Chapter 1
The lingering pleasure your overstuffed tummy gives me makes my legs shake. I feel the butterflies of excitment in my own stomach, the prickle of goosebumps over the soft, full mounds of my breats, the tightening and stiffening of my nipples. I even feel the flutter of anticipation down my ribs, as if the skin there too wants to draw attention the contrast between our bodies. My small waist, to your stretched one. And my neck... chin tilting upwards as I close my eyes, lips parting as my toes curl and my back arches.Literally, from head to toe you are sending waves of pleasure through me. And they all radiate from this distended little globe in your middle. Although... its not so little now, is it?
You can undeniably feel my body tighten and tense for you. And I know you can hear the change to my breathing, the little whimpers I give between pants where your name sometimes escapes... lightly.
I try to reach for myself. My fingers drawn to the wetness between my thighs. A begging, pleading whisper as my hands grip your sides as I realise you're leaning forward on purpose, pushing my back up against the table. Letting your hardness press to me... bumping against me, where you might so easily slide into warmth. Into that a bliss of enjoying one another's bodies... the wild, passionate embrace of lover to lover, that only those with command of one another's darkest, most kept secrets can know. You could have me... but you let your belly press outwards. Pushing me back. Holding me down... pleasing me as you rub and enjoy the feeling of having been so obviously greedy.
The girth of your protruding belly tells me that... as it has for the last few thousand calories. Past hunger. Past the realm of a little greedy with a another few thousand calories... eating your way out of your clothes. Your belly needs - no, demands more room when it's full like this... eating way into the intoxicating boundaries of gluttony. Your stuffed. Your gorged... Your... your bringing me a little closer to climaxing each time you let out that glorious little moan after a soft belch, rubbing your belly with one hand, wrapping the other around my back so that I'm held into you. So that... I feel the pressure growing. That i feel you jut forward another inch as I have these last few hours. Altbough admittedly, now the process has slower considerably from those initial stuffing sessions some hours ago where you quickly began to develop your roundness. At first came a little more around your middle. The jutting out of your lower belly, pushing the band of your waistband to its limits as you ate keenly. Then, quickly after the sloping, curving from beneath your chest began to protrude. You were filling up...
You know how it teases me when you're feeling good and heavy. When you begin to gently pat your side, and our attention is drawn to how little you jiggle... skin taut and pink as you keep indulging. You're overfed... this point, where you had me undo your waistband, where I had felt the buttons unclip with such keen ease and your groan of pleasure as I push the zip down to give this burgeoning belly more room, should have been your first clue that you've really lost control. The zip came down a little too keenly, your groans of pleasure a little too much as I massaged your tenderly stretched gut. But... we couldnt stop. You wanted a huge belly... just a little more.
You're no longer so perfectly round. Your belly pushes out in every direction. Now that I sit in your lap, naked body to naked body I can feel you... I can see that out to your sides, there is the sloping angles of stretched skin as the second round of thousands of calories struggles to find space...
It felt good to have you keep eating. It felt good to give in to gluttony and see you loose any hesitation in indulgence. It feels good now to have your belly against me...
I adore seeing you like this. And you know it as you sit forward letting your belly take presidency between us. Proudly pushing it so that you add weight to my pelvis. You are filling between my thighs with your belly. I'm sure if it weren't so tight that you wpuld be able to take up my lap. But for now... it pushes outwards. Upwards. Sidwards. Downwards. All filled up. So that your belly stops me from reaching for myself... you are giving me this pleasure.
I squeeze you a little too tightly with you thighs as you lean forward a little more to whisper in my ear. Teasing me with words on how big you if I am not about to cry out in ecstasy from the belly tightly packed between us.
I want to see you waddle to bed. I want to see the sway of your belly as you cradle it... the mountain of tight pressure that protrudes as you lay back... but first. More.
Lover to lover... let go. More.
You tease me just with this belly... and who can blame us. When a big gut looks this good on you... I want you full. Fuller. Fullest.
I want this pleasure shared between us. This intmacy so intensified by your indulgence. I want your belly... every inch.
You have my pleasure. All you have to do is show me how greedy you truly are. My glutton. How round can you grow?
1 chapter, created 2 years
, updated 2 years
You know how to just arrange the perfect words together to push the reader’s buttons.
Like you in this vignette, all I want is more.
More food, more belly, more of you to read.