Chapter 1
After an uneventful return to her classes in which she was overjoyed that she didn’t receive a fraction of the attention she’d pessimistically expected, Lindsey was finally beginning to settle into a more manageable feeding routine despite the fact that no element of her forced fattening truly felt manageable to her. She’d wake two hours early just to have time to both scarf down her enormous breakfast and lay on the couch groaning with fullness until she could stand, then her first morning class, an early morning snack in the car with Courtney during her short break, her second morning class, a lunch so oversized and teaming with greasy, fried treats that she always found herself late to the afternoon class that followed, and finally, back home to stuff herself until she slipped into a food coma. Or, more accurately, to have one of the other girls stuff her until she was in a food coma.All of the girls, despite their degree of closeness to Lindsey, were taking their feeding responsibilities very seriously, some more so than others. Obviously sisters with a particularly strong allegiance to Abigail like Ellie, Courtney, and Vicky would ensure that she ate every bite and then double her milkshake portion if she looked like she could still take more, but even girls that didn't put as much stock into the contest were really getting into their aptly named guard duties, seemed to enjoy being in charge of Lindsey’s misery. She was sure it wasn't as malicious as that, but the mirth with which Zoey, the slightly dumber twin, shoved another cheeseburger in her mouth when she pleaded that she couldn't take anymore seemed otherwise inexplicable.
At the end of the day, she was certain it was a drive to win, a desire to please Abigail, and the novelty of the experience that had all the girls so laser-focused on Lindsey's consumption, but that kind of level-headed rationality could only come about when Lindsey was neither stuffed nor exhausted, and that was a state of being that she didn't find herself in often lately. Stuffing herself was exhausting, and with the new associations being created in her mind from her near-constant eating, she was beginning to associate being tired with being hungry. In fact, she was beginning to conflate many of her feelings for hunger these days, and felt a sick, sinking pit in the bottom of her permanently bloated stomach when she realized how quickly it was all happening. In such a short time food had become her whole life, and now everything she felt, uncertainty, fear, trepidation, even her brief moments of amusement or relaxation, all made her want to stuff her face.
Her capacity was still increasing, much to Abigail's delight, and the polished president had been lauding her with praise the past few days, even proudly bragging to the group at yesterday's Friday meeting that she believed Abigail would go undefeated in her weekly challenges. A winning pig had never been undefeated, especially if you count the initial eating contest, but with the amount that Lindsey could put away, Abigail was confident that their lead in terms of pounds and her performances in the challenges would ensure them an undefeated season.
“We need new goals,” she’d complained. “New challenges. We win every year, let up the ante.”
The ‘ante’ in question could only be upped by Lindsey herself, and they’d ended the short meeting with a plan for Courtney to rework Lindsey’s diet to accommodate their lofty new goals. Lindsey was less concerned about that new development than she potentially should've been, especially considering the wild look in Abigail's eye when she’d said it, but what was a hundred and twenty pounds instead of a hundred? She was going to blimp up either way. She was going to become undeniably, and potentially irrevocably, obese, she was gonna find herself bursting out of XXL jeans and struggling to see her toes, so why did it matter if she put on a few more?
It mattered. Of course it mattered, and just thinking about what had been said made her face hot and her throat begin to feel constricted, but she had to apply the same cognitive dissonance that was getting her through this whole ordeal in the first place. She just simply couldn't think about it. She couldn't think about it in the same way she couldn't think about how her constant stuffing was beginning to affect her body, and the more she refused to consider the things that were too hard to face, the easier the actions became. It had been just a week of stuffing like this, 6 days really, but Lindsey was fully resigned to her fate. There was so little fight left in her, and what was left went to the mentally taxing task of ignoring what was happening. She’d become completely demure, completely complacent, and she was almost afraid of what would happen to her if things continued this way. If she continued to lose herself to the gain.
She pressed another forkful of syrup-soaked pancakes into her mouth and sighed, her jaw beginning to ache from tiredness as it often did part ways through her enormous meals. She had no idea that she could eat so much and so often that she'd get tired of chewing, but here she was, massaging her overworked jaw with one hand and filling her cheeks to the point of bulging with the other. Taylor, an auburn-haired junior that Lindsey didn't know very well, was sitting across from her at the dining room table, swiping at her phone every few seconds with a look of disinterest so aggressive plastered to her face it was almost hostile. The girls didn't like waking up extra early any more than Lindsey did and, despite the fact that she knew it was their job to watch her eat, their direct assignment to ensure she swallowed every bite, she was still embarrassed to pig out like this in front of people that she hardly knew, still afraid of the judgment that Courtney had promised none of them harbored for her.
In fact, despite the knowledge that she was technically a member of the chapter’s admin team and therefore under the thumb of the ever-powerful Abigail, Lindsey preferred to be fed by Courtney by a wide margin that was widening with every stuffing. She thought she’d prefer to eat with Karina or Rachel, girls she knew better, girls who she had a true friendship with outside the house, but she found those feeding sessions to be awkward. It was impossible not to feel like her friends, particularly Karina, were seeing her in a new, unflattering light that would permanently impact the way they viewed her.
She’d always been multifaceted, been known for her attributes and her many involvements around campus both academic and personal. She was fit, health conscious, driven, stylish, a little boy crazy, and a million other little characteristics and quirks that she felt defined her, but when she ate like that, all else fell away. When she stuffed her mouth with abandon and turned herself into a bloated, burping mess, she wasn't Lindsey. She was just a pig. A greedy, helpless, overfed pig who would cram down whatever was put in front of her.
The girls that she wasn’t as close with didn’t know her well enough to know that her actions weren't the real her, and she feared that the girls that she was close enough with would soon begin to believe that it was the real her, that an overfed glutton was trapped within athletic Lindsey all along.
Courtney however, somehow found herself exempt from both categories. Lindsey didn't know Courtney that well, wouldn't necessarily consider her a friend, but Courtney’s style of feeding put her most at ease, made her feel like there wasn't a modicum of judgment coming her way. Courtney was both very motivated to win and in charge of the budget, so when Lindsey completed a meal, the true delight on Courtney's face as she praised her felt like some small reward, overall ineffectual but appreciated nonetheless.
Courtney had seen pig after pig come through the sorority, and while Lindsey ate, she would often reference other girls who’d been in the same position as her, share tips and tricks that actually worked to ease the tightness of an overfull stomach and allow her to put more away. The belly rub that Courtney had given her that morning had now become a daily request, and the comfort that radiated from Courtney's small but strong hands made Lindsey absolutely melt. She tried to mimic the movements for herself but couldn't recreate the effect no matter how she tried, and she privately felt that it was an even blend of experience and Courtney's genuine concern for her well-being that gave her belly rubs their potency.
Courtney was also the main chef of Lindsey's fattening meals, and her delight at Lindsey's enjoyment of certain dishes combined with her constant requests for constructive criticism of others were endearing and disarming in a way that was difficult for Lindsey to describe. Courtney made her feel like they were in this together, the only girl in the house that gave Lindsey that impression. She never seemed disgusted or amazed at the amount Lindsey put away, she was never aggressive or ran to snitch when Lindsey began to grow too stuffed for more, and instead simply talked to her gently, distracted her, and encouraged her. Being fed by Courtney made her feel like all this was normal, and the brief respites were deeply needed for her.
She was terrified for the guard duty rotation to swing back to Audrey, who had silently watched her chew every morsel with a focus so rapt that Lindsey didn't stop blushing the entire meal, but petrified for the duty to officially swing back to Abigail, although Abigail had been unofficially popping into feeding to check her progress all week. She would walk up to Lindsey and press an exploratory palm into her bloated stomach, either frowning or nodding depending on how full Lindsey had made herself so far. Abigail was always grabbing her now, and not in a friendly, touchy way like all the sisters always had. She was testing Lindsey's weight, testing her heft, lightly exploring her body with time-tested hands to feel the softness and squish develop.
Lindsey hated those moments because she loathed the reminder, but it didn't change the reality. Her body was changing. Quickly, and Lindsey wasn't sure how much more quickly things would progress. She had yet to do her first weigh-in, but she wasn't oblivious. She couldn't be, not to this much change. Not as rapidly as it had occurred. The faint outline of her abs was entirely gone, and in the few moments after waking up in which she wasn't eating, she could see that under the bloat her stomach had lost all of its firmness. Her thighs felt thicker, her tits felt heavier, and she was certain that her cheeks were getting chubby, although that may have been the perpetual puffiness brought about by her sudden unprecedented sodium intake.
Her body felt like it was no longer her own. Like she didn’t control it, didn’t have intimate knowledge of it. Her calorie intake had been more than was required to pack on a pound a day, and at 6 days she was beginning to see the stark view of her future far more clearly. This was likely her last week not being noticeably large. She was larger, sure, but after next week, after around 15 pounds gained, her new chub would be undeniable. Three weeks from now she’d be bursting her buttons, and a month from now? She'd be fat. Solidly, inarguably fat. It didn't make sense, didn't seem to be enough time, but as her body was beginning to show her, it was plenty. Abigail’s drive and Courntey’s planning hadn’t allowed for a centimeter of deviation from their established route to the Phi Lambda goal, and just like every year, Lindsey could see it was going to be achieved, with or without her willing and enthusiastic participation.
She knew Phi Lambda always won, knew she had been selected as the competitor, but it wasn't until she began to feel the weight that she gained that she fully internalized the reality. She was the next pig. She was going to gain an unfathomable amount of weight. She realized it again each day anew, yet as her head hit the pillow each night, it was like her memory was wiped. She had to make the bitter confrontation with the truth each day, and it was beginning to make her dread opening her eyes when she woke.
It wasn’t the only thing to dread. Among everything else she’d begun avoiding since the initial pig selection, Lindsey still had yet to inform her soccer coach that she wouldn't be returning to the team this semester. That even if she wanted to stay, to fulfill her commitment despite the much larger one that had suddenly been foisted upon her, in just a few month's time, her uniform will have grown several sizes too tight. That in a few weeks' time, she’d be too out of shape to run. That even if she was still able to perform, she’d be too busy eating to have the free time. It was mortifying, a conversation she just simply couldn't imagine herself having, but she wasn't sure how much longer coach Morgan, intense even in the calmest of times, could be held off. She was ignoring first emails and now texts demanding an explanation for her skipped practices and sudden lack of communication, but there was no reasonable excuse that Lindsey could contrive. She liked Coach Morgan, actually respected her, and she knew she was eventually going to have to tell her the truth.
She was pondering the coach's surely explosive reaction, mentally steeling herself for the scowls and angry tirade that she was certain was headed her way, when her phone buzzed. She sighed and reached for it, already anticipating news she had no interest in hearing.
‘Abby wants to talk about tonight,’ read Courtney's first text. ‘Go over the game plan. Come to the kitchen in like 10? I'm making cupcakes.’
Lindsey sighed, shoved a last bite of pancake in her mouth, and stood, still chewing. Her......
*I hope you enjoyed! I can't believe this story is now 30,600+ words!! I've had several of my voting readers (that get to decide what kind of content I make and when) say that the last two chapters have been some of their favorites so far, and I really have to agree! Can't wait to finish up the next one:) I've posted a few thousand words on this site if anyone is interested in more on FF! Thanks so much for reading:)*
Want more? Check out my most recent weight gain audio on youtube:
1 chapter, created 2 weeks
, updated 2 weeks