Journal of Feeder

  By Meanbean21

Chapter 1 - entry 1

Welcome back to our regularly scheduled programming. The graduation buzz is over and work is starting to get really annoying. I mean, yes I knew that being an intern at Vogue would be tiring but DANG. All I do is run around all day, I can barely get a break.
At least I don’t hate my house. Chantel called me the other day with horror stories of her new housemate in Colorado and I can’t imagine. I’m glad that we lived together our senior year, I feel like this transition back to the city was seamless. Well, if you don’t count the 50 extra POUNDS the three of us brought as a graduation gift. Patrice is definitely carrying the blunt of it though. She gained like 30pounds the last three months. She dove into her thesis and I guess being a 5’5 couch potato didn’t support that “everything you can reach” diet. I’d like to say Kamari brought 15 pounds but... we split the rest 10/10. What can I say, he and I celebrated every BIT of senior year. It came at the cost of my original grad outfit but my boobs looked great in my backup dress. That didn’t matter now though, this internship ran me right back to 125lbs and those 10lbs just remain a prank on 5’9 frame for a few months. Can’t say the same for Kamari. If anything his butt just got bigger and who hates that.
Either way, I’m ready to be a big name in fashion! Or at least let me play with the clothes.. I thought it would be a The Devil Wears Prada with a hint of That’s So Raven (the later seasons when she’s a designers assistant). Right now it is all runt work. If I get one more tall Americano from Starbucks UGH idek. The only thing holding me over is knowing that my bosses last assistant got a rack of clothes for Christmas. Patrice knows, I’m obsessed. I describe to her the new collections ad nauseam. That’s why I love her though, she’ll sit through my gushing. She’ll even enjoy it if I bring her food and I definitely don’t mind watching her eat. Honestly, I think it’s why we work so well. On that note, I guess I should get back to work, maybe I can fake busy enough to get to leave a little early. Then I can grab some food and rant about this place.
3 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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Lesbianfeedee 3 years
I️ actually lowkey have a fantasy about ending up with a roommate who's secretly a feeder so I'm into this
Iread247 3 years
This looks juicy. Def what I wish my junior year of college looked like.
Fatcolyte 3 years
Enjoying this so far!
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Good solid start. Excellent voice. I look forward to more.