
  By Gustave  

Chapter 1

At the center of a dimly lit room with rocky walls sits Imperator Furiosa; Well, former-imperator anyway. Her plan to escape with Immortan Joe’s wives in search of freedom failed. And now she was captured. She sits slouched in her chair, resigned to her fate with her hands tied down to the sides along with her torso. She wondered what kind of suffering she would have to endure before he got bored and killed her. She hears the sound of a metal door creak open and looks to see her expected executioner walk into the room.
“Do you think I’m going to kill you, Furiosa” Immortan Joe asks his prisoner.
She only laughs. Of course she thinks that.
“Well, I’m not” he says. She becomes nervous. He must have been messing with her.
“Sure, not right away. I know you plan on kicking me around a bit before you finish me off” she replies.
“No. I’m not going to kill you. Ever”
“Look, you torture me long enough and sooner or later I’m going to die. That’s how it works. I get it though. You want to make it unpleasant.”
“No, Furiosa. I’m not going to kill you. I’m not going to torture you.”
“So what then? I know you’re not letting me go.”
“Ah! Smart girl, Furiosa. No. You betrayed me. Setting you free would make me look weak. And your betrayal cannot go unpunished after all. In addition to being stripped of your title as Imperator, I have … other plans for you.”
With that, Immortan Joe took his leave. Furiosa became paralyzed by anxiety. What the hell had she gotten herself into?
A couple of hours later, two of Joe’s goon entered the room and put Furiosa in handcuffs before freeing her from her bonds. They were under orders to escort her. But where to? She entered a part of Joe’s domain she couldn’t recall ever seeing before. It was a long hallway that was rocky and dark like the rest of the place with a single metal door at the far end of it. That was where she and Joe’s goons were heading.
The henchmen kicked the door open and tossed Furiosa inside. She rolled against the dusty floor and into the hard jagged wall. Coughing as the dust that had been lifted off of the floor entered her lungs, she hadn’t been able to react in time to stop one of the men from latching a metal chain onto Furiosa’s ankle. The opposite end of the chain was tethered to a much larger piece of metal that was embedded into the wall. She was never going to get out of here. The two men left. They left her there alone for almost three days. The isolation, hunger, and thirst were getting to her when she heard the door quickly open and the close before she could even see who had entered. When she did look, what she saw couldn’t have made her happier: food. There was a tray on the ground with a cup of water and a large plate filled with all sorts of different meats. She didn’t really know what it was, but it wasn’t like prepared meals was much of thing nowadays anyway. People at anything. So ignoring any reservations she might have had about eating food given to her by a man she had recently crossed, Furiosa dug in on the food, eating everything with her hands, and licking the plate clean. She was finished before she even realized it. Her stomach was slightly swollen, being hard and full, yet she didn’t feel it. Her instincts were telling her she was hungry, so when another tray was delivered only thirty minutes after the first, Furiosa dug in yet again. It was understandable at the time though. She hadn’t eaten in days so her body was telling her to make up for it.
After finishing the second large plate, Furiosa sat with her back against the wall with her right (only) hand on her stomach, unconsciously rubbing it ever so slightly. It was now noticeably round and taut under her sleeveless shirt, creating a small curve and straining the many belts around her waist. She finally felt full. After a few minutes of sitting there, lost in her food coma, she hears the sound of the metal door opening and then closing yet again. Slowly looking toward the door, she was surprised to see another tray of food. The normal Furiosa would notice that something suspicious was going on, but this Furiosa, one overpowered by a food coma, could only give in to her almost animal-like instincts to eat. After staying in place rubbing her belly for a few minutes, she eventually decided to lazily crawl over to the tray and begin to absent mindedly eat from it. Her face and clothes were getting covered in more and more food as she shoved it all into her face.
What am I doing? Furiosa had the faintest moment of hesitation, of questioning her situation, but it was set aside as soon as another piece of meat entered her mouth. She could feel the fullness in her stomach starting to cause her pain, but something kept her eating. It must have just been due to the fact that she had been starved for three days. That must have been it.
Over an hour later, Immortan Joe entered the room to find a sleeping Furiosa lying on her side on the floor with her hand over her stomach. She breathed heavily. Her belts were clearly feeling an intense strain as evidenced by the significant bulge in her stomach. Joe knelt down and rubbed her stomach, pushing into it and meeting literally nothing but resistance. He stood and turned to his two henchmen that stood at the entrance to the room.
“The test was successful. This proves that she can be broken. She can be molded into what we desire. Bring her to me first thing tomorrow morning. But make sure she has breakfast first. I wouldn’t want her being assigned to her new duty on an empty stomach. That is something she will never have to feel again.”
Joe exits the room with his goons behind him, leaving the sleeping prisoner to get some rest and to digest her feast.
8 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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