Human Fleshlight

Chapter 1

Pushing folds and flab away, I kept looking for my prize. God, the amount of pale, pasty flesh cascading around my head was ridiculous. She was lucky I was persistent, as many would have given up by now. But not me. No, I took her body and ravished it with excess calories, pumping them into her until she barely resembled the thick college freshman of 6 years prior. The least I could do was treat her to some pleasure every now and then.

The increasing wetness told me I was close, and eventually I found what I was looking for. I went to work fast, using my tongue to drive her into a frenzy.

I had no way of realistically knowing how well I was doing. Her thigh rolls and fupa blocked out my ears, and I couldn't feel anything from her thighs. A smaller woman might have squeezed my head with them, but years of no movement beyond rolling over in bed and tons of muscle relaxers had atrophied her muscles into useless tissue.

I could probably poke through her fat all the way to the bone, any semblance of muscular tissue deleted.

However fat, obese, heavy you make someone, basic sexual processes still happen. A vagina will get wet or squirt, even if it's surrounded by half a ton of lard. A penis will still ejaculate, even if it resembles a clit more than a cock due to 1500 pounds crushing it. Pleasure is not taken away when you destroy someone with adipose; rather, it's enhanced.

Eventually, my face and tongue became coated with her, and I knew to stop. No need to risk sending her into cardiac arrest. Yet.

Pulling myself out of the mountain of underbelly flab, I got a good look at her struggling body. According to her heart rate monitor, she wasn't in danger of a heart attack, but was definitely elevated. And that's understandable, having an orgasm at this size probably gets the blood flowing.

The harness holding her belly up was vital at this stage, as even I wasn't able to keep her gut clear. And I DEFINITELY didn't waste all this effort creating a human fleshlight that I wasn't able to use. There is an illicit pleasure having to push through rolls, flab and lard (that I created) to get to her.

If you haven't figured it out by now, yes, I took a young woman and effectively destroyed her future with fat. I know she 1, didn't want to be this big, 2, I know she wishes she could be hundreds of pounds lighter, and 3, I know she wants to go home.

1, I don't really care if she wanted this or not. I wanted her this big, and that's all that mattered. The funny thing about calories is that they don't care if you don't want them, or if you don't need them. Forcing thousands of calories of slop down a throat every single day for years will cause you to blow up, 10 times out of 10.

2, even if she lost all this weight instantly, she'd still be screwed. She has NO muscle anymore. I got rid of it all. Like I said earlier, muscle relaxers and forcing her to not move, even when she was lighter, turned any muscles she had into dust. Her cardiovascular system is wrecked, and she has diabetes, among hypertension and other things.

3, she can't go home because there is no way the police or fire department would ever get her body out of here. The only way in or out is a very narrow staircase, and I know they aren't blowing up a random bunker to get her out IF they ever do find her.

When I bought her down here 6 years ago, she didn't know it, but she was put in her grave. I just had to make her fit into it.

She was always gonna be a thicker girl, but I turned that up to 11. Her first year, she doubled her weight with some change, too. After I broke her metabolism, she gained exponentially faster. It was like I removed all the fail safes the human body had against weight gain. I averaged about 100 pounds a year on her, but her 4th and 5th years we got 150 pounds gained each.

Heavy cream, fatty meats, shakes, sugar, all of it went into a big grinder and got turned into a nice, smooth sloppy paste for her. I also added some very illegal and highly unethical drugs and hormones normally used in cattle and pigs to give her a little boost. Once I saw that it worked well on her, my other projects got them too.

So yes, all of that led to this girl being utterly, completely and thoroughly wrecked by me. I took her right before she peaked, and snuffed it out with pure.

I didn't want to just ruin her, I wanted to dominate her. Sure, I loved fat, but I needed more. I had to completely derail someone's future using trans fats, high fructose corn syrup and processed foods. A 24 year old shouldn't be this fat, not at this age. Safe to say, she was never going to find love, have her father walk her down the aisle, or start a family.

No one but a select few would even be attracted to the mass of rolls and stretchmarks I had turned her in to. Her family wouldn't even recognize her anymore.
And starting a family? Her size and all the hormonal drugs I injected into her made sure that would never happened. I emptied my balls in between her thighs many times over the years, and I can guarantee the prison of flab around her made sure she was only for pleasure, not purpose.

I made my way around her, so she could see me, naked and still very much erect. Her face was red and sweaty, still recovering from her orgasm. The nasal cannula kept her from passing out.

God, her face was so fat that her lips were permanently pushed out. Heavy cheeks and jowls made her look dumb and airheaded. She had no neck, just a roll that combined to make one large chin.

My next goal? Get her so fat she can't see.
1 chapter, created 1 week , updated 5 days
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