Chapter 1
I know why you’re here. Trying to lose that weight and keep it off has been a real battle, hasn’t it? It is just so difficult for you to keep your powerful cravings at bay, to find the motivation to stick to such a grueling, restrictive lifestyle. Reducing the amount you eat is nearly unbearable for you, isn’t it? Struggling to stop at just one serving of the empty, low-calorie, unsatisfying meals you’ve been making, fighting back the urge to visit a bakery or a fast food shop to finally sate the emptiness you feel more and more acutely every day you continue restricting yourself. You can feel your body crying out for nourishment. I know it’s hard. I can help you leave that struggle behind, to finally fix your eating habits once and for all. You just have to trust me, accept everything I’m telling you as true. Let my words sink in and become a part of you. Whether you want them to or not, they will seep into your mind and shape your thoughts and behavior. Give in, and sleep.Did you know that when we gain weight, our fat cells don’t just grow, they multiply? Every pound you added to your waistline, before you finally decided to get it under control, every pound you gain when your willpower fails you and you balloon up bigger than before, adds new fat cells to your body, fat cells that don’t go away when you lose weight, they only shrink. They shrink, and when they are empty like that, they send powerful signals to your mind and body telling you to stuff yourself, telling you that you’re starving. You feel like you’re starving all of the time, don’t you? It’s your own fault. If you hadn’t grown all of those new fat cells, if you hadn’t let yourself go like this, you wouldn’t have this problem. You have always had problems with self control, though. Even before you had to contend with your starved, empty old fat cells, you struggled to resist the temptation of food. Now, it’s even harder. You have to fight against not only your own mind and body, not only the temptation of delicious, enticing, fattening food, but also thousands of years of evolution that have hardwired the need to feed yourself and maintain your highest weight into your very DNA. It’s so difficult to resist the temptation to eat. Trying to resist it makes it stronger. Maybe you’d have more luck keeping your weight under control if you stopped trying and just gave in?
You know, most diets fail. You’ve found that out from personal experience, haven’t you? It’s not just you, most people experience this. Human bodies just aren’t made for weight loss. Every attempted diet slows your metabolism further. Every failure eats away at your willpower and increases your weight. Yes, that’s right, most people who lose weight don’t just gain it back, they gain back extra. Nothing increases a person’s appetite as much as weight loss. It leaves you so, so hungry, and it leaves you craving the most fattening, rich foods that you’ve denied yourself. When you lose weight, you don’t just lose fat, you lose muscle, too, slowly chipping away at your stamina and sabotaging your attempts to exercise, reducing your body’s ability to burn fat. I know you’ve noticed that every time you try to diet, it’s more difficult than the last time. Every time you try to diet, you lose your motivation faster, and binge more when you rebound. Every time you try to diet, you find your appetite increases more and more, the gnawing hunger deep in your stomach becomes more and more unbearable. Every time you try to diet, you find that these changes, the increased appetite and the loss of willpower, stay with you longer after it is over, slowly becoming a deeply ingrained and permanent part of your mind and body. These are things everyone has to contend with, so you shouldn’t even bother fighting them. You know you’ll lose.
You have even more trouble than most people, though, don’t you? You experience deep, powerful cravings for junk food. You constantly feel ravenously hungry, even when you’ve just ate. You struggle to control your portion sizes and to count your calories. It’s so tempting and easy to lowball your calorie count. When you eat, you log it as the lowest amount of calories you can justify. It was just one spoonful of peanut butter, no matter how high it was heaped on. A slice of bread is a slice of bread, even if it is twice the size that the nutrition facts label had in mind. As long as the numbers work out, you couldn’t possibly gain weight.... could you? It’s so easy to come up with excuses to cheat, too. What kind of miserable person thinks about their diet on a holiday? At a dinner out with friends? When they’ve had a hard day? If you can come up with a reason to do so, you give yourself a break, and you take full advantage to stuff yourself to the brim without guilt. When you are stressed, you turn to food as solace, and when you are happy you use it to celebrate. It doesn’t count for your diet if you have a good reason to be eating it. Your waistline will forgive you. Never mind that all this stuffing yourself only stretches out your stomach and increases your appetite every day. Never mind that being on a diet is, itself, stressful. If you are feeling bad, the urge to comfort yourself with food is downright irresistible. It brings you such relief. Binging when the going is tough makes dieting so much more bearable.
Dieting may seem impossible. It may be grueling, and you may find it impossible to stick to your plan. That’s all okay, it is normal. Everyone struggles with dieting, it is so much easier to give up.
When you awake from this session, you will not fully remember the content, but you will feel compelled to listen to it again and again. You will feel like you have learned a valuable lesson about dieting but can’t quite recall it, but you can rest secure in the knowledge your subconscious mind holds onto it. It is a part of you. The suggestions have all sunk deeply into your mind and influence your behavior and thoughts.
On the count of three, you will awaken. One.... two.... three. Wake up.
1 chapter, created 3 years
, updated 3 years