Dominant Female Feeder

Chapter 1

Looking around I can see the kitchen is absolutely littered with empty plates and fast food boxes and this makes me smile. After months of hard work, you’re now obedient, broken, and completely docile. And of course, hideously fat.

My eyes slowly trace your fattened form, following the thick bulges of flab spilling outwards in heavy rolls off your body. From behind, I can clearly see how my recent efforts were paying off. You look unbelievably fat. You’ve grown out of all proportion to when we first met a few months ago. I love how your grossly overweight body spills out pretty much everywhere. Such a dramatic transformation – you were so skinny when we first met. When I think about how much you’ve grown it gets me so excited, and thinking of how much more you’re gonna grow for me.

"TURN AROUND you big fat slob" I shout at you. "Let me see my fattened pig in all his glory!"

You shuffle round in your chair to give me a full-frontal view of your large obese body and I laugh cruelly.

I deliberately keep my gaze cold and distant. I cannot let you see how much you are turning me on. As you struggle under your weight, your moobs quiver and jiggle. You look fatter than ever, big even by my standards. Your movements are dull and take an effort, given the weight of your new gut.
After months of feeding, your piggy moobs are sitting heaving on top of your plump, engorged belly, which is now spilling out far onto your lap. I can see lots of beautiful stretch marks that haven’t been there before. Angry-looking stretch marks.
You look so helpless sitting there naked and bloated in front of me. You’re now so fat I can’t even tell if you’re aroused or not. Your manhood is buried quite firmly under the results of my feeding efforts. It doesn’t matter, let’s face it, no woman in their right mind you ever go near you again. Any woman would be repulsed by you. But I love it. You are mine. FOREVER.

Not that I’d be seen dead with you in public. You’re just my plaything really – I could never tell my friends and family about this darker, sadistic side of me. But I just cannot stop tormenting you piggy. Don’t you know you’re my favourite pig – you’re the fattest, most obedient pig I’ve fed for a long time.

To your credit, you’ve truly surpassed my expectations over the recent months - not that I’d ever admit this to your face. You’re just a long line of weak-willed men I’ve ever seduced, broken-in, and fed mercilessly over the years. By far you’re my best pet pig yet. The amount of weight you’ve put is truly mind-blowing.
I lean forward and drop my head to you, eye-level resting my hands on my knees, just as an adult would do when crouching down to speak to a child.
"Oh dear ..." I mutter sarcastically, shaking my head and poking my fingers into your flabby stomach. I look you directly in the eyes and say "You ... MY fat PIG, appear to have ONE slice of pizza left to go. I sure hope there’s room for it in that fat gut of yours. Do NOT let ME down, pig!".

"Do you know what? I'm thinking of leaving you as I'm not at all impressed with your appetite these days. Just think, without me, you'll be FAT ... and ... ALL ... ALONE" I let my words penetrate your weak mind.

"No woman in my right mind would want you in the state you're in. And it serves you right piggy, for being so greedy. You’re a GREEDY ... F-A-T ... P-I-G! Nothing I seem to give you appears to appease that huge appetite of yours does it?" I eye up your fat gut with a vindictive smirk. "Try as I might, I just can't seem to fill you up ... can I?" You look at me, slightly scared and I’m sure I see you quiver with fear.
There’s no response from you. There’s no point - you know your place, don’t you piggy? You know resistance is futile. You are so pathetic and utterly helpless! It’s really quite beautiful to watch.
3 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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ThePatchwork... 1 year
Please more
Feederturned... 1 year
Damn that is enough to get me shovelling food in my face just reading it!!
BeSoft 1 year
There comes 2nd dinner just cos of you! Your words made me stuff myself till ready to burst. I would love to end up someone's bloated docile whale, who's doing notging but laying on bed helpless n eat
Shopo 1 year
Very nice. I def deserve this kind of treatment.