentary panic and immeasurable arousal. His girlfriend was in the kitchen, with platters full of food surrounding her on the counters with more pots on the stove...but she was wearing nothing but an apron!

He rushed over to her and covered her with his body. His roommates had still been home when he had fallen asleep. Had they seen her? What was she thinking?

“Hello, sleepyhead,” she purred when she felt his strong arms reach around her from behind. She quickly noticed the tenseness in his body language, which felt protective. “I planned with your roommates ahead of time that we’d have a romantic evening alone. It’s safe.”

She playfully bumped her bare ass backward at him, trying to make his belly bounce a little on her back. (He was only two inches taller than her, so the curve of his belly tended to fit perfectly just along the curve to her voluptuous ass when he held her from behind.) She jumped a little, startled to find that below his belly, he was already showing heavy signs of arousal so soon after being so panicked.

He blushed but couldn’t help his natural reaction. Her body was irresistible to him and it felt so good pressed against his soft belly. It almost felt like she was sinking into him if he held her tight enough.

He cast his gaze at the platters of food- good god was she planning on spoiling him again tonight! He saw steak, ceviche, carne asada , mashed potatoes, buttermilk biscuits, even chicken wings. His stomach growled again.

She laughed that soft giggle of hers, turned, and kissed him gently. “Soon,” she whispered. “You’re such an impatient little piglet.”

He pulled her closer, now facing him. “Why didn’t you wake me before so I had more time with you?”

“I did!” She gave him a playful smack on the shoulder. “You fell right back asleep you fat lazy fuck! Is food really the only thing that motivates you?”

“You know that’s not true!” He spluttered, putting her hand on his throbbing cock to show his other motivations at the moment. “Besides, it's the food you’re making! You know that makes it even more tempting.”

She was beaming proudly. “I do.” She gently trailed her fingers up along his bulge, tracing them up to his belly, before gently cupping her fingers around his bearded cheek for another kiss. He was already shaking from how wild she drove him. A timer going off interrupted their kiss.

She pulled a tray from the oven and checked the pots, turning off each burner. “I know you’re hungry, but I don’t know if I’ve made enough for your insatiable appetite, big boy.”

He looked at the full platters thinking to himself that there must be enough for six people. She started carrying trays over to the table. He was left in stunned silence for a moment. “Am I...am I that huge now? Do I really gorge myself that much?” He felt almost embarrassed but a little spark of arousal rose in him when he looked down and saw his belly was big enough to make everything below difficult to see.

She loved reassuring him in these moments of discomfort more than anything. She set the platter down and rushed to him, grasping around his love handles, pressing herself against him and kissing him passionately. “You gorge yourself as much as you enjoy, big boy. You deserve to be spoiled, and I can’t help but notice how confident and enthusiastic you’ve been with me in bed since I started feeding you. Everything I make for you has my affection for you poured into it. I want you to have all of it you can take.”

She thought to herself he felt even better now that he’d gotten even fatter. She loved going into public with him, holding hands and kissing him. The judgemental glares she got from men who saw her, a conventionally gorgeous woman with ample breasts and an even more impressive ass and big brown doe eyes- with a stout broad man with a sizable gut. She knew they were all jealous. They too wanted to be fat and happy with a beautiful woman at their side. She pressed herself up harder against her lover to the point that he felt her nipples had hardened. She finally collected the willpower to not conquer him then and there, standing in the kitchen, and pulled away from kissing him. “Let’s eat.”

She let him eat a little first, and had her own small portion. He needed to be only hungry and not ravenous before she started to toy with him. She felt it was cruel to keep him more than hungry when there was food around. Besides, he was always hungry anyhow. It was his normal state. Making his sexual appetite ravenous however... she enjoyed that type of cruelty. She smirked to herself.

Suddenly, he looked up from his food and turned to her. “You’re plotting something,” he said nervously. “I can tell by the look in your eyes.”

She broke into a full grin. “I think we should… play a game of sorts,” she said, sliding one hand to his belly and feather-lightly touching it with her fingertips. “Every plate you finish is another orgasm you get to see me have.”
3 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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FrecherTyp 1 year
such a sexy story and erotic play between them :-)
Hansel4witch 1 year
Lovely story😋 Hope he won't stop jigglying ever again🐷
GrowingLoveH... 1 year
Beautiful writing. I love your erotic dialogue and how she seems so determined to stay in control.

Nicely done. I envy your talents.
Built4com4t 1 year
Wonderfully written…what an arousing treat to read. More please