Chapter 1 - Day 0
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“Don’t worry about them Chloe.” Katherine said to her best friend, bending down to help pick up her books. “One more year of this crap and then we’re out of here.”
“Yeah, I know.” Chloe replied meekly. “One more year…”
Chloe was a big girl. When she last checked her weight a week ago she was 240 pounds. The thing is she didn’t mind being a heavier woman. She had found a lot of inspirational pictures online of sexy fat women living a body positive life, and knew when she finally got out of her parent’s house she would be free to eat what she wanted, when she wanted, and would probably gain a load of new weight as a result. She couldn’t wait. She just hated feeling like an outcast and the odd one out as the biggest girl in school. She knew she’d probably be told to lose weight by her family to make this year easier on her at school which she despised the thought of.
She looked at Katherine as they started walking to the car park, finally ending their first day of senior year in High School. She was a thin girl with a 5’2” frame. She had no discernible curves but she was a swimmer and incredibly fit. Katherine was happy with her lot in life and tried to stay under the radar to avoid bullies which was easy at her size.
“See you tomorrow morning Kath.” Chloe said as she heaved herself out of Katherine’s Prius. She slowly walked up the drive to her home and opened the door.
“Hey honey!” her mom called out, “How was school?” Chloe’s mom was a lean and athletic looking woman, nothing like her youngest daughter at all. Her parents were a beautiful pair, the envy of the neighbourhood. Sure she loved her daughter, but she did wish Chloe would lose weight just so the family pictures made them look like they were all related.
“School was fine thanks. I’m really hungry, can I grab a snack?” said Chloe, waddling to the kitchen.
“No you cannot!” her mom snapped. [Here we go] Chloe thought. “Just look at you. You’re basically bursting out of those jeans we bought a month ago for the new school term! You can wait until dinner to eat, and just try and be like your sister please. Exercise and diet, get your act together. This could be your year! You could be prom queen!”
“Come on mom, I don’t think chubster could ever lose an ounce of weight, let alone be prom queen!” Caroline cockily remarked, entering the kitchen. Caroline was Chloe’s gorgeous older sister. She was older by only a year, but she did win the good DNA in the looks department as she was traditionally beautiful with perfectly clear skin, cheekbones, curves in all the right places, and a fit tall body. Her intelligence though, not so much. She wanted to be a model instead of going to College and was at home applying for gigs and trying to get an agency interested.
“Whatever Caroline.” Chloe said as she grabbed one of her sister’s celery and peanut butter sticks, “I’m going to my room.” As she went up the stairs munching on celery, she could hear her sister making exaggerated “thud!” noises with each step she took. Chloe sighed as she got into her room and threw her bag on the floor.
“Skinny people can be so annoying.” Chloe said under her breath as she started getting undressed. As she stood in just her underwear in front of her mirror, she checked herself out. She saw her cute chubby cheeks and small roll of fat her under her chin. Her beefy upper arms jiggled as she stroked her plump body, down to her belly that rolled over her pants by a couple of inches.
She did love her belly and imagined it getting even blubberier. As she turned, she noticed her cute knee dimples and the cellulite on her thick thighs going up to her wide bubble butt which was her favourite part of herself. Why didn’t she have big boobs? She thought to herself. Both her mom and her sister were blessed with DD cup boobs but of course, she had to be the odd one out – fat with small boobs.
“Maybe I should just grow my hair longer, that might make me look skinnier…” she pondered as she twirled her brown hair which was cut into a bob that framed her chubby face perfectly.
Sighing, she sat on her bed and laid down stretching her thick legs. Feeling sleepy, Chloe said, “I just hate feeling so alone. I wish every other woman was fat too”, and with that, she dozed off to sleep.
College Fiction
Sexual acts/Love making
Weight gain
8 chapters, created 4 years
, updated 1 month