Every Move You Make

  By Tayto  

Chapter 1

Michael was not really a part of the work meeting of which He was begrudgingly sitting through. The client, a company director, another few staff and Bridget, a senior project manager were arguing about a deadline which was missed. Michael was only really there as He worked on a few reports in the early stages of the project.

The meeting dragging on way beyond Six PM and He had given up paying attention. A few people dropped out of the Zoom meeting, using their children or other commitments as an excuse to leave. Without much of a life of his own switched his desktop window from the meeting to some time wasting online strategy game and played with the sound off. He stayed logged in, half listening just in the vain hope that maybe someone senior saw him still present and perhaps gives Him some false credit for being engaged and willing to work late.

More time passing He tries not to yawn and switches back to the meeting. By now, it was just Bridget and the client talking more calmly. She looked tired and kept subconsciously twirling her curly brown hair.

He kept playing. He was happy talking to friends in text chat and has not even noticed nobody was talking in the meeting group anymore.

"Babe, You still working?" Came a voice through his headphones. Michael jumped up, that didn't sound like the meeting. He switched back to the meeting. From the time stamp, it seemed like the client logged off ten minutes ago. So why was the meeting group still running?

"Yeah I am, sorry." Michael watched Bridget's camera window. She was looking at her screen, typing. It seemed Ike she had opened the top button on her smart blouse revealing the cleavage of her breasts with a hint of lacy navy blue bra, she was mature and professional in appearance, but somehow now the work was over she seemed a little more sultry. A man walked into view. He was a man with a serious demeanor, early middle aged. He looked in shape for his age, with short hair which had been greying in patches. He wore black sports shorts and an old band tshirt which still seemed to suit him.

She took off her headset and put it down on the desk.

"So. You're not coming running with me tonight? I thought we discussed this." He looked calm, but slightly disappointed.

She turned around to face Him. "No. I really wish I could." Michael was sure He detected a hint of insincerity in her voice.

Her husband dropped down, probably tying his shoelaces. "You promised you're going to make time for this. Remember what the scales said."

Michael squinted his eyes and tried to look at Bridget closer. Did He call her fat? She didn't look fat to him. Maybe she set her webcam at a flattering angle.

"I know. You don't need to remind me so much, jeez!. When this project is out, I'll be free in the evenings again."

Her husband stood up again and gave Her a sceptical look. "Just like you said last project?"

She tapped on the keyboard, without typing. "I know." She paused. "Can you bring me dinner when you get back? I haven't eaten since lunch."

Her husband was stretching his legs, near the door. "Only if you promise you won't order anything else after I go to bed, again."

Michael was sure He caught her stifle a smirk. "No promises. I need the carbs if I have to stay awake all night, you know this."

Her husband shrugged. "That book I got you said fruit gives you more energy than doughnuts." He turned around and left the room again.
7 chapters, created 8 months , updated 8 months
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Ssaylleb 7 months
Excellent story! I loved the ending well done 👏
Letters And ... 7 months
This was incredible! Witty and suspenseful, with a great twist! Loved it, thank you for sharing!
Tayto 7 months
Thanks! I liked the challenge topic this month lol
Lpark435 8 months
Shame, had hoped for more, maybe you can write more? lol.
Tayto 8 months
Sorry! I have a habit of going on hiatus when I try and write longer stuff 🙂
Lpark435 8 months
You need to finish this, very clever writing. Definitely a good read.
Tayto 8 months
It is finished 🙂