Flabby Abby Makes Amends

  By Chickenshack  Premium

Chapter 1: Unbelievable

Abby wouldn’t believe it. She couldn’t believe it. It couldn't be possible.

She had the same bright green eyes, the same golden, flowing blonde hair, the same taste in gaudy designer jewelry, albeit in a much, much bigger size…

But it couldn’t have been her.

Abigail hadn’t seen Vanna “Vi Vi” Volski in probably around a decade… not since high school… But so many things about this woman rang familiar.

All the same, it couldn’t have been Vi Vi… there was no way Abigail’s biggest bully in high school could have gotten fat… if “fat” could even begin to describe the fantastically massive woman planted into the scooter just a few yards away from her.

The blonde woman seated just a few paces away from where Abby stood was so impressively vast that she was beginning to overflow the confines of the mobilized chair that she was squashed in to. She did still have Vanna’s air of haughtiness… that general look of disdain that came so inherently to a girl who had been born with looks, money and everything else she could want. Or maybe her face was just in a slight grimace because she was uncomfortable… The steering column of her mobility scooter was digging heavily into her stomach, a massive, spherical mound of fat and flab that surged so far in front of the girl that it looked as though she was just as much belly as the rest of her. Abby couldn’t even begin to fathom how someone so young looking and so… pretty, she had to admit, had gotten so incredibly fat. And Abby knew a thing or two about fat girls, having formerly been one herself.

High school had been a hellish experience for a much tubbier Abby, her wide and wobbly physique having earned her the nickname of Flabby Abby, a moniker that had been callously bestowed unto her by one Vanna Volski herself.

Vanna had always been relentless in her persecution of Abigail for her weight, one cruel criticism and instigating insult after another as the tight, toned blonde berated her corpulent classmate at any opportunity that presented itself.

Abby had been defenseless, no doubt. She’d had to endure near daily verbal abuse, even if it were only the occasional passing comment in the hallways or judgmental sneer at lunchtime. Vanna had been relentless in her rousing and ridicule, almost always surrounded by her clique of equally skinny and snooty friends. Flabby Abby had grown to hate her body, and that self-loathing had latched onto her far past high school.

But things had changed for her down the road. Never forgetting Vanna’s spiteful words and repeated barbs, Abby had fallen into a deep depression her freshman year of college. Already a shy and somewhat antisocial girl, Abby had entered university so conditioned to think that her weight automatically alienated her from making friends that she had been inherently standoffish herself enough to self-fulfill her own prophecy; she’d started off college a bit of a loner, book smart and brash with a wall she didn’t plan on tearing down any time soon. The only times Abby did anything other than sleep and study were when she worked out. She’d become devoted to becoming slim, to achieving a body that she could be proud of, one that wouldn’t be derided or ridiculed. And the result?

Abby was a lean, toned 158 pounds, a solid 200 pounds lighter than she’d been when she’d waddled across the stage at her high school graduation. It was still just a tad more than she would have liked, but she did chalk up some of the extra weight to the muscle she had built up at the gym. Proud of herself for not only losing the weight but managing to keep it off over the past few years, Abby had let herself relax a bit about her diet; a couple of years ago, she wouldn’t have been caught dead in a crowded bakery, but here she was today, patiently awaiting her croissant and black coffee.

The fat blonde woman was partially reclined in her overtaxed mobility scooter. Even with leaning slightly backwards, the woman’s surging, sloping stomach poured so heavily over her lap it overtook her dimpled, doughy knees by quite a few inches. Her open palms were placed placidly on top of its apex, patting it lightly with both hands while her expression contorted itself into a worried whimper.

The woman looked… hungry. It was an expression of anguish that Abby herself had grown quite intimately familiar with; the woman appeared to be waiting with anticipation for her order, growing more impatient with each passing moment as her mounting hunger continued to gnaw away at her. The enormous blonde parted her pouty, ruby red lips to let out a deep, reluctant sigh as her green eyes flitted between the counter where her food would appear and the steering column of her scooter, still digging into her tummy so deeply that Abby wondered if it were the only thing keeping the woman’s belly from sagging to the floor of the mobilized chair.

Those eyes… Abby had seen them narrow in sneering scrutiny many a time in the past… if this wondrously wide whale of a woman was who Abby thought she was.

But there was simply no way that a girl so harsh and vain could have let herself go to such an incredible extreme…

The queue began moving again, another couple of names being blurted across the cafe by a bored and tired looking barista who herself was a bit on the chubbier side. Nowhere near as big as the woman in the scooter, but, then again, Abby had never seen anyone even close to that big in her entire life.

The barista held up her latest order, a chocolate eclair and an iced caramel coffee with an ungodly amount of whipped cream and chocolate sauce on top, and called out the name written on the cup.


“That’s me!” the fat, chair-bound blonde chirped out enthusiastically, her mobilized seat suddenly spurring to life as it began to lurch forward.

Holy shit.
3 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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Scootergirl 11 months
Any plans to continue this story? It's fantastic so far. Role reversal? Fit to fat? The haughty high school bully who eats herself into handicap status so that she needs a mobility scooter? Love it.