Martha's Magic

  By UsTwo  

Chapter 1

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Martha had been looking forward to this moment all day. She was lounged out on her sofa, the pile of students’ workbooks she’d been marking set down to one side and a large, empty bowl resting on top of her distended belly. She’d always taken pleasure in this feeling. Being one of the main flying instructors at a witch academy meant she maintained a slim figure, partly out of necessity and partly simply because the nature of the job kept her on her toes.

She pushed herself up to stand. Looking down, she revelled in her girth, swollen right out so she could only just see her toes. The feeling of her skin stretching sent tingles of excitement through her body. The seam of long tunic dug in, emphasising her bulging bloat. She put her hand up her top to feel the elastic waistband of her sports shorts. It was pulling a little. She wondered how it would feel to exhaust the elastic….to feel her body grow so large that it couldn’t accommodate her anymore. She ran her hands down her thighs, bending to get that feeling of her belly being too large to let her move as freely as she normally would.

This was fun and all but it wasn’t enough. She stood up straight and walked into the hallway. Her reflection somewhat disappointed her. Yes, her tummy was noticeably big, she could even feel its little extra weight as she moved, but she wondered how the rest of her might look if she were heavier. She tried to picture the difference. Her arms softer, face fuller, hips wider, breasts juicer. The idea of total transformation aroused her so much.

After a fumble with herself, she headed back to the sofa. She had work to do. She couldn’t let herself get carried away. She was thin and that was how it would have to be. She could indulge and dream every now and then, but that was all. She picked up a book and began to check it over.
'Multiplication of Cells: Step-by-Step Guide for Abundant Quantities'
She’d tasked this class to come up with potion recipes that ensured they could always make more of the ingredients they needed, helping them to survive if they ever got into tricky situations or were stationed in remote areas. She hadn’t expected anyone to come up with a proper method, this class was...well, for want of a better phrase, not the brightest. But this kid had.

She read the recipe.

2 bay leaves…3 kilos of salt...a dash of sprileim mix

It all made sense. Her mind whirred. The mix was based on another spell for expanding space at specific times, it was totally possible that it worked. Her hands fell to her tummy, massaging the fullness. I couldn’t do that, she thought. Or could I?
7 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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