Dinner Show

Chapter 1

Always wanted to live out my dreams of being Jabba the Hutt - a big, fat slug with the appetite to match. And now, it was happening!

Lounging in my couch, eating everything I could get my hands on as bards play music. People fanning me in the heat of the day. Sweat dripping down my rolls of fat. I was hot, hot, hot!

My servants kept the food coming and my gut was stressed to the bursting point as I kept shoveling food into my mouth.

Fat and lazy - I have it all! I loved to slap my flabby arms against my engorged stomach and watch the flesh ripple and jiggle.

But I was missing something. Oh yeah!

I snapped my fingers and my servants brought in a dancing girl - metal bikini and all. My servants held her so that I could drink in her sight - the big boobs, the curves of her hips, her long braided hair coming down her body.

My heart started to pound and I licked my lips hungrily. She glared at me defiantly. This was going to be fun!

With a wave of my hand, my servant pulled her closer. She struggled in their grasp, but it was useless.

I leaned forward as she continued to struggle. I ran my toungue between her breasts. I could feel her quiver beneath me and her skin got goosebumps.

My fat hand shot out and ripped her bikini top off. My pudgy fingers grabbed her nipple and pinched it til it got all hard. I could see her tensing beneath me. Her breathing was getting intense.

I ran my hands down her hips and across her legs. She struggled and moaned.

With a quick movement, I pulled off her bottoms. She had fantastic bush. My servants forced her legs open so I could explore with my hand. I rubbed the lips of her pussy before coming down onto her clit. With a quick motion, I started to massage her.

She bit her lip and pulled her head back.

With my other hand, I pinched her nipple again. She gasped.

But I think we can do better....

I took out a vibrator. Her eyes widened as I showed it to her. I held it by her neck and turned it on. She squirmed at the sound of it.

I turned it off. Then I put it against her neck and turned it on.

She squirmed again.

I dragged it down her chest, over her shoulders, and between her breasts. She was sweating and gasping and panting.

I turned the vibrator off. And ran it over her breasts.

One of my servants brought me a bucket of ice water. I dipped the vibrator into it and then ran it over her breasts again. She screamed as the cold came down on her.

Then I turned it on. She let out a squeal as I worked her over. I dragged it gently over her nipples, getting them all hard and pointed.

Then I dragged the vibrator down her stomach. She was gasping from the cold. I dragged it over her hips and up each of her legs - turning it off when I got over her clit.

She was tensing with anticipation. I turned it on and held it over her, just out of reach of her clit. She was tensing and arching her back. Her legs were straining and she was pulling against the arms of my servants holding her down.

I dipped the vibrator into the frozen bucket. I swished it around, making sure to get it all cold and frozen. I let her watch me do this.

Then I took the vibrator out and got closer and closer, teasing her with each movement. I turned the vibrator on just over her clit. She was gasping and then, I brought it down on her.

I worked her clit as if I was painting her. I came up from underneath and then went across it. I worked the right side and then the left side before coming down on her moving it - teasing her as much as I could.

I heard her GROAN under me. She threw her head to one side and then the other.

"I want you to cum." I commanded.

"Yes master." she responded.

"You can answer me?!" - I was irritated. She should be so excited that she could not talk. I pushed the vibrator into her and leaned down to work her clit with my toungue.

She was struggling now.

"I said, cum!" I commanded.

This time, her only response was a groan.

"More." I commanded.

I could feel her tense beneath me.


This time, I brought my hand up and pinched her nipple. She strained and moaned.

I started to work her in rhythm - my hand, my mouth and the vibrator all working in tandem.

"Pussy juice, now!" I demanded.

She orgasmed again...and again and AGAIN.

"All of it! Right now!" I screamed.

I could feel her cumming and cumming and cumming beneath me.

She was a good, good, girl.
1 chapter, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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Built4com4t 2 years
Very erotic