Dreams Come True

Chapter 1

All through high school i was known as one of the most popular girls there. My long brown hair and big brown eyes got lots of attention. My nose was a cute button and my jawline was sharp. Besides the face i was a small dainty looking girl reaching a good 5’2 height. I was skinny with a great set of boobs and a fine ass. Everyone would always be nice to me and compliment my looks or ask for beauty advice. I lived the perfect high school life but in my head something was missing.

There was something only i knew about myself. I had this deep down feeling i would maybe like to be fat. At first i didn’t think about it that much i’d just appreciate the bigger girls in school. Then somehow i ended up reading these insane weight gain stories and sometimes feeling excited when i saw a picture of one of those gaining girls. I didn’t know there was an actual whole platform for people like that. The more i got into this the more i tried to carefully experiment with it. I would put on tight clothes and drink loads of water to make my stomach appear bigger. Or i would make these shakes with an extreme amount of calories. But all this never really got anywhere. Not because it didn’t do it correctly but i never actually went through with it. I always quit after a few days because of the fear of judgement and how my schoolmates would react.

Now this all changed when high school ended and i moved into my own apartment. I ended up winning a three year free stay in these new apartments just outside town. So when i graduated i moved out and into this new opportunity. I didn’t even think about the whole weight gaining thing at first. I was just happy to have a free appartement and be able to do anything i wanted. Have over all the boys i wanted and be able to choose what i had for dinner every day of the year. Because of the apartment i decided to take a gap year and get an online job so i could work a bit from home to cover the money spend on food and fun activities.

It didn’t take much time before the ordering food and staying at home most days had a toll on my body. Since i was 5’2 weight gain would immediately be visible on my tiny frame. In the first half year at the apartment i gained about 15 pounds. I didn’t really mind the weight gain. If anything it made me look softer.

Around that half year mark it was also the moment something popped back into my mind. Now that i gained weight i could maybe post a pictures on that site i used to visit. I sat behind my computer logged in and immediately got flushed with all the hidden feelings that i could be actually acting on now. I went to my bedroom and digged inside my closet. I grabbed these size 00 jean shorts and the tiniest cropped top i owned. It was a miracle the shorts got past my thighs but after a few minutes of struggling they were on. I confidently went to button the shorts as i realized my belly was in the way. Where once was a flat stomach now rested quite a bit of chub. I tried and tried but they wouldn’t close. I thought this would make me upset but i actually felt happy.

I sat down on my bed and took a picture from the side. I stared at how my thighs seemed round and how my belly stuck out with a good 2,5 inches. I uploaded it to my computer and posted it on my account. I didn’t know back then that this was going to be the start of a very addictive and fattening habit.
3 chapters, created 6 months , updated 6 months
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Skertmis 6 months
Great start! Willing to get to know more smiley
Sir Neapolitan 6 months
A great classic start! Excited to see where this one goes! 😊🍨