Lana's Gains and Love

Chapter 1

Lana's first year at university wasn't easy but luckily with a bit of hard work she managed to finish the year with above average marks. To pass the time over the summer break she was able to get a simple burger flipping job, she was grateful as it also helped her a lot with the finance's.
The job wasn't the best position, the grease from the fryers got everywhere and stuck to everything stubbornly. Though this issue was offset slightly by the fact that she could eat the store's products for several meals for free, there were numerous choices and she found them varied and tasty.
By the time she returned to her course for the second year she had put on approximately 15 pounds, this weight had settled around her midsection giving her a slightly pudgy belly. When it was pointed out by a friend of a friend she shrugged it off as nothing too serious and something she could lose quickly with a little bit of effort.
In her first class of the year she was surprised by a guy sitting close to her without many words. Over the next few weeks she ended up seeing him often and close by and so eventually she couldn't help but ask,
"Are you stalking me?"
To which he replied with a nervous nod and stated,
"A little maybe, I noticed you recently and have been working up the courage to ask you out."
In return to his surprising reply Lana could only nod and mutter okay, he returned her okay with a huge smile and then the class started. As the class went on Lana couldn't concentrate as she was distracted by him, looking him over she thought he was a little above average in the looks department. It also crossed her mind he could have chosen anyone but he chose me, hopefully it is for a good reason.
That first date happened that weekend and to Lana's surprise and Kevin's joy they had a lot of fun, talked easily and grew close with a natural ease.
After that success they became a couple who their friends often commented on, the most often being that they were jealous of how at ease and happy the two of them looked together.

Five weeks after they started dating thier date went a little differently as they went to a buffet restaurant for their meal and Lana found herself getting more helpings than she would have thought. When she realized her actions she looked to Kevin nervously to which he simply smiled before stating,
"You must have been hungry, you look happy and satisfied and I doubt this happens often."
Lana replied,
"Must be making up for the times I didn't eat while studying."
Lana then went back to the buffet with a smile and chose a rather large piece of apple pie and covered it with a healthy dose of custard before returning to her boyfriend. On seeing her return he looked to her choice and told her,
"It is good to make the most of it while eating at a buffet."
She smiled, nodded and consumed her dessert with gusto, stopping only to take a large mouthful from her third pint glass of cola.

It became more common for her to suggest that their dates include a visit to that same buffet, this had an impact as within a month of dating she had put on another 25 pounds. She noticed the effect this had had on her waist as she was cuddling with him on her sofa as they watched a movie and ate takeaway. He saw the concern cross her face and told her in a whisper in her ear that he didn't mind the softness, it was better than being too skinny and that he loved her.
Lana's only response was to turn to him, kiss him deeply and say that she loved him too.
2 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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GrowingLoveH... 6 months
Short, sweet and simple.

Well done.