Leaving It up to Fate

  By Ika_the_glut

Chapter 1 - introduction

Belinda laid on her devastated kitchen floor. Not that it was destroyed or damaged, in any way, just as of the current moment, extremely messy. Food wrappers were strewn everywhere throughout the ground, as well as spoons, forks, knives and all varieties of eating utensils scatter the area along the kitchen floor, not even the table, counters, chairs and shelves were safe. The big, beautiful woman, Belinda Eclair, resided at its epicenter. Relishing at the whirlwind of consumption she wrought upon the room. Her stomach, despite being overly bulbous already, was painfully distended as recovered from her gluttonous gorging. Attempting to catch her breath, which was slowly returning to her, after feasting on every, single, morsel in her home.

Belinda's gargantuan gut gently rose and fell with every inhale and exhale. It split into two folds, at the belly button with the bottom half taking prominence over the upper. Another division laid in her stomach's lower section. This time a vertical crevice, pointing from her belly button to the floor. Her fat upper belly rolled over its lower predecessor with the bottom hanging over hips, thighs and most notably, at least lately, past her knees.

Eclair's titanic, thundering legs wiggled slightly back and forth in anticipation as she reached for her clit muffin. Her large, simply put, thighs were greater in thickness than that of barrels, more accurately put. Her curvaceous calves were so wide they looked more akin to melons. Her fat feet kicked to and fro, wriggling her toes as she hummed and rubbed herself into sweet ecstacy.

Belinda Eclair's glorious Gluteus Maximus bulged outwards as she rested on the flat kitchen surface. It seemed to spread on endlessly and enticingly, folding and hugging over the back of her meaty thighs. If she were standing, a hearty shelf to rest one's hands, only to be expanded upon as she sits. A masterpiece to any with the preference to behold.

The donut fiend huffed as she rolled to her side and the let gravity tug her luscious, voluptuous softness to the Earth. Now, belly down with her head arched into the air, moaning in bliss as she cradled and fondled her stomach's rolls with her free hand and brushing her pleasure center with the other. Her back exposed and hilled on itself on two separate occasions; at her shoulders, where it puffed out and at the back of her abdomen, where it fluffed out. Leaving her hip dimples a conclave of a wanting grasp.

Belinda turned over once more, her back slamming to the ground at the simple, and exhausting, task. This causes her immense from to jiggle beyond belief, she moans louder as she clutches, gropes and caresses a breast. She only wore a black ill fitting bra and panties that were being swallowed by her bountiful rolls. Her billowing, pillowy boobs were a staple to her supple physique. Both bigger and broader than her own head, seemingly twice over. So welcoming for a face to rest between them.

Eclair's well-rounded face was true testament to her feminine form. Curvy, puffy cheeks and what once was pronounced jawline, a soft second chin, now consumed it. Her hazel eyes glazed over from ecstacy and decadent indulgence. Delicate and flowing brunette hair scattered wildly across the floor as she shook and nodded her head, moaning and groaning in her own absolute pleasure.

Belinda began crying out with every slow, circular, rotation. Lost in her own lust. However, it had not always been this way. She was once active and fit, despite always being slightly pudgy to begin with. Now, an unbridled and insatiable glutton. It was discovering her love of pot, more importantly, the munchies she craved after smoking, that led her to this moment. She always had an appetite but always kept herself in check cheerleading in high school. That changed in college after someone offers her a toke that unleashes her hungry, lazy lifestyle she always wanted, but didn't know she did, until such a short and while ago. Now, a college dropout but a moderately successful marijuana grower and dealer. Keeps a roof above her head and an endless stream of food inside her gut. She wants for nothing, now, but more...

The woman who named herself after a pastry left all this up to Fate. When she tossed a coin that landed on her decision to eat what she wanted, how ever much she wanted, whenever she wanted. A choice she'll never regret to go back on. One life to live should be lived the way the alive want it to be lived. She climaxes, causing her large girth of corpulency to wobble uncontrollably, as if someone just belly flopped onto a water bed. She smiles, closes her eyes and hums herself into a food and pleasure coma...
2 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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Ika_the_glut 3 years
Ika_the_glut 3 years
By the Gods!! Thanks for all the views, much love!! 😍❤️💝💜