Chapter 1- subtle beginnings
Ella, a recently converted gym goer.Height: 5"5
Weight 170 lbs (12st 8lbs)
Ella had always been bigger than the average girl, being a chubby girl for as long as she can remember.
Being bottom heavy always made her a hit with the guys.
Since she left school and stopped swimming competitively, she started to pack on the pounds.
The University lifestyle of constant drinking and eating like a pig really effected her waistline reaching 230 lbs at her heaviest.
But now having a change of heart and to try and make a change for good, worried she will end up like her Mum.
Down the same road was Callum a 6"3 semi pro Footballer, which meant he obviously kept in good shape with a secret feeder fetish. He has always liked Ella but has only recently finding out through a common friend that she used to like him as well.
With this information, Callum decides to make his move.
It was a Thursday and Ella had just arrived back from Uni when Callum saw her car pull into the drive filled to the brim with her belongings.
Callum who had only just finished up a run, continued to jog a couple of houses down to go and meet her.
Ella gets out of her and Callum can tell how much she has lost, the strange lack of curves of Ella seemed alien and almost slightly sad. It was good eye candy
"Alright Ells, Need any help getting your stuff out the car?"
"Oh my god Callum! How have you been? and yeah if you don't mind, I'm knackered and starving" she begins to chuckle to herself.
Callum opens up her boot as she gets stuff out the front, following her from behind, noticing not much had left her ass, which was a good thing at least watching it jiggle slightly with each step she took, swaying from side to side.
Ella snaps him out of the trance...
"Callum!" as she snaps her fingers repeatedly. "Eyes up here big guy, can you just place the box's in the hallway please?
"Uhhh yeah sure" he replied, followed by placing the box's down.
"Have you been working out by the way? Don't remember you looking this... well good"
They catch eye contact for a short moment before she breaks and looks away pushing her cheek into her sleeve. "Yeah I have actually been working pretty hard during pre season and" Ella buts in "it shows..." followed by an awkward silence.
They continue to bring the rest of her belongings in until the job is done "Jesus i'm knackered... Callum i'm so sorry I would offer you a drink or something, but I have nothing in. No food or anything." Callum springs into action "I can go and grab some bits for you if you like? Like you must be exhausted after all" she nods aggressively "Well stay here, start unpacking and I'll get you some bits"
"Thank you so much Callum, I can't thank you enough, your'e the best, always knew I could count on you"
With that Callum leaves the front door and hits the town to get some groceries.
*Please let me know what you think and if you want me to continue*
1 chapter, created 3 years
, updated 3 years