Fast Story 3 : American Dreams for a Belly Lover

Chapter 1

Zoé was 19 years old, she was what every man could dream of, big green eyes, slightly wavy brown hair and good cheeks

All this pose on 1m65(5.4 ft) of beauty. She was 53kg (116lb) with a sublime body, beautiful round buttocks, beautiful breasts and a flat stomach. The only exception on vacation where she called her "her little round belly" she often wore rather revealing clothes to show her beautiful silhouette, especially crop tops.

It's September and it's back to school. She arrives in the 2nd year of her business school. After 2 months of evenings drinking and especially eating well, she got a little fat. Her belly is rather round and soft and she must weigh in 55.5kg (122 lb). She doesn't play sports but she relies on her metabolism to get back on the line.

For this new school year, she therefore dresses rather soberly, being careful to hide her small round holiday belly under a fairly wide top.

She arrives in class and sits down, ready to listen to the class. But she doesn't know that she has just charmed our protagonist.

Thibaut, also 19 years old. Just felt his heart melt in his chest. He has never seen such a girl in his life. "She's superb," he said to himself in shock. The course passes while Thibaut can't let go of Zoe's gaze.

The break is coming and while Zoe is with friends and Thibaut with his friends

Zoe is too hot and is going to change in the toilet. When she comes out of the toilet with a t-shirt a little too small and tight, Thibaut is amazed in front of the slightly rounded belly of zoé pushing on the fabric

Thibaut always loved the idea of filling his girlfriend until she has a beautiful, round and soft belly. Let's say that in Thibaut's eyes zoé lacked 7 or 8kg (15-18 lbs) for her to be perfect. He also noticed his buttocks and this chest that only reinforced him in his positions.

The days passed and as expected Zoé's waist tightened and she regained her former form to Thibaut's great disgrach. However, she remained a beautiful woman and he had the attention to make her his girlfriend. It had been several times that he managed to have short conversations

His voice as well as his smile or smell ravaged the young man a little more.

One day, there was work in groups of 2. The teams were made randomly. But Thibault managed during a break to exchange his name with that of Zoé's original comrade.

So here they are in the same groups for a big project that they have to prepare.

Zoé invites Thibaut to her home one afternoon.

Thibaut dresses and perfumes himself as best he can and sets off. Once he arrived, he discovers a very nice apartment. Zoé's parents are on the move for several weeks. She is therefore alone at home.

First small shock when you arrive. She kisses Thibaut by grabbing his shoulder. Zoé offers him food and drink

He politely refuses.

And she wears a crop top highlighting her now flat belly.

They get to work. Zoé brings chocolate breads back to the room

During work she eats them without paying attention

In the end. 7 are now at the bottom of his full belly now with a small bump.

She realizes her gluttony and is rather embarrassed.

- "sorry, I really ate too much. "She said, lifting her already raised top a little because of her magnifying belly.

- No problem, I think it fits you rather well to tell the truth ''

Zoé looks at him with her big green eyes... a cute first contact is made between the two.

He blushes and is a little embarrassed

The rest of the appointment this base well. They finish their work nonsense trying to play and seduce the other.

They separate by exchanging their numbers

Following that, zoé understood what Thibault liked and she planned to play with it. The two talk a lot by message and we therefore learn that zoé is 52.6kg (114lb). Even less than before. But it turns out that the All Saints' Day holidays are coming and Zoé will join her parents in the United States for two weeks. Hardly the name of this country pronounced than Thibaut gets excited. He knows that Zoé will have no limit during this week now that she knows that she is flirting with a guy who loved her little plubby belly.

So they talk in a message throughout the journey of Zoe

She talks to him about fast food, fatty food and a chic restaurant where she stuffs her stomach. However, Thibault has no photos. Zoé makes him wait before seeing the result of his gluttony.

The day of the return.

When he walked through the door, his jaw fell

Zoé was in a crop top. The small round belly could hardly be called "small" it was round, soft and quite big. You could see a lot of belly out of his t-shirt a little below his navel

It could be seen on his belly that the American Burgers deserved their reputation. She had taken 6kg (13lb) of pure fat casi exclusively in her plubby belly

It seemed softer and softer.

They set aside for a moment and Thibault could put his hands and go from the base of his newly rounded belly without reaching the base of his back, his waist was also full and they had beautiful round love handles.

He became hard just now

It made Zoe laugh, who was approaching a big smile

- Eh beh zoé, wouldn't you have gotten a little fat?

- Haha, I know you like it!

- I admit yes haha

- This is only the beginning (she whispered in her ear)

Zoé's friends also saw the change and had fun with their friend's new belly, which has never been as big as it is now. At each movement we could see the new grease overtaken from Zoé's t-shirt

Especially at the end of the day when she gava at noon and at the snack to round her belly even more in front of her boyfriend.

At the end of the day, while his jeans tightened him and his t-shirt almost no longer covered his navel. He managed to take him to the restaurant and make him order the largest pizza possible with a ham and cheese supplement. She devoured him

She even managed to swallow an extra chocolate mousse into this already very round belly.

At the time of this rise. His already short top could not contain this new mass and now a large amount of flesh naturally exceeded the t-shirt that went a little higher than the navel.

When he touched his stomach, he felt all the new fat and pizza that tomorrow would add to zoé's growing size.

End for now... do you want a follow-up to this story?
1 chapter, created 6 months , updated 6 months
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