Teasing Girlfriend Get Fat

Chapter 1

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Her name is Emma, a 23 years old girl measuring 1m64 (5.4 inches). She has brown hair with a long square cut, she has green eyes, beautiful cheeks. I must admit that I first noticed her round buttocks perfectly molded in her jeans. Apart from that and a nice chest, she is quite thin with her 46kg (101 lbs). she doesn't eat well but little so she is thin and soft. She has no abs and she likes to wear tops that show off her flat stomach. I noticed several times a nice bump after good meals that drove me crazy.

Anyway, I met Emma at the beginning of my last year of business school. She was new but already had a few friends. I immediately got in touch and proposed myself for the first group work of the year. I discovered a real little sunshine. Always bubbly and full of life. A permanent wide smile and we laugh a lot together. I admit that I was expecting a real challenge but getting closer was simple and natural.

One evening, there was a party with about forty people from the school and I managed to get her invited.

That night she had to drive to the party because of the distance... So she couldn't drink too much. Too bad, however, that same evening, she arrived 20 minutes after me. I saw her walk through the door and I was dazzled. She had on a rather tight red dress that showed off her figure wonderfully. Although she was still too thin for me, I could have gone to bed with her without any hesitation.

My friends were drooling at the sight of her but I had made it clear to them that she was MY future girlfriend.

While she drank a sweet soda or two, I didn't skimp on the alcohol. We played beer pong which I lost miserably and I couldn't count my shots. I danced, chatted and had a great time, always at Emma's side, super tactile with me. We were nothing to conclude I could feel it. At my request. A friend of mine started a game of "truth or dare" that I had asked him to modify so that I could conclude more easily with Emma. After a few trite tricks to hide the deception. It is finally arrived on me and the ''challenge'' what consisted in kissing Emma. Neither of us struggled and we kissed for several minutes. While we kissed I had my hands on her waist. I could feel this very thin layer of fat between my fingers. Barely perceptible, I had fun playing with it. She said to me:

- "Haha, do you like my chubby side? "
- "I love it!"

She looked at me with cute eyes of approval, as if she liked it. And between the alcohol and my excitement I finally confessed my fantasy.

- "In fact I love girls with a little bit of belly and more substance "

She stopped for a second and let go of me. I saw in her eyes a mixture of surprise and joy.

She hugged me hard. And ended up leaving for other guests. I thought I had made a huge mistake and went back to my friends.

But 5 minutes later, I looked at her and saw a real fantasy come true. She was stuffing her face with chips, snacks, candy, and pizza, and she was chugging beer after beer. I couldn't believe my eyes and blamed it on the alcohol. I refused to believe it!

But 30 minutes later I felt little hands grabbing my waist as if to tickle me. It was Emma, I was relieved she hadn't left and didn't seem to mind. She took me back in her arms, I felt like more material in my lower abdomen as she hugged me. I withdrew and there, the blow of shock.

She has a round belly molded in her dress. As if she was 3 months pregnant. She saw my look and laughed. She grabbed my hand and put it on that belly. It was round and after her usual light layer of fat, it was hard. I kneaded her skin and she closed her eyes, she was obviously stuffed to the brim. She said to me:

- "so do you like it better?"
- "It's amazing"

Now that she was so drunk, I couldn't let her go home and convinced my friend that she would sleep at home too.

A few hours of drinking and intense kissing later. We went to bed. Given my other friends sleeping around we had done nothing and had at least one bed to ourselves.

She spooned herself up. I wrapped my arm around her. She took my hand and put it on her belly. And I had the best night of my life.
7 chapters, created 2 years , updated 1 year
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Alex Cote 1 year
Wow 😲
Ptitbidon 1 year
Derhikingviking 2 years
Great Addition! Love that we got more Info about her friends. You are also doing a great job describing. Hope to see some more soon smiley
Ptitbidon 2 years
Glad to hear it ! I have a lot of ideas for what to do next but I'm taking my time! 😄
Derhikingviking 2 years
I really like this story, well paced, and the friends fattening her up is kinda hot too. Will you continue this?
Ptitbidon 2 years
Thank you ! And i will 😁